
Forced surrogate mother

Max was devastated when his wife left him for someone else, and his hatred for women only intensified. His ex-wife asked him to find a surrogate for the child she was carrying after the divorce. On his quest, he encountered Priscilla , a young woman living on the streets with her mother . Despite her unkempt appearance, Max offered her a contract to become the mother of his child. Desperate to save her ailing mother , she accepted the offer. As they began living together, Max realized how beautiful Priscilla was and was drawn to her. How could he turn a street girl into a proper wife and lover? How would he battle his ex-wife, who wanted him back after she was jilted by her lover? Follow the story of a powerful billionaire and a street kid girl as they journey through love, betrayal, and redemption. ......... All Right Reserved. This book is owned by me, and no one is allowed to use or adapt it in any way without my permission. My........ WARNING THE COVER OF THE BOOK IS NOT MiNE CREDIT GOING TO Al generator. .......... I like communicating with my readers. My Whatsapp number is 081 420 4300. My Facebook account is@ Nancy Micheal.

Edith_Skosana · Urban
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90 Chs

chapter 20

Priscilla's POV

My vein twisted as I paced around my room, stomping on the tiles. My body was even quivering. How dare she call me a beggar? Just how dare she? I gritted my teeth, trying to control my anger. Today, I won't rest until I slap that woman.

The door to my room was pushed open, and Max walked in.

"Priscilla, are you okay? Don't you want to go out anymore?" Max asked, walking towards me.

"I want to go to that house where your uncle and ex-wife are living right now," I said sternly. "I can't rest if I don't teach her a good lesson. I can't stop my anger."

"Why? Why do you want to go there?" Max asked. I stood in front of him, crossing my hands over my chest and glaring at him.

"Why? You can't ask me that question, Max," I said angrily. "That woman called me a beggar! Are you just going to sit and watch your baby mama get insulted? What if the baby heard her? What will it think of me when born? No, no, I can't let that happen. I need to take my revenge. I need to teach a lesson. I simply can't let the baby watch its parents getting insulted." My tone was a little louder to make my point.

"Priscilla, calm down, please. Your baby won't be happy if you are this angry. Take a deep breath and relax," Max said calmly, taking another step towards me and closing the distance between us.

"I can't calm down if I don't hit her," I said, pouting my lips.

"You can. Just take a deep breath in and a breath out. I promise you will feel better," Max said calmly, his gray eyes looking into mine. I did as he said. I took a deep breath in and a deep breath out.

"Good girl, come here now," Max said, opening his arms wide. I wrapped my arms around him, a smile on my lips.

"I'm feeling a lot better, but I still want to teach her a lesson," I mumbled. Max smoothed my hair.

"Priscilla, some people are not worth fighting because they don't have anything to lose. But if you go to her and slap her, then you will be sent to jail! Will the baby be happy if its mother is in jail?" Max asked softly. "Just calm down, focus on your studies and the baby, and I will take care of the rest, okay?"

I nodded my head to his chest; I guess he was right. That Nelly was not worth it; she was just a foul air passing by, and I shouldn't let it ruin my day and mood.

"You must be hungry; I'm sure lunch must be ready," Max said. I pulled away from him.

"I'm feeling very hungry; it seems like I'm eating a lot these days," I said, pulling the strand of my hair behind me.

"You are not alone now; you are pregnant. That's why you get hungry easily," Max said with a smile. "Come on, let's go." I followed him as we both walked downstairs; Granny and Liz were already present at the dinner table.

"Good afternoon, Granny, and you too, Liz," I said cheerfully as I pulled a chair and sat down.

"Hey Priscilla, how are you doing, my dear?" Granny smiled at me.

"I'm doing great, Granny," I said.

"Priscilla, you know how to put Nelly in her place. I hate that woman for what she did to my brother. She hurt him a lot, but he did nothing about it," Liz said, annoyance all over her face.

"I grew up on the streets; I know how to put people like Nelly in their place. It's none of my business, but this is not over. I will deal with that fool," I said with a deadly smirk.

"Priscilla, stop plotting nonsense in your head, please. I told you that you aren't going to do anything to Nelly or my uncle, and that's final. I hope I'm making myself clear," Max said, placing a plate of food in front of me.

"Brother, don't stop Priscilla from doing what she wants. Did you see how Nelly insulted her in front of everyone? Did she have any right? No, she didn't. She can't always go unpunished for her mistakes," Liz fumed. She is right; I'm still going to teach that brat a good lesson.

"I think Liz and Priscilla are right. Nelly must be punished for what she did." We all turned our heads towards the entrance, and there stood Max's friend, smiling. He walked to the dining area, reached the table, pulled a chair, and sat down.

"Good afternoon, everyone," he said.

"You are such a jerk! How can you encourage them to do something stupid?" Max scolded, his expression pinched.

His friend snorted. "Of course, you would say that, but I'm not agreeing with you this time around. I've always told you to stay away from her from the start, but did you listen to me? No, you didn't. You cheated and want to let it go. No way, she must be punished."

"Yes, yes, yes! I knew that you would agree with me. We should go to that house and teach her a good lesson she will never forget before the divorce is finalized," Liz added.

I raised my finger, giving Liz a thumbs up. "Yes, girl, we should go right now and eat later," I said. I couldn't wait to go to her house and teach her a lesson.

"No one is going anywhere, and that's final," Max said sternly.

"I think Max is right. You can't go there," Granny added.

"But I want to. If you don't allow us to go, I won't eat, I won't take my medicine, and I will cry all day too," I said, fake tears welling up in my eyes. I won't rest until I grab that woman by her hair, and I can do anything to make sure that she is taught a lesson.

"Priscilla, why are you so stubborn?" Max ran his hands through his hair. "You can't go to that place," Max added.

"I will not take any medication, and I will not eat either," I said with a crying tone, rising from the chair. I ran upstairs. I could hear Max shouting at Liz and his friend. I really wanted to teach Nelly a lesson for insulting me. I just can't forgive her at all, and I was going to do anything to get back at her for calling me a street kid. She knew nothing about me to judge me. I was never born in the streets; my mom was once the richest woman in the country, and I was once a princess who lived in a big mansion. She shouldn't have judged me without knowing anything about me.