
Forever A Child

[a/n: Hey guys author here. this is my first time taking a stab at writing. I’m not a professional it’s more of a hobby so I may not be the best when it comes to grammar and stuff but I will try as hard as I can. all I ask is that you be kind in the comments.] trouble is brewing in the world. after being physically regressed in age during the demon war by Zhao Yang, the Demon Emperor has finally reached the age of awakening once more and has begun to regain the strength that he lost. the most powerful cultivators during this time ascended to the god realm right after the conclusion of the final battle, including our heroes Zhao Yang and his angelics. after years of planning and experimenting Zhao who is the new god of youth comes up with a plan that might give the mortals the advantage that they need. for his plan to work, he needs the help of the primordial goddesses. beings that control the very fabric of time and space itself. together, they create beings of immense power and plant them in human hosts. For Mack and Vorick Evergreen, the princes of Evergreen kingdom, life was simple. Vorick was the fighter and strongest of the the twins while Mack was the book worm. this was due in part to the fact that Mack was born without a Mana core. this stunted his growth and prevented him from gaining any kind of strength. his life takes a turn when the wrong people find out about this issue and force him to leave the castle. the wheel of fate begins to turn when the God of youth gets involved and turns their lives upside down once more. join the twins as they use their new God-given talents and navigate their now complicated lives getting stronger as fast as possible before the demon realm attacks. will they be able to do it on their own? will they need help? how can their lives possibly get any more complicated than it already is? [a/n: I do have a full-time job so I may not be able to update a lot at one time but I will try to update as much as I possibly can when I can. I will however, see this through to the end regardless on how well it does. if you like it, add it to your library if you don’t like it, add it to your library anyway lol]

DC_Davis · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

part 2

"This is a good learning moment for you boy. Look at your cousins. See how they were able to wipe that smug look off the boys face. Imagine trying to fight with that killing intent pressing on you. Their not even using their aura and they are able to suppress a boy 2 minor ranks above them who's been cultivating for two years longer then Vorick and a lot longer then Mack. That's why they are dangerous boy. I can't trust them to not harm you. You irritate them too much and you haven't awakened yet." Said Jacob to his son who was hiding behind him trembling

"Maverick William Oakenshield you are here today to be judged for your crimes and sentenced. The charges are as follows:

Murder in the first degree

Attempted murder of an individual closely connected to the Royal Family.

Endangering the lives of your fellow classmates.

Endangering the lives of the animals owned by the academy.

Threatening an official and talks of treason.

How do you plead boy?" Said Lord Cross leader of the council

"Not guilty" said Maverick

"Because you are just a child you are aloud a representative to help you plead your case. Choose now" said lord cross

"I choose my father Duke Oakenshield" said the boy and a clean shaven man with brown hair and narrow shoulders. The man was obviously a swimmer. He stood to the left of the boy.

"Some of these charges are stretching a bit Lord Cross" said the man

"Please explain why you think that is stretching" said cross

"Talks of treason…seriously…the boy can't even produce children yet and you all feel threatened by him. And threatening an official…did he threaten to tell his daddy on you because he does that a lot to get what he wants. He was angry and scared it was nothing but the ramblings of a child" said the man.

"We will take this into consideration" said Cross "anything else"

"According to the report I read the incident took place outside the stables. Can you explain to me how that endangers the animals?" Asked the man

"Your son is a lightning user. As everyone knows lightning is unpredictable and hard to control. His instructors at the academy say his control is questionable at best. So it's easy to say that he could have accidentally hit the barn sparking a fire. But noted. Do you have anything else to say before we question your son"

"No" said the man

"Maverick what do you have to say on the other charges why do you think you are not guilty" asked cross

"I never ment to kill that guy, I let my anger get the better of me. I also had no intention of killing Mack" said Maverick

"Is that right. One of your friends quoted you im his statement. You said I'm going to enjoy killing you trash" said Cross hold the paper up "it's all right here, every statement, and they all say the same thing. You intended to beat Mack Evergreen to death and had it not been for the interference of his twin you would have succeeded. It was also stated that you didn't even flinch when you killed the commoner boy"

