
A little time with her

[From Author point of view]

"Yuck!Jung Yoon Oh!"Jaeii stick out her tongue and stare at Jaehyun.

"Wahh-You know my real name?"

Jaehyun ask while trying to wipe her mouth but she refuse it.He suddenly kiss the corner of her lip because there's water there.

What the?"Jaeii shocked.

She look at him and give him a dead glare ever!"

"You refuse it!" Jaehyun said while looking at her.

"MY GOD!You brat!"Jaeii hit his shoulder hard.

He just stare at her without saying anything.Jaeii keep hitting him until she realize that he has been staring at her the whole time.She slowly stop her action and put her hand in the blanket.

"You know what?"Jaehyun said and Jaeii face become curious.

Is he going to tell her that they used to be a couple?

He still remember her?

"You are ABCDEFGHIJK!"He said and Jaeii raise one of her eyebrows and look at him.

"What the f**k is that?Imm not the alphabet!"

She look at him while he is laughing.

"Attractive brilliant cute darling elegant funny gorgeous and Hot!"

Jaehyun bite his lip which make he looks more hot.Jaeii just look at him blankly.

"I know it you shouldn't say it,Imm shy!"Jaeii is playing around with him when he tells her all those things.

"Wait?How about IJK?"

"Imm just kidding!"

Jaehyun said and walk away leaving Jaeii alone almost explode in to pieces.


[Jaehyun's Pov]

That was fun,wasn't it?


Imm cooking in the kitchen and suddenly my phone ring I go and pick it up realize it was Doyoung.

"What is it hyung?"I answer while one of my hand is putting the vegetables in to the soup.

"There is another case the same as the last one!"

"What?Really?I'll go now!"

I hang up and try to finish the dinner as fast as I can.

I prepare the dinner on the dinning table and wrote some note on it.

I leave my mansion and hop on my car and went straight to my office.

[From Author point of view]

Jaeii keep looking around before she decided to come downstairs to look for something to fill up her stomach.

"I can't cook!"

She realize that she can't cook.But she still come downstairs to see wether there is some snack or not.

She spot a meal on the dinning table.Where is the note Jaehyun left it there?

She lick her lip and start digging on her foods.

The paper is flow away by the wind.So she didn't get to see it.

[Jaehyun's Company]


The boys are chatting about their business.

Doyoung is sleeping on the table doesn't care what going on at all.Mean while Haechan and Mark is playing on the floor next to Doyoung.

Jaehyun Taeyong Taeil Johnny Yuta and Jungwoo are discussing about the new accident.

"Wait!I heard you got an arrange married?"

Yuta cut off and look at Jaehyun with a curious eyes.

Jaehyun sigh and ruffle his hair hardly.

"It's just happen I didn't even know!"Jaehyun let out a big sigh and look at yuta and ruffle his hair again.

"I don't want to make her hurt second time!"

Jaehyun mumble only the one who got a good hearing can hear that,Lee Taeyong.Taeyong hear it but he doesn't say anything's just take a look at Jaehyun and look back to the picture about their business!

"I think we should find more information about this!"Jaehyun suggest and everyone nodded.

Black Boys Jaehyun is finding I formation about them until he didn't realize what time is it even the boys.They have been working hard.

"I'll go get you guys some drink!"Doyoung who is looking out side the window said and stand up to go get the boys some energy drinks.

"Wahhh-Thanks!"Taeil said and back to focus on his work.

"I'll be back!"

Doyoung said and leave alone.

[Doyoung's Pov]

I was walking to the nearest mart.

I bought every person favorite drinks and some extra just for them in case they want some more.

Well-To be honest...I love walking at night!Haha

Weird right?It's not much people here so it's refreshing also have some fresh air.


[From Author point of view]

"What take that weird bunny so long?"Yuta whines as he keep looking out side.

"WELL-Traffic Jam?"Haechan giggle

"Haha!"The other laugh except Jaehyun who is talking on his phone.

"Hyung,Doyoung got caught!"