
Force Users in MHA

The life of a boy and a girl born into the world of My Hero Academia with a strong connection to the Force. Will they live in the light or fall into the dark or perhaps they will be balanced as all things should be. I wrote this cause I felt like writing a story about a power couple. This is my second go at writing a Fan-fic so give it a read if it sounds interesting. I don't own anything in this Fan-fic but my own characters, that means I also don't own anything My Hero Academia related.

a_BMO · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs


[A/N: I just wanna thank everyone for reading if you're enjoying the story so far feel free to leave a review.]

Since the open mic night was located in Shizuoka Prefecture, we had to take a short train ride to get there. As we entered the venue, the size of the slightly raised stage caught my eye. It was situated in the back of the room taking up most of the wall. Walking in we quickly found out we were on after the next few acts so we took our seats and waited.

When the last act before we were supposed to go on came to the stage my eyes widened. I instantly felt Airi tugging on my sleeve and whispering into my ear.

"Ara Ara if it isn't Earphone Jack-san wasn't she your favorite character?"

"Did you know she was gonna be here?" I turned my head and asked.

"Just a coincidence" she answered with a wink. I just rolled my eyes and focused on the stage. Jiro stood in front looking a few years younger than when she first shows up in the anime.

Her hair was the same style I was familiar with, she wore a white t-shirt that had a few holes that read "The End Of Villains" in all caps. Her lower half consisted of a black skirt and fishnet leggings with a pair of two black boots. Her accessories consisted of a few studded bracelets on her wrists and a black choker on her neck.

Looking like the poster girl for punk rock I honestly thought that her whole outfit really suited her. I also noticed the man I assumed was her father with shoulder-length blonde hair sitting at the drums behind her.

When she came on stage, she looked a little nervous at first but quickly got into it once she started to play. Halfway through the song, I realized she wasn't planning on singing she probably still had confidence issues which was a shame because I quite liked her voice. Though I knew she would eventually overcome her insecurities.

For her performance, she played bass while her father accompanied her on the drums. From what I remembered the bass was the instrument she was most proficient in while she knew the basics of multiple other ones. When her set was over Airi shot up pulling me with her to give a standing ovation. Seeing our enthusiasm Jiro went wide-eyed followed by her face turning slightly red doing a quick bow before rushing off stage.

Since it was our turn, we slowly made our way on stage. When everything was ready, I took the microphone and spoke

"Hello we hope you enjoy our performance I am Akira and this is Airi we are…" but I suddenly paused realizing that we never came up with a name for our band. Suddenly I heard Airi's voice from behind me.

"We are Airi-Chan and the Modal Nodes!!"

I shot her a glare but quickly gave up and started to play.

(Jiro's POV)

When we returned to our seats where my mom was sitting, I was just in time for the next band to introduce themselves. I couldn't help thinking that the two members had good chemistry despite their conflicting personalities with the white-haired boy having a tranquil aura that contrasted with the blond girl's lively personality.

The first thing I heard was the notes of the guitar that instantly brightened the dim atmosphere of the venue. Then after the drums came in the boy named Akira voice reached my ears shortly after,

"Losing the sense of security is fine. Throw away emotional feelings. In these clear and simple days, I don't have clear answers.

Is it crazy? Is the situation just hazy