"Correct me if I'm wrong Lord Cross but wasn't Mack Evergreen just a normal commoner at the time of the incident." Asked mavericks father. Lord Cross confirmed that this was indeed the case. "Then why is my son being tried as though he attempted to kill a royal. Both boys were commoners that disrespected a noble. My son was well within his rights to correct the problem. The death of the other boy was an unfortunate accident. It happens all the time" he pleaded for his son

They went back and forth for about an hour like this. But eventually they had to convene in a private room. The king and queen sat Mack and Vorick on their thrones and walked into the room with lord cross and the leader of the court. Mack and Vorick both still sitting on their parents throne Had a cold expression on their faces as they looked at Maverick. They didn't utter a word.

"I don't know what's worse the killing intent they had earlier or those eyes. I swear their glowing" said the slave boy. Others within earshot had the same thought including members of the council.

"How did they get to be so much younger then me physically but so powerful at the same time." Asked Zach

This was also on everyone else's mind as well and they all directed mana towards their ears so they could eavesdrop. "Well, that's because they arnt exactly human anymore" said Jacob "theyre what's called disciples of youth, which is the weakest form of the angelics."

"The god of youth chose those two" said Zach in surprise and anger at being overlooked "what makes them so special"

"They're identical twins just like Xander and Caden"

"Well that's stupid" said Zach

"Are you really jealous of your cousins" asked Jacob

"A little" he pouted

"Do you really want to be associated with a race of beings that did unspeakable things to humans" he asked the boy

"But they were heros" said Zach

"Oh I'm not talking about their deeds during the deamon war. I'm talking about the things they did in the name of getting stronger" Jacob went on to explain what all the two did in their life and to say folks were surprised was an understatement. They all staired at Vorick and Mack like they had two heads. The system had explained everything in much more detail then what their uncle did.

"Is that why you keep staring at my boy like he's a piece a meat" said Lord Oakenshield

"Look at me maverick" said Mack with a commanding tone that surprised everyone in the room. Little did they know that the 4 had reentered the room. The king held up a hand to stop people from giving them away. The king wanted to see what was going to happen. "I have a proposition for you, are you interested in hearing it" Mack asked the boy who's eyes got wide

"Ummmm…..s..sure I..guess" he stuttered

"Fantastic" said Mack with a cute smile "Lord Cross, Dutchess mcrath, and the king and queen have most likely decided on a death sentence for your crimes. But my brother and I can help you out of that fate. Unfortunately our help isn't free. You would need to give us something in exchange. Call it a trade if you will. What do you think so far"

The 4 that entered the room were surprised at Mack's confidence. Tears welled up in Mavericks eyes. He looked up into the twins eyes "I don't want to die" he cried "how much life essence do I need to trade"

"Bubba think about this. What if they don't sentence you to death. All that cultivation and hard work you put inn, lost. All the money I spent to help you" said Lord Oakenshield

"I'm sorry I wasnt a better son for you guys. I had a bit of a superiority complex and I let my power go to my head I'm so sorry please forgive me daddy" he sobbed

"Oh bubba"

"You guys won't think any less of me if I'm a baby again will you" he needed reassurance

"Of course not bubba, we will still love you so much." His dad looked a Mack "will he remember anything"

"He'll remember everything" he replied

A woman that Mack assumed was mavericks mom stepped forward "how young can you Mack him"

"We can take him all the way to a newborn who's only seconds old"

"Can you do that" she asked "I'm a wet nurse and I would love nothing more then to bond once more with my baby"

"We are only requiring him to give us 10 years worth of life essence if he wants to give up his last two then that's his choice" said Vorick

She looked at her son "what do you say, want to be our little baby boy" maverick smiled at him mom he had made his decision

"Do you promise that I will remember everything" he asked Mack

Mack smiled "yes, have you made your decision"

"I have and I choose a newborn. I haven't been able to snuggle with mommy in so long. Now I'll get to snuggle with her and daddy for the next 5-6 years" he said smiling

Both boys then scooted to the ends of the chairs and hopped off And walked down the steps "would you be willing to take your clothes off" said Mack

"You mean like naked….why" asked maverick blushing

"Your clothes are going to get in the way the littler you get" said Mack

"I guess that makes sense" he blushed deep red as he took his shirt off followed by his shoes, socks, pants and finally his underwear.

