
Forever with you, dearest

Melanie finds and helped an injured vampire, despite him being a creature feared by humans. The next day, she came home to find he was gone. Eventually, they meet again but her feelings for him became a one sided love. Even when he was engaged to a sly princess and all the brutal killing of humans by the vampires, she was unwillingly to give up. Even if he loves her, he won't say it because his lifespan is short. Facing strong opposition and striving for survival, will Lord Darrick fall in love with the clinging human?. And thus, begin their twisted fate.

faithanna_justin32 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Roxane What Is This

Instead the Lord's study, Mr. Robert sat on the couch facing Darrick. The air was not as tense as he had thought, and it wasn't about Melanie but the safety of the people in Sandaltown. Mr. Joshua Robert was literally a business man who owns the largest textile and timber factory in Livingston.

He had few political friends and never expected the Lord would elect him as a councilman to his town.

"Mr Joshua. You have been a good and just man, men who're rare in Livingston. You're also doing well in your business and also striking a trade with other neighbouring kingdoms. With a little help from your daughter, I manage to lay hands on the magistrate, he'd be dropped from the position and would be passed to another. Also, now you're a councilman, you'll join the council house and I believe there will be extra time for you to check up on your business. " Darrick who was sitting on the couch with his legs crossed said.

" I also want you to keep an eye on the Duke and the new magistrate, " he added.

Mr Joshua was so speechless that he didn't know what to say. "Lord, I'm so shocked and honoured to serve in the council and I promise not to fail your hopes in me," he finally said with excitement dancing in his eyes.

Darrick smiled "don't bother."

"Thank you Lord Darrick. Can I see my daughter?" Mr. Joshua chose his words wisely.

" Last I saw her, she was with the Lady Roxane, "

That moment, the door of the study was opened and Fergus entered. " Fergus why the intrusion? " Darrick was upset by his brother who didn't knock.

" Something urgent, " Fergus said trying to contain his anger. Darrick arch his brow and stood up followed by Mr. Joshua.

"I should take my leave and not bother you anymore, Lord Darrick," he said and bowed to the two nobles before leaving the room.

After Mr. Joshua had gone far, Darrick shot Fergus a sharp look. " What is it? " he ask with a warning glare.

" Lady Melanie is kneeling at the back of the palace," Fergus busted angrily.

He was heading to Cedric's room when he saw Melanie from afar. Though it was far, he knew his governess and how she look. He went down to confirm and really, it was Melanie.

Darrick unbuttoned his sleeve at the top because he won't be going down there with his coat. He hates to leave his study room during the noon because of the blazing heat.


Outside at the back of the palace, Melanie was still kneeling weakly on the ground, the sun hitting her mercilessly. Her stomach was empty and her strength drained out.

The sounds of footsteps made her open her eyes, her eyelid was too heavy for her to lift. The three brothers were approaching her direction along with the Lady Roxane who look jittery.

"Your highness," the guards bowed to the brothers. They didn't expect the Lord to come here. Cedric was furious on the outside while Fergus was in the inside.

"Roxane what is this?" Darrick ask calmly, he couldn't deny this but this lady is vile.

Lady Roxane thought Darrick was not angry at what she did because he didn't raise his voice. "She insulted me and my position. She even claimed that she's your lover!" She shouted leaving the brothers stunned.

"Was that all?" Was what Darrick said. Lady Roxane was taken aback "ye...yes," she stuttered. She couldn't believe that the man she was engaged with didn't mind her. Recalling how he talked to the lady this morning, anger and jealousy rise inside her chest.

"Was that what she said you coward!" Cedric yelled and hit one of the guards. The guard groaned and quickly went on his knees "I didn't know what happened, she called me and I obeyed," the guard said with strength.

Cedric then look at the young guard, the guard quickly went on his knees "This young lady didn't do anything offensive. She only ask to pass the door which the Lady Roxane was standing." The young guard said fearfully,he didn't want to die yet when he just turned nineteen. He feared his body won't be able to hold it if the second prince hit him like that.

Cedric then turned to face Lady Roxane, he hated this woman right from the day he saw her. "You think we're blind and we don't know what you're doing you slut!" Cedric yelled, he wanted to beat this princess.

Darrick held Cedric on his shoulder "It's okay." Cedric was dumbfounded "what do you mean?" He ask his unreasonable brother.

"Her father just left, what will he say when he sees his daughter in this state, you wretch. Do you know who she is or her family?" He glared at Lady Roxane who was smiling because Darrick didn't bother about the useless governess.

"The Roberts are Nobles, not like your father, a servant who took over from the past king," Cedric spat out.

The smile on Lady Roxane's lips died when she heard what he said. Her face turn red in anger.

" You're not worth Darricks's..." " Cedric!" Darrick shouted.

Cedric smiled and held Fergus on his shoulder, now he's satisfied after lashing out on the dirty dust eating princess.

Darrick walk towards the weak girl who was still kneeling on the ground. He remove the wet hair from her face and pick her up in a princess style. Melanie who was at the verge of passing out was surprised at what he did. She didn't have the strength to struggle, as if she wasn't surprised enough, she fell unconscious.

Darrick smirk and turn to leave. Cedric and Fergus were shocked but they played along with their elder brother.

Lady Roxane was shocked beyond words, her face turn black and her bright eyes suddenly turn dull. ' No! She's dreaming. Darrick actually carried that woman, he carried her carefully as if she was a golden egg.

"What are you doing Darrick?" she wasn't able to speak fluently as the shock had took over her entire body and freeze her brain. ' This's not real '