
Forever A Child

[a/n: Hey guys author here. this is my first time taking a stab at writing. I’m not a professional it’s more of a hobby so I may not be the best when it comes to grammar and stuff but I will try as hard as I can. all I ask is that you be kind in the comments.] trouble is brewing in the world. after being physically regressed in age during the demon war by Zhao Yang, the Demon Emperor has finally reached the age of awakening once more and has begun to regain the strength that he lost. the most powerful cultivators during this time ascended to the god realm right after the conclusion of the final battle, including our heroes Zhao Yang and his angelics. after years of planning and experimenting Zhao who is the new god of youth comes up with a plan that might give the mortals the advantage that they need. for his plan to work, he needs the help of the primordial goddesses. beings that control the very fabric of time and space itself. together, they create beings of immense power and plant them in human hosts. For Mack and Vorick Evergreen, the princes of Evergreen kingdom, life was simple. Vorick was the fighter and strongest of the the twins while Mack was the book worm. this was due in part to the fact that Mack was born without a Mana core. this stunted his growth and prevented him from gaining any kind of strength. his life takes a turn when the wrong people find out about this issue and force him to leave the castle. the wheel of fate begins to turn when the God of youth gets involved and turns their lives upside down once more. join the twins as they use their new God-given talents and navigate their now complicated lives getting stronger as fast as possible before the demon realm attacks. will they be able to do it on their own? will they need help? how can their lives possibly get any more complicated than it already is? [a/n: I do have a full-time job so I may not be able to update a lot at one time but I will try to update as much as I possibly can when I can. I will however, see this through to the end regardless on how well it does. if you like it, add it to your library if you don’t like it, add it to your library anyway lol]

DC_Davis · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

No Rest for the Young

"I found a way to help Mack with his empty mana core problem" said Vorick as he remained under the covers to hide his nakedness because somehow the shirt he wore was not on him anymore which confused him as he didn't remember how that happened.

"Ok I'm listening" said Roy

"Something told me I had to fill his mana core or else he'd have to grow up normally again so I sacrificed five years to awaken his core"

"Is that right" he said with glee "what affinity did you get Mack?" Asked Roy

"Youth" he said with bashfulness

"The same as your brother" he said "I bet a months pay thats not a coincidence"

"What's not a coincidence" asked Mack

"Oh nothing haha I'm just rambling" he said. "Why don't you take Tony down to the dining room and have some breakfast while I help your brother figure out his wardrobe"

"Ok….come on Tony let's go eat" he said as the little boy grabbed Mack's hand and the two left the room.

"I can just wear my T-shirt Mr.Roy" he said as soon as the other two were out of the room.

"And let you air out your jewels all day….not a chance" he said with finality

"Does mom have any of my old clothes" he adked

"No…she got rid of those years ago" he said then he looked at the bag on the floor with the diaper supplies in it and sighed, he walked over and uncovered the naked boy and pulled him towards the end of the bed. While he bent over and picked up a diaper and pin and sat it on the bed while quickly grabbing Vorick before he could get away and expertly diapered the boy much to his pleading that he didn't need them and that he would much rather go completely naked all day.

"Oh you'll only have to wear them till your mom can get you new clothes which will be later today so stop your bellyaching" said Roy as he put a fresh shirt over the boys head and let it fall to his knees. "If it makes you feel better you can pull them down and up like regular underwear. I don't expect you to use them. Maybe next time you won't make fun of your brother" he said as he pick up the boy who was acting like his world had come to an end and left the room.


"Finally" said Thomas as Mack ran over and hugged him tight

"thanks for coming to get me dad" he said "I think Maverick was going to kill me"

"We were lucky son, now go hug your mom" said Thomas

Mack hugged his mom tight, as she kissed his cheeks over and over "I love you too mom" he giggled

"Where's your brother sweetheart" she asked as she scooped up Tony and smooched him over and over as he giggled in delight.

"He's getting diapered. Roy made us leave so he wouldn't be embarrassed but they forgot that the only undies small enough to fit him are diapers" he said without thinking

"I'm confused, why does he have to wear a diaper?" Asked Mary

Just then Roy walked around the corner with Vorick in his arms. Who was hiding his face in embarrassment.

"Awww he's so cute and little" said Mary as she ran over and grabbed Vorick from Roy.

If Voricks face could turn any more red, it would have. Was bad enough that he had to wear a diaper under his really big shirt, now he had to deal with his mother fawning over him. "come on mom, do you have to do that" he frowned

"I'm Sorry baby I lost myself their for a minute. What happened and why are you diapered"

"I helped Mack like I said I would. His core is now awakened. And because I regressed, my underwear don't fit so I have to wear diapers till I get new ones."

