

[From Author Point Of View]

"What wrong?"

Jaehyun who is listening to Doyoung explain about the accidents get disturb by Jena is appearing and want a permission to talk with him.

"Mrs.Jung want you to go home early because have some important matter to do!"Jena whispers to Jaehyun silently don't wanna disturb the boys who is listening Doyoung reason.

"Alright,I will!"Jaehyun always answer in short cut.

[The place that creat the accidents]

[Han River]

Some police are gathering around to find the information about this accidents.The atmosphere is quiet scary.Some people are scared because there are a lot of murder case now a day.Mafia are everywhere around them but they don't know.Mafia always get out at night and murder or stole some stuff from people.That the reason why South-Korea doesn't have much people walk at night.

Meanwhile 127 group also known as Mafia but at the same time they are detectives.

"Is the wound worse?"Doyoung ask didn't even look at the death body.Taeyong is scanning though the body to see wether something is different or not.

"Ehhh-Doyoung!"Yuta exclaim as he spout something on the victim's head.

"What wrong?"Doyoung asked as he walks toward Yuta.

"He got shot here!"Yuta point to the side of victim head.

"Well...Jun take the body and look after it carefully!We will pay a visit tomorrow!"Jaehyun tells one of the police that he knows.

"Yes-Sir!"Jun who is a police said and tells his members to bring the body away and keep it.

"Hyung!Can you come with me?"Jaehyun is asking a favor from Doyoung to come with him.

"I can,Since Imm bored!"Doyoung said and play with the sand waiting for Jaehyun to finish his talk with Taeyong and Yuta.

"Find more information about Black Boys and especially about the news case!"Jaehyun whispers silently to Taeyong and Yuta.They nodded as an agreement.

"Okayyy,We off now!"Jaehyun said and walk to his car with Doyoung following behind waving bye to Taeyong and Yuta.

"Let's go!"Yuta said

[Jaehyun's Mansion]

[The main Mansion]


Some people are chatting...

They are all the maid in the mansion.

"What are they talking about?"Doyoung who is walking behind Jaehyun looking at the maid and back putting his hand in his pocket.

"How could I know?"Jaehyun said as he stares at the maid and the maid suddenly stop and break up to do their works.

Doyoung eyes follow the maid to see where are they going without looking what is in front of him.Jaehyun walks in before him leaving him staring at the maid until he bumps in to someone.

"Ahhhh!"A girl who bump with Doyoung grain in pain as she touch her head slowly.They both fall down on the floor.

"Omo...Sorry!"Doyoung help her stand up and try to see if she is okay or not.

"Are you okay?"Doyoung ask



"Aigoo!I miss you my pig head!"Doyoung jump as he hug her tight.

She is his childhood friend.They used to play together but they have been apart because Doyoung went aboard.They always prank and tease each other especially Doyoung.He always tease her.

"Hey,I cant breath!"She said as she try to push him away.

"I miss you!"

Suddenly he kiss her on her cheek.

"Aish!Go away!"She shuu him away with her hand.

Her name is Kim Jae-Ah her nick name is Pig head which given by Doyoung.She got a nick name which is Anni.Her parents and her family always call her that.

"Why are you here?You know Mr.Jung?"

Doyoung ask as he is holding her hand tight.

"Errr-There is something going on!"Anni said

"Ohhh!"Doyoung put his hand that he hold Anni hand in his pocket because he always has his hand in his pocket.

"Master and Lady!"A maid come and approach them.

"Please go inside!There is a meeting!"A maid smile at them as she bows.

"Ah...Really?"Doyoung ask and the maid bow as a 'Yes'.

"Let's go!"Anni said and pull him with her and go inside the mansion.

[Inside the mansion]


Jaehyun and his family are chatting with his dad friends.Doyoung and Anni appear.

"Hello!"They both bow.

"Ahh...Who..Who is this?"That must be Anni mom.

"He is my childhood friends that I used to to you,Kim Doyoung!"Anni introduce Doyoung and Doyoung bow.

"He also my best friend!"Jaehyun said and Mrs.Kim nodded.

Anni and Doyoung separate go to stand in their position.Doyoung and Jaehyun stand behind Mrs and Mr Jung.While Anni and her sister standing beside Mrs and Mr Kim.

"So...The important reason for the meeting today is...Jaehyun and Jaeii arrange married!"Mrs.Jung said


Jaeii Anni also Doyoung were surprise.But Jaehyun just stand still not surprise at all.

"Yep!"Mrs.Kim said

"Mom!But he...."Jaeii shutter

Jaeii and Jaehyun used to be girlfriend and boyfriend but because of the reason (In prologue) they broke up.

"Let's the kids talk!"Mr.Jung suggest

Then the older walk away and have lunch before them.

[Only teen are left in the living room]

"Yah!You!"Jaeii walk to Jaehyun and point in to his face.

Doyoung and Anni move to sit on the stairs not to bother this husband and wife.

"How can I married with you!"Jaeii complain.

"Why?"Jaehyun ask

"You have broke my heart already!"

The situation went quiet.Doyoung and Anii don't say anything beside watching them.

"Have we known each other before?"

Jaehyun words make Jaeii shocked.

"Why?You don't remember me?"Jaeii shout

"I ask you!Have we met before?"Jaehyun still asking the same question.

"Somethings might goes wrong with your brain!"

"Mom!I'll leave now!" Jaehyun said to his mom.

"Ahh...Take Jaeii with you!"His mom said

Jaeii looks confuse also the two who are watching them.

"You guys stay at the same house from now!"Mr.Jung said

Jaeii looks even more shock.She looks at her parents but her parents just smile at her.

"We have pack her bag and bring there!Enjoy!"Mrs.Kim said and she ignore the kids and continue her talk with her friends.

"Let's go!"Jaehyun said but Jaeii doesn't even move an inches.

"I don't like to repeat my words a lot!Let's go!"

Jaeii has no strength to complain but she will complain at her new house with him.

"Jay!I go with you!" Doyoung run to Jaehyun and wave for Anni to follows him.

"Mom!I'll go with Ji!"Anni said and off with Doyoung to Jaehyun new house.

Jaehyun new house with his future wife.

Isn't he is jaeii ex boyfriend who make her heart broken?

But why doesn't he remember her?

He forgot the past already?

[Jaeii's Pov]

Did he really forgot me?

Ahh I still haven't move on from him yet!


But he broke my heart already.

No way-That he forgot me.

I will find out!

Hi guyssss,How was the story so far?

I hope you enjoy it and I decided to not making this book as a sequel.I change the main character girl name to Jaeii.And don't get confuse Ji,Ji is Jaeii nickname.Yep,Plz enjoy it.I'll update as soon as it's possible 💗