
Forever A Child

[a/n: Hey guys author here. this is my first time taking a stab at writing. I’m not a professional it’s more of a hobby so I may not be the best when it comes to grammar and stuff but I will try as hard as I can. all I ask is that you be kind in the comments.] trouble is brewing in the world. after being physically regressed in age during the demon war by Zhao Yang, the Demon Emperor has finally reached the age of awakening once more and has begun to regain the strength that he lost. the most powerful cultivators during this time ascended to the god realm right after the conclusion of the final battle, including our heroes Zhao Yang and his angelics. after years of planning and experimenting Zhao who is the new god of youth comes up with a plan that might give the mortals the advantage that they need. for his plan to work, he needs the help of the primordial goddesses. beings that control the very fabric of time and space itself. together, they create beings of immense power and plant them in human hosts. For Mack and Vorick Evergreen, the princes of Evergreen kingdom, life was simple. Vorick was the fighter and strongest of the the twins while Mack was the book worm. this was due in part to the fact that Mack was born without a Mana core. this stunted his growth and prevented him from gaining any kind of strength. his life takes a turn when the wrong people find out about this issue and force him to leave the castle. the wheel of fate begins to turn when the God of youth gets involved and turns their lives upside down once more. join the twins as they use their new God-given talents and navigate their now complicated lives getting stronger as fast as possible before the demon realm attacks. will they be able to do it on their own? will they need help? how can their lives possibly get any more complicated than it already is? [a/n: I do have a full-time job so I may not be able to update a lot at one time but I will try to update as much as I possibly can when I can. I will however, see this through to the end regardless on how well it does. if you like it, add it to your library if you don’t like it, add it to your library anyway lol]

DC_Davis · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

The Trial Begins

"Upon completion of my examination it was found that Mack Evergreen does infact have a mana core that is awakened. He has also awakened the same affinity as his brother" said Veritas

"Which is youth" said the council leader

"Correct" said Veritas

"And how did this happen. People don't just randomly grow mana cores"

"The old stable hand Tony. He found the divine daggers hidden in the wall of the stables and attempted to use them in a demonstration. When confronted by the god of youth himself he laughed in his face and was cursed so he hid them in the house and when Mack got out their and found out he was going to die he gave them to him and the daggers chose him. He had to sacrifice 4 years to create the core. Vorick helped him by sacrificing 5 years himself to fill his core enough to awaken. So they currently look like five year olds." Said Thomas. He was at a loss for words at how these people found out all this information. So he felt it better to not lie. "They can also communicate directly with the god of youth somehow"

Everyone in the chamber got quiet. At this revelation. "You know what this means your majesty" said Veritas

"Please inlighten me" he said

"With the statues of the angelics lighting up this morning and now you telling us that and my conclusion I came to myself. Your majesty your boys are the chosen disciples of youth?"

"Oh yes I already new that, but why are you acting as though they just caught a contagious disease. Their are thousands of disciples of gods. They run the temples"

"Your majesty are you familiar with the tales of Xander and Caden, the friends turned goons of the god of youth before they assented" asked the leader of the council

"Of course I'm familiar. How could I not be, their tales are legendary" said the king

"They started out as disciples of youth. Then as they got stronger they started to evolve slowly turning into angelics. Your majesty as your sons get stronger they will begin to evolve into angelics" said Veritas

"Ok that's not necessarily a bad thing" said the king "they would be a major asset on the battlefield just like their predecessors"

"We're not saying they wouldn't be, your majesty. We just need to be careful. Xander, Caden and Zhao were ruthless in their climb to power. Using peoples weakness to gain power. Yes, they did good deeds, especially during the demon wars, but their crimes against humanity outweigh their good deeds. And I'm sure every member of this council will agree with me when I say that they would rather your boys be held in the dungeons instead of out in the world draining people of their essence like some messed up vampires even if the demon realm is planning to invade soon. When the people of this kingdom and other kingdoms around the world find out about your boys, they will be shunned. There won't be A single major city or town that will allow them to take up residence"

"Xander and Caden and Zhao might have been power hungery but arnt we all. isn't that the point. It's what we are taught from a young age. Strength and power are everything. If you don't have any one of those you will go nowhere. Those three understood the assignment. I don't think they are as bad as they're being labeled." Said the king " I can promise you that my boys will not regress people randomly"

"Regardless they must be watched. So from this point forward, they will have a babysitter appointed by the council. If they step one toe out of line, they will be in the dungeons faster than you can say eggs and bacon. We don't care that they get stronger, However, The people being regressed must be in agreement, or they must be sentenced to death they cannot make that judgment themselves. If the Council appointed babysitter agrees they will be attending the Academy where this person can watch them at all times" said the council leader "do you agree to these terms?"

