
Forever with you, dearest

Melanie finds and helped an injured vampire, despite him being a creature feared by humans. The next day, she came home to find he was gone. Eventually, they meet again but her feelings for him became a one sided love. Even when he was engaged to a sly princess and all the brutal killing of humans by the vampires, she was unwillingly to give up. Even if he loves her, he won't say it because his lifespan is short. Facing strong opposition and striving for survival, will Lord Darrick fall in love with the clinging human?. And thus, begin their twisted fate.

faithanna_justin32 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Of Course I Do

Darrick didn't spare a glance at her. "She's an important person to me. Maybe more important than you," was his cold reply.

Lady Roxane felt coughing blood. "What did you say? We're getting married soon and who's she that makes her more special than I!" she yelled like a mad woman.

"Remember, this marriage is because of your father's greed for wealth. So keep your love to yourself. Oh, she's special than you because she's special to me and perhaps, my brothers," Darrick said and walked away.

The other two brothers could not be more than happy, " You two come here!" Fergus called the two guards who were also shocked to their bones.



Inside Darricks's room, Melanie was laid on Darricks's bed. Quietly watching her sleeping face, the door was opened and Cedric entered.

"Don't move! Keep staring," Cedric tease his brother again when he saw Darrick was about to stand up from his seat.

"Are you satisfied now? That you badmouthed Lady Roxane?" Darrick ask.

"Too satisfied for only today," Cedric tilt his head. " I'm leaving. See you in the evening," he said and head towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Darrick pinch the space between his forehead in exasperation.

Cedric lean against the door, his eyes staring deep into Darricks's. "Darrick, your time is almost up why not use it now in planting a good memory into someone's head."

Darrick gaze back at the girl quietly.. What his brother said is true but he doesn't want somebody to be worried about him.

" I caught a beauty yesterday, at least I'm handsome. Can you believe she hit me with an arrow? " Cedric was still upset.

" You deserve it, " Darrick said with a little smile on his face." Go and meet your beauty and don't be a beast by taking a bite from her. "

Cedric glared at Darrick before leaving the room. On the corridor, he saw Lady Roxane heading to her room and Fergus, who was walking towards the staircase.

He click his tongue and called his brother," Fergus, I was shocked to see Darrick cuddling the girl, "Cedric deliberately said to anger the Lady.

" Really, I'd gladly accept her as my sister-in-law. Don't you think so?, " Fergus ask, delight dancing in his eyes.

" Of course I do. " Cedric laughed.

As Cedric thought, Lady Roxane broke the door handle in anger. She didn't realize that she have been holding the handle tightly and the vampire strength in her added to her anger.


Inside the forest, Cedric strode deeper into it without caring, his sense told him that the bow girl might be here.

He continued walking and came to stand on an empty space, it seems the trees here were removed. Cedric stood at the middle of the forest, "maybe I'm wrong," he muttered.

He just took a step backwards when a sharp blade was pressed across his neck. The knife was a little one, almost the same size as his and the hand holding it was fair and smooth.

Anne grinned childishly and backhugged Cedric after putting the knife away. Cedric sigh in relief, was this girl trying to kill him? he thought.

"What kind of play is that. I was scared of my wit," Cedric blurted. The girls hand around him tightened and she laughed, "a prince who's scared."

Cedric roll his eyes and turn to look at the girl with brown eyes, small nose and pouty lips. Her hair was now tied in a ponytail making her facial features bold.

"Little girl, who taught you how to back hug a man? " He wanted to tease this girl.

" No one taught me. What? I didn't do it well? " She questioned.

Cedric was speechless, she was even asking if she did it well." No! it was rubbish."

Anne frowned and pounce on him again. This time, she embrace him fully while Cedric was damn speechless as if his brain was fried.

He quickly yank her off him, "what are you doing?" he ask harshly. This human is unpredictable.

Anne bit her lower lips in embarrassment. She just wanted to embrace him, "what are you doing here?" She ask.

Cedric stare at the girl for sometime before walking back to the forest.

"Where are you going!? You haven't tell me your name!" Anne shouted but the man didn't bother to turn, he just disappeared back into the forest.

"I just wanted to hug someone!" She yelled loudly and almost break down in tears. Since she lost her parent, she didn't have anyone to rely on. Yesterday after meeting this man, she hoped he would come back.

Anne didn't know that her yelling attracted some creatures inside the forest.

Cedric heard the girl yelling but he didn't care to look back. The sudden smell in the air made him realized something.

Anne scream on top of her lungs when she saw a dozen of men walking towards her. It wasn't that that scared her, it was their appearance, those pale cracked skin, pitch black eyes and unstable movement, she could never forget these things.

The only thing with her was her knife, she left her bow at home. Then one of them charged towards her.

Anne's heart skipped several times as she raised her knife, she stab it into the rogue vampire's neck.

She continued stepping backwards and hit a hard surface which wasn't a tree.

"Silly girl,"

Cedric bit her ears teasingly and point his gun at the deranged vampires and shoot them one after the other. The vampires disintegrate into black dust the moment the silver bullet hit them.

Anne was so shocked to her marrows that she failed to notice Cedric staring at her.

"What are you thinking about?" Cedric kept probing the girl who refused to speak. He sighed and turned to leave but his arm was quickly held by Anne.

Cedric face the girl and tilt his head, "what were you thinking about?"

"Nothing.Just shocked," she answered dryly.

"Mm. You should leave this place, it's not safe for you anymore," Cedric said and walk away.

Anne glared at the unfazed man who was walking away, "are you going to leave me here?" her eyes were now moist.

The sudden attack of those creatures made her recall the death of her parents and now the man was also leaving.