"Hmmm I'll have to add to the order it seems" she said "you sure you don't just want to wear the diapers permanently like your brother"

"Your joking….. right…mom" he said wide eyed

"Hmmm… you look pretty cute in the diaper baby. You could wear them like a type of uniform like the angelics did" she said in mock seriousness

"I'm not wearing diapers if I don't need them mom. Only weirdos wear diapers for fun" he said in utter discussed at the suggestion.

"Says the potty trained boy with a diaper on" says Mack

"Shut up" Vorick yelled out on the verge of tears "your making it worse "

"Calm down sweetheart we're just teasing, now sit here and eat" said Mary as she sat the boy down in a chair beside his brother. He wiped his eyes.

"Mom, can't I just go without the diaper. I promise I'll keep my shirt on." He pleaded

"absolutely not" she said quickly squashing any thought of running around practically naked " that sort of thing may be acceptable in the lower district for kids your physical age but not here. Here we have standards we need to uphold.

"But only babies wear diapers" he pouted crossing his arms over his chest.

[minor Mission activated: in order to understand what others go through, you must walk a mile in their shoes.

Mission details: host Vorick must wear diapers until he gains respect for those who have no choice but to wear them.

Host will temporarily lose control of his ability to hold his bodily waste.

Reward for completing the mission: regain control, wear regular underwear

Punishment: if host fails to learn from his mistakes, then he will have to wear diapers permanently.]

After reading the screen Vorick looked over at Mack and notice that he was grinning at him. He frowned "you got something to say or should I smack that smile off your face"

Mack giggled at his brother's discomfort and hugged the boy. "It'll be ok Ricky it's not the end of the world, but I think you should get diapers instead of undies. Lord knows when you'll be out of diapers now."

"did something just happen. The two you just kind of spaced out for a minute." Said Thomas

"i'll say it did" said Mack "Vorick is being punished by the god of youth for disrespecting me, Tony and others with my current disability. He has lost the ability to control himself and has to wear diapers until he learns to respect others with disabilities. That was The main reasons why Roy putting him in a diaper this morning in the first place The whole no underwear thing was just an excuse"

"is that right?" Said Thomas as he stroked his beard "i'm starting to like this god of youth. Well, it serves you right."

The rest of breakfast Continue with nothing of great interest happening. Mary had excused herself to go make a list of items that the boys were going to need and gave it to one of the maids who quickly left to get the supplies before they ran out. With three boys in diapers, supplies were going to run low very quickly.

" well boys, I have to go get ready for a meeting with the council couple of hours so if you excuse me" he said as he stood up and walked towards the door but just before he stopped and turned around " hey Vorick Why don't you take Mack and Tony To the cultivation space in the gardens outback, and teach them how to cultivate. Know you have The academic part memorized by this point Mack but now it's time to start actualizing what you learned in those books and I think you should start introducing the concept to Tony"

" Yes sir" said Vorick in his most pitiful voice.


After reading the message from Jacob thoroughly, Veritas was equally as concerned, but for a different reason. He was very much aware of the prophecy and what that meant for this realm. If what Jacob said is the truth then Vorick and Mack were without a doubt destined to be angelics. Jacob was concerned for his son's safety. He didn't wanna come into the castle one day and find his almost 10-year-old son, sucking his thumb and pooping his pants all because he upset the disciples of a God. Which he completely understood. He was still unsure of how Jacob pieced this information together. But the reason Veritas was concerned was the exact opposite. The boys were kindhearted and not even the slightest bit devious. The best way he could describe an angelic is to think of how a vampire needs blood. An angelic needs life essence in order to grow in power, they don't need it to survive like a vampire. That's how the two are different. Xander and Caden, those were the names of the predecessors, used their abilities to absorb peoples life essence under the ruse that They were helping people by extending their life. What's 20 years for someone who's ready to croak? But thousands of people went missing during their rise to power. There were reports of women, Who were not pregnant one day All of a sudden becoming nine months pregnant the next and their husband's being nowhere to be found. There were also reports of people regressing rapidly into puddles of liquid similar to fluid that's found surrounding a baby in the womb. But there are also reports of good deeds as well, like the tyrant king who acted like a child so they turned him into a child permanently, thus freeing The kingdom from his tyranny. And of course it was these good deeds that people focused on especially the deeds they completed during the demon war. Veritas would not consider Xander and Caden to be heroes even though they did heroic deeds. They still disrupted thousands of lives for the sake of power. Veritas would do everything in his power to make sure those boys don't turn out like them. Even if it means keeping them as prisoners in the castle Dungeons and etching runes on their bodies that will prevent them from using any of the powers. But at the same time, if the Demon realm were to invade again, like the prophecies said it would they would need the boys to be as powerful as possible. Veritas was at a loss as to what to do. Jacob was under the impression that Mack is lying about gaining a mana core to get his titles back. So he was currently on his way to find the boy in question to verify information. He knew Mack's personality and he wouldn't lie about something like this which is why he suspected that he too was a disciple of youth, the lowest form of an angelic, He will then make recommendations at council meeting That was taking place in a couple hours.

