
Forever with you, dearest

Melanie finds and helped an injured vampire, despite him being a creature feared by humans. The next day, she came home to find he was gone. Eventually, they meet again but her feelings for him became a one sided love. Even when he was engaged to a sly princess and all the brutal killing of humans by the vampires, she was unwillingly to give up. Even if he loves her, he won't say it because his lifespan is short. Facing strong opposition and striving for survival, will Lord Darrick fall in love with the clinging human?. And thus, begin their twisted fate.

faithanna_justin32 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

In The Forest

Melanie flush in embarrassment at Cedric's words. Both brothers are quite interesting.

Darrick saw the pin on her head and smiled. Cedric mistook the smile and was about to open his mouth when Darrick shot him a warning look but the other young man didn't care.

"One word from you and you'll walk to the palace by foot." Darrick threatened his unyielding brother who always tease him to no end.

Melanie look at Cedric who was beside her and smiled. ' This man is too much ' she thought. He wasn't scared of Darrick the way Fergus fear him.

"Ms. Robert, smiling at me like that might cause me to think you're hitting on me, " Cedric said despite Darricks's warning.

Darrick hit the carriage and the coachman stopped moving." Out! " He didn't fret. Cedric shrug," sweet ride, brother." There was a hint of laughter in his voice.

Cedric was a man even in his death bed, he'd still laugh without caring about the world. He was completely different from the annoying introvert, Darrick, and the unlucky little prince who always gets punished, Fergus.

Instead of leaving, Cedric halted in his steps and look warily at the forest. Darrick and Melanie noticed this but he soon he walk away like a domineering lord.

Cedric walk into the woods with swift movement. When he got down from the carriage, he caught sight of someone walking in the woods. Hearing the heartbeat of the person he could tell it was a human and not a rogue so he continued walking.

He walked deep Into the forest but there was no sign of anyone around. The heartbeat was now distant. He pouted in a poise manner and turn to leave when his ear caught a sharp sound behind him.

Cedric tilt his head in amusement. ' Was this person playing with him? '. He raised his hand and caught an arrow between his fingers. The heartbeat became more clear and near.

He was surprised to see a young girl walking from behind a tree. The girl didn't look scared of being alone in the forest instead, she rushed towards him and used one of the arrows in her hand to hit him on his head.

"You duck, why did you caught the arrow! I wasn't aiming at you but that!" The girl shouted bashfully and pointed behind Cedric.

Cedric never thought in his life that a young lady would hit him on his head with an arrow. He look over his shoulder and saw a red cross mark on the opposite tree.


"Young girl what are you doing in this forest?" Cedric tried to smile genuinely for ones.

"I'm practicing my archery skill! What do you say, I'm good at it right?" The girl with brown hair and brown eyes ask excitedly while Cedric was looking ahead and trying to leave this human.

Another hit on his back made him look at the girl who was staring at him with unwavering eyes.

Cedric took two steps towards her while she remained unmoving. He took the arrow from her and break it in two pieces, "you don't know how to respect a prince. Do you?" he ask coldly.

Anne took many steps backwards and scrutinize him from head to toe. "Prince? More like a hunter," she muttered which was loud enough for Cedric to hear.

His eyes turn fiery red and Anne drew back warily. He didn't look like a vampire but now...,"

" Do you believe now young lady. Just turn and walk away else you'd be my breakfast," Cedric smirk.

Anne scoff, " you are the one to leave because you met me here!" She fired back at him.

Cedric's eyes return to normal as he stare at the girl. "Where do you live?" He ask.

"Sandaltown," she said and pouted.

Cedric walk towards the girl and held her shoulders. The next seconds, they were back at the alley in Sandaltown.

Anne look at the man in awe. Did he just teleported? " Oh my god, tell me I'm dreaming," she have heard about pureblooded vampires able to teleport from her father but she was still shocked to witness it. she grab his coat still staring at him with dreaming eyes.

Cedric eyed the alley and lean close to her ear, "shut your pouty lips and don't spout nonsense to the townspeople," Cedric yelled at the girl.

Anne stare at the man anxiously "then why did you do it? Aren't you worried that I'd tell it to...," her words were silenced when Cedric pinned her to the alley wall.

" Young Lady, I hope you keep your mouth shut else... he brought out a knife from his pocket and smirk at her. Anne remained unfazed and stare at him. The next minute, he was gone.


Inside the carriage, Melanie felt that her soul would be pierced by Darricks's stare. She wasn't able to look at him but Darrick was able to look in satisfaction.

She wanted this carriage to reach the palace in an instant. "I guess you must've many suitors," Darrick ask disgustingly.

Melanie narrowed her eyes in question and glared at the impulsive man opposite her. "What do you mean?"

"The magistrate's a filthy lewd man. I wonder why he chases after a lady of your calibre. Except you have something to offer," there was sarcasm in Darricks's words.

" You..."

Melanie was flabbergasted. She would never sell her body to any filthy man. Glaring at Darrick whose hair was now messed up by the breeze passing through the window, she sneered.

"What and how does it affects you?" She scoff. Darrick lips pulled up "you're admitting you and the magistrate have something?" he ask.

Melanie look out of the carriage window and sighed. "Do you know why I leave in that little house of mine?" she ask and stare at Darrick who was looking at her with his eagle like sharp eyes.


Melanie forced a smile "because, I'm trying to look for a partner who would love me wholeheartedly."