"I guess I have no choice in the matter" he said

"good, then that leads us into our next topic" said the leader "Macks title as prince is here by reinstated, however, both of your boys have been deemed ineligible due to the law which states that a candidate for king must not be allied with any God. A candidate for king must remain impartial. Due to this the title of crowned prince will go to Zach once he awakens next month, he is also to be moved into the castle as soon as the twins leave for the Academy if all goes to plan. this is at the request of your brother. Who Questions the safety of his son. Around your boy" said the leader

"I knew you had a part play a this" said Thomas as he glared at his brother " however that does work out because Vorick was going to abdicate anyway, due to his inability to age"

"Fantastic, moving on" said the leader flipping over another paper "Tony's son has agreed to adopt his father legally has his son so he is currently on his way to the castle to get him. I know you were interested in adopting the boy and I am sorry about this, but we cannot overlook the law. Max has the right to his new son. he will be leaving this evening and living with his father on the Academy campus. I encourage the two of you to visit the orphanage in the lower district. If you are still planning on adopting or fostering, we think a foster care program is a good move and will back the two of you 100%."

The meeting continued on with talks about preparing the army for the upcoming invasion from the demon realm among other topics that were not worth mentioning. This continued on for another couple of hours until eventually the meeting came to an end.


Waking up from his cultivation Mack glanced around and saw Tony asleep beside him. He noticed that the sun was already on its downward descent which means they missed lunch. And it was getting close to dinner. He opened his system and noticed that his amount of mana didn't rise at all. "System, I just cultivated all day, I thought that the number would be higher"

[the number is not higher because you were cultivating to increase your rank which takes all that extra mana and reinforces your core another couple days and you'll rank up your core. Then your mana stats number will increase]

He dismissed his screen and noticed that Vorick was looking at him uncomfortably. "Are you ok"

"Yeah" he said instantly and stood up. Mack instantly noticed the potential discomfort

"Come here Ricky" said Mack with a wave

"Why" he asked concerned that Mack was going to do something to him.

Mack grabbed Vorick by the hand and dragged him over to stand in front of him. He then lift his brothers shirt and plunged his hand inside his diaper. "Ah, hey" he yelp in surprise "get your hand out of their, pervert. At least ask first if you want to play with my weiner" he said in complete surprise at his brother.

"What are you talking about? Why would I want to play with your thingy. Im just checking to see if your diaper needs changed dummy" said Mack as he pulled out his hand and wiped it on his brother's shirt. "I think you'll be ok as long as you don't poop"

"I will not…poop…my diaper" he said in finality "that's gross"

Mack chuckled to himself "ok, whatever you say" he walked over and shook Tony till he woke up "did you enjoy your nap bubba" he asked

Tony rubbed his eyes "mmmm yeah"

"Do you need a butt change" he asked

"No" he said

"Come here and let me check" he said as Tony Obediently walked over and stood in front of Mack who proceeded to check his diaper the same way he did with Vorick. "Your pretty wet bubba. Lets go and get you changed before you leak"

They walked back to the castle and entered the front doors and was about to assent the stairs when Mack noticed Vorick wasn't next him anymore. He looked back only to see Vorick looking strained "are you sure your ok Ricky, you've been act funny since we stopped cultivating" but all Vorick could do was whimper. Mack then noticed that Voricks legs were slowly bending into a squatting position and he knew what was about to happen. He saw tears well up in Voricks eyes then he started pleading.

"No no no no no….please no" he whispered as he pushed out involuntarily "oh gods" he yelled.

Mack then heard the sound of his twin going to the bathroom in his diaper against is will this caused Vorick to burst into tears. After a few minutes the grunting stopped but crying did not. Mack walked up to his twin and rubbed his shoulder then hugged him tight "are you finished" he asked softly

"I hope so" he sobbed out "h..how d..do you d..deal with this"

"When I first regressed to this age I was completely beside myself. I was a big boy that didn't need diapers anymore but I eventually got used to it. I'm still not used to pooping my pants and would rather not if I had a choice but I don't. It's going to be something that you have to deal with as it comes. Youll fail your mission if you don't. Your lucky that nobody but me and Tony were around for your first number 2 but the next time we may be in public or around other kids. Come on let's go find someone to change you"

"Wait your not going to do it" he asked with wide eyes

"No I'm not strong enough to lift you or Tony. Come on let go find mom" said Mack as he grabbed his brothers hand and pulled him along behind him up the steps. Eventually they ran into Roy who was walking towards them "hi Mr. Roy do you know where mom is"

"Hello your highness I was actually coming to get you. Your new wardrobe is in and your mother wanted to dress you properly before you are to meet your father in the throne room she is in the bedroom" he said gesturing down the hallway

They continued down the hall way and entered the room to so see their mom going through bags of stuff. "Hey mom" mack said out loud

"Oh, high boys, your clothes and diapers are here so let's get you changed" she said as she stripped Tony down to his diaper picked him up and layed him on the bed. And proceeded to clean him up then she grabbed what looked like a diaper but was different.