He rounded the corner into the main corridor and saw Roy talking to a maid that had her hands full with three bags of full of what looked like baby items. "Is someone expecting a baby" he asked out of curiosity

"No sir no baby" she laughed "these bags are for the boys"

"I know about Mack and Tony but who's the third" asked Veritas

"Vorick has regressed as well and was punished by his patron for making fun of people who have to wear diapers" said the maid

"How did he regress"

"He sacrificed life essence to fill his brothers new mana core. They are so cute Veritas even little Tony. I could just eat them up" she swooned

"So I guess the rumer mill is right then" said Veritas "that's actually who I'm looking for. I need to verify this information. You wouldn't happen to know where he might be would you"

"The boys are still in the cultivation grounds" said Roy

"Thank you" he said as he headed towards the cultivation grounds. Once he got close he could feel the aura that he saw and felt at the awakening ceremony only this time it was bigger. Almost like their was two. When he came into view he gasped at what he saw. Sitting in the center facing each other were two identical little boys one was wearing only a big shirt and a diaper while the other was fully clothed. They had their eyes closed in meditation and could feel the mana being pulled towards them. Even for normal sized 10 year olds this was unnatural especially at the basic novice rank. What surprised him more was the fact that Mack had never really cultivated before. If he had to estimate, the one in the shirt is gearing up for a breakthrough to the intermediate novice rank probably by the end of the day while the other was almost their as well but will take another day or two which was still impressive for someone who never cultivated.

Veritas watched the twins cultivate for a few minutes, studying Mack and Vorick and came to the conclusion that they were indeed the chosen ones. He was brought out of his thoughts by the voice of a little boy

"Your really old" said the boy

"I beg your pardon" said Veritas offended at being called old "I'll have you know I feel amazing. Shouldn't you be out their with your friends cultivating and wears your clothes"

"I got hot so I took them off" said the boy as though running around in nothing but a diaper was normal inside the castle grounds. "And I got board and they won't wake up to play with me" he pouted

"Can I ask you a question Tony" asked Veritas

"I guess" he responded as he climbed up onto Veritas lap.

Veritas chuckled at the boy's brazenness "why are you here hanging with the royle family when your son has agreed to take care of you" the boy got a confused look on his face for few minutes but then a dawning was seen in his face.

"But my son isn't old enough to take me. He's only 13 and knows nothing of caring for someone as young as me." Said the boy sadly "besides, I wouldn't want to put this type of responsibility on him at the age of 13. He's not ready to be a daddy"

"How much of him do you remember" asked

"A lot actually. Max is the only memory that I have left that reminds me that I was once a grown up, but it try's to slip away everyday"

"Would you like to see him, that way you can stop fighting the inevitable" he said to the boy

"I'd like that very much but I don't want to forget him"

"You won't forget him Tony. When you think of max who is to you. Say the first thing that comes to mind"

"Daddy" he said then gasped

"See your mind is replaceing the memories of him as your son with memories of him as your daddy. It's the relationship your forgetting not the person. I will send someone to fetch your daddy ok" he said as he stood up glancing at the cultivating kids

"Ok" the boy said as he went back to attempting to rouse the boys again

Veritas returned to the castle and headed towards the council chambers. Once inside he saw that the king and his brother was already their and that he was the last to arrive he quickly took his seat.

"Thank you for deciding to join us Veritas" said the council leader "it has come to the council's attention that Mack Evergreen is claiming to have a mana core the only person in this room qualified to test for mana cores is Veritas. What say you, does Mack have a mana core or is he lieing"

what do you think the council will do?

Will they believe that Mack has a mana core or will they require proof?

as always if you Like it Add to library! see you in the next chapter.

DC_Daviscreators' thoughts