
A little sweet

[From Author Point of view]

They arrived at Jaehyun and Jaeii new house that they will live together from now on.Doyoung is amused by the house also Annie does.

"Why the hell is the house so big?"Jaeii mumbles to her self as she is looking at the big mansion.

"Only 2 people why the house has to be that big?"Jaeii said

Jaehyun heard she is mumbling so he come closer to her back and lean in front to whisper to her ear.

"Did you forget our kids?"Jaehyun said suddenly Jaeii face become a tomato.

"Who are going to have kids with you?"Jaeii push his away and face him.

"I'll disvorce!"Jaeii said and Jaehyun just look at her eyes.

"Let's see..."Jaehyun said and walk in to the house leaving Jaeii outside.

"Unni-We will go and walk around!"Annie shout tell her sister before going with Doyoung.

"Why am I alone outside?"Jaeii said to her self...She is stomping her feet.

"You want to stay there?I'll close the door!"Jaehyun shout from in side.

"YAH!"Jaeii shout

"You dare?"She continues

Jaehyun pop out in front of the door and look at her.

"Okay then!"Jaehyun take it for real!He close the front door leaving Jaeii outside.

Jaeii open her eyes widely.Jaehyun really close the front door?Jaeii shout and shout but he didn't even come and open the door.It's a bit cold out side...She sit in front of the front door hugging her self and her month keep complaining.

[1 hour later]

"Ehh-I didn't lock the door-Why don't the pig head come in?"Jaehyun who is sitting and reading some information that Haechan and Mark send to him in the living room.

"Is she dead?"Jaehyun put his iPad away and walk to the front door with his hand in his pocket.

"Wahh-It's snowing?"Jaehyun looks at the sky and it's snowing.Suddenly he fell something on his feet.

"Ehh-Pig head!Are you okay?"Jaehyun kneel down to see Jaeii who is pass out.Her mouth turn to purple and her body is cold.

"Sh*t!Jung Jaehyun...she can't stay in the cold weather for too long!Are can you forget it?"Jaehyun blame him self and carry Jaeii to his room.

"Let's me go,You brat!"Jaeii know that he is carrying her so she hit his arm want him to let her go.Jaehyun didn't say anything just let Jaeii hit him.

He gently place Jaeii on his bed and cover her with blanket.He start feeling her temperature.

"I'll go get you a medicine and cold water!"Jaehyun said

Jaeii suddenly feel like this isn't Jaehyun that she known before.When they first broke up he be really rude to her but this Jaehyun right now I caring about her a lot.

"Ehh-Jaeii!He is Jaehyun!The one who break your heart!"Jaeii slap out her thought

"Why did you slap your self?"Jaehyun appear with a medicine and cold water with a towel.

"Drink medicine first!"Jaehyun hands her medicine with a water bottle.

"No!"Jaeii refuse and cover her face with blanket.

"JAEII!"Jaehyun said and stare to the one who cover with blanket.

"NO!"Jaeii said

Jaehyun puts the medicine in his mouth instead.

He takes the blanket off form her and kiss her.

Transferring the medicine in to her mouth by his mouth.After he done he take the water and give her to her.

"Aish!You brat!"Jaeii choke her water because Jaehyun force her too much.