"What's that" asked Mack. it was solid white like most diapers would be. He watched as his mom put the diaper under Tony and pull it up between his. She then grabbed these things that were attached to either side of the diaper and attached them to the front panel of the diaper where the pins normally went and stood Tony up. "This is a new invention by Dampers called a disposable. They are a lot thicker then the cloth ones but no more cleaning diapers. You just wrap them up and throw them away. Also something to keep in mind Tony's diapers are half a size smaller then yours at size 4 yours are size 4.5 she said as she pulled a pair of shorts out of his bag and put them on the boy. The shorts were light blue with pictures of baby beasts on them, they also did nothing to hid the the diaper at all. In fact the shorts made it stand out more. If that was possible. She then grabbed a light blue matching tank top and put it on him. Both boys were hopeful that their outfits were less babyish.

"Umm our cloths don't look like that do they" asked Vorick "because I'd rather throw myself out the window then to wear something like that"

"I have to agree mom I'm not wearing anything toddlerish, the diapers are it. " said Mack

"Will you two breath he's a true 4 year old toddler, he's not going to care. Do you baby" she said as she tickled his belly causing the boy to squeal and giggle. "where as you guys only look like toddlers. What kind of person do you think I am."

Mack got up on the bed and proceeded to get his diaper changed when he was done he hopped down and inspected the new diaper. The material was made of an interwoven fiber, kind of like cotton this is what the fasteners stuck too. The diaper was definitely thicker and it caused his to waddle slightly. He walked over to his bag and looked through it. He chose a standard pair of shorts and a tank top and got dressed. He looked into the mirror and noticed the same issue that Tony had with the shorts making his diaper seem bigger. He heard Vorick start to cry again as their mom stripped him down and layed him on the bed. And cleaned him up good then she rediapered him and held him while patting his butt till he calmed down

"See Ricky it's not that bad" she said setting him down and dressing him in an identical set of clothes

"Still….embarrassing" he said trying his best to hid behind Mack as they walked towards the throne room. Upon entering they walked up to the front where Mary sat beside her husband. The boys were instructed to stand on either side of their parents. The hall filled up with lords and ladies. Mack noticed that they were members of the court. He also noticed that the council was their as well. Tony was being held by a maid off to the side. "Hey dad, what's going on" he asked

"Trial and sentencing for Maverick Oakenshield" he whispered as he patted the boy on his diapered bottom. Then out of the blue he scooped up the boy and cradled him in his arms.

"I'm not sleepy dad" said Mack as Vorick giggled at Mack's predicament.

"Am I not allowed to hold my boy" Thomas said with a fake pouting lip

"I'm not complaining by any means. You've just never did it during court before" said Mack as he soked up the affection

"It is a little out of sorts dear" said Mary

"I just want to show the people that we arnt all pomp and circumstance" he said as he lifted Mack's shirt revealing his belly and took a deep breath before blowing a giant raspberry on it which of course caused Mack to break into a fit of giggles that bounced around the room attracting the attention of the Nobles who couldn't help but gush at how cute the scene was. It showed them not just that he was a loving father but it also showed that he was just like them.

Jacob watched the scene with disgust. He couldn't believe that his brother would do something so rude in front of the entire court and council. He glanced at the slave boy and noticed a tear running down his cheek. He then noticed the look of absolute jealousy on Zach's face. Which didn't surprise him. He doesn't believe a man should be affectionate with his kids especially boys. That's a moms job im his mind. He guessed why Zach was so jealous right now was because his mom died during childbirth and he never got the affection he so desperately craves. Jacob feels that if he withholds affection Zach will be a manly man that people will fear as king.

With a big smile on his face and a out of breath kid on his lap he greeted the court "good evening lords and ladies of the court and esteemed Lords of the council. You'll have to excuse me, when the tickle monster chooses his victim he must follow through and tickle" said the king to which the crowd laughed "thank you for taking the time to be here. today we hold a trial, will the guards please bring in the prisoner" with that said two prison guards brought in a 12 year old boy who had a smug smile on his face like his freedom was guaranteed already. The king and queen could feel the twins mood shift upon seeing maverick. "Council leader you may begin" said the king as he rubbed Mack's chest in an attempt to calm the killing intent he felt coming from the boy. Mary was now holding Vorick and doing the same. Holding him close.

"My Gods how can such cute little boys have such killing intent" said the barrenness behind Jacob

"F..father is that what I'm feeling" said Zach as he tried to hide behind Jacob

"Yes boy, this is what killing intent feels like..."

poor Vorick not only did he have to sacrifice 5 years but he also is being punished. Will he complete his mission and be normal again?

what’s going to happen to maverick? stay tuned and as always if you Like it Add to library!

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