"Step forward" said the boys in unison to which Maverick did as told. He stopped right in front of the twins "do you have anything you'd like to say. You won't be able to speak for a long time" he turned to his mom and dad

"I love you guys so much. I promise I'll be a good boy from now on. I can't wait to snuggle mama" he smiled

"Me neither baby" she cooed

Mack noticed that the boy was trembling "are you cold" he shook his head

"I'm scared" said the boy

"Don't be, it doesn't hurt" he said as they put their hands on maverick's belly.

[a living entity (human) has been detected. Would you like to start the extraction process

Yes or no]

They chose yes and their eyes instantly started to glow bright gold as the life essence began draining from the boy. He passed from 12 to 11 then to 10, 9, 8,7,6,5,4,3 a stream of pee arced out of the boy as he lost his ability to hold it in 2, Mack put his hand on the boys butt while Vorick put his hand behind the boys head right before his legs gave out, 12months, 10months, 8months, 6months, 4months, 2months, new born. The boys eyes stopped glowing and maverick was hand completely over to Mack "can you go over and get his clothes" Mack asked his brother who walked over and pick up the shirt and pants "spread them out on the floor" Mack then gently layed baby maverick on his shirt and swaddled him in it then did the same with the pants. He pick up the boy and cradled him in his arms. "You'll need a diaper as soon as possible bubby. Oh and before I forget, I forgive you" he said as he tickled the boy's cheek. And walked over to the baby boys mom and dad. he took one last look at the boy "I want you to grow up big and strong and listen to your mommy and daddy and have fun. You ready for mommy she's looking kind of antsy" maverick smiled his toothless grin as a yes so Mack handed him over.

"Thank you so much for giving my baby a second chance. You have my respect your highnesses" said Lady Oakenshield her husband nodded

"Thank you. We will spread your kindness" he said

The twins turned around and saw their mom and dad sitting in their chairs as well as Lord Cross standing just to their right on the bottom step. They walked back up to them and climbed back up onto their laps. "I'm sorry daddy i kind of stepped out of line" he yawned and rubbed his eyes

"It's ok buddy we'll talk about it later" he smiled as he cradled Mack into a sleeping position and started to pat his bottom. In no time at all both Mack and Vorick were out cold.

"That is the reason I don't want you around them" Jacob said to Zach who was still in awe at what he witnessed. Something that shouldn't be possible happened right in front of his eyes. He knew how they felt about him and that was his fult. They hated him and now he was worried that they would make him a baby as punishment for being an ass. "I hope dad has a plan because I will not move into the castle with them running around on their own" he thought to himself. The boy was obviously rattled by what he witnessed and didn't want to admit to himself that he was scared of a couple of boys that were, in fact, physically half his age and that thought disturbed him greatly. Just one touch was enough to take away everything that maverick had work for. And he had questions. How were they so young physically and more powerful then kids at the advanced novis rank? That led him to his next question. How are they able to use magic at that age? You would think their mana cores would go dormant again if they got younger then 10. Is it because they aren't completely human? Thoughts kept running through his mind over and over until he felt a hand on his back. He looked over to his slave and sure enough he had a smile on his face.

"No need to be scared young master. Your father won't let them hurt you" said the boy. But little did the boy know that Jacob only cared about power and strength. if his son awakened an affinity that was weak he would abandon the boy like many others did.

"Hahaha…me….scared of a couple diaper babies…yeah right" he said "I'd beat them to within an inch of their life if they tried that with me" he claimed but both the slave boy and Zach's father could tell their was no confidence behind his words and he was visibly trembling. The slave boy moved closer to his young master and wrapped his right arm around the boy pulling him into him. Zach being deprived of affection sank into the side hug. "Weak" his father thought. "Maybe I could pass off a commoner boy as my long lost son and make him the crowned prince instead of Zach, who gets what he wants by riding my shirttail and hasn't actually worked hard a day in his young life. At least the commoner boy would know the value of working hard to get strong. Not to mention an orphan would do anything to improve his situation" his thought continued until he had a back up plan.

"Well that's taken care of thanks to the twins. That concludes our assembly I'd like to Thank you all for your time and we wish you all a good rest of your day. And I hope the Oakenshields enjoy their baby boy and that he enjoys his second chance" said the king

"Oh we will your majesty" said Oakenshield "and we will insure that he is raised up well this time"

With that the hall started to empty "Will the members of the council please stay behind for a quick meeting" said Lord pool. The members of the council were slightly confused at the impromptu meeting but they had a good idea that it had something to do with the twins.

"Do you all now understand my concerns" said Jocob "you all witnessed it with your own eyes. They used intimidation tactics on poor maverick to get him to agree, then used their cuteness to charm the adults. You can say what you want in their defense brother but even you must admit that they didn't do that out of the kindness of their hearts. I am highly disappointed in all of you. Any one of you could have stepped in and stopped them but you chose not to."

"We chose not to because the outcome was better then the alternative. And regardless on why they did it a lot of people saw them Exercise forgiveness, compassion, kindness. And not only did they give the boy a second chance they gave him happiness. Yes he lost a lot today but he gain so much more" said lord pool "the people will not see them as monsters"

"I fail to see what he gained out of this horror" said Jacob "look at my boy he's absolutely terrified that his cousins are going to turn him into a baby"

"He gained his mommy and daddy's exceptence and proved their unconditional love for their boy. And that outweighed the power and strength that he lost. He'll be able to grow up even stronger this time because of his memories so it's a win win." Said the queen "and your son wouldn't have anything to be scared about if he wasn't a spoiled little brat that likes to cause problems"

"The boys cannot be trusted to be by themselves" yelled Jacob as he pointed at the twins who jump at the loud noise.

"Please, continue being loud. Not like I was trying to recuperate my energy or anything" mack mumbled in a groggy tone. He was still sleepy and rather upset at being so rudely awoken. He looked up into his dads eyes.

"Be nice" scolded the king.

"So what boy, you get a little bit of power and you think you can talk to adults like an equal. You think you can take situations into your own hands." Said Jacob. A lot of the people in the room agreed with him. Though they didn't voice their opinions.

"Of course we're not your equals, that's preposterous. Were only 10 years old and barely awakened. Maverick was desperate for a way out. All we did was slip him the key to his cell so to speak. He unlocked it and walked through all by himself" said Mack

"That's right baby boy, your not our equals so why don't you just snuggle back into your daddy, poop your pants and fall back to sleep. That's all you've ever been good at" he chuckled

That was apparently the wrong thing to say because Mack's aura instantly exploded, his eyes glowed brightly and when he spoke it sounded like he had two voices "I think I've heard just about enough out of you. Do not make the mistake of thinking the appearance and kind nature of my angelics make them weak. They may not be able to win a battle against a meat head like you on their own just yet…but I can" said Mack and the voice

"How dare you speak to me in such a manner. You possessed monster" yell Jacob as his anger got the best of him and he approached Mack with the intent of teaching the boy a lesson

All of a sudden Mack reached out and grabbed his uncle by the throat with his tiny hand. But the strength he was showing was enough to stop Jacob in his tracks.

"You are a bad egg" said Mack and the voice as Jacob struggled to get away. Suddenly a bright white light surrounded the boys, their parents and Jacob. A scream rang out in the hall that made everyone flinch as it began to rise in pitch.....

I wonder what’s going to happen? Like it ? Add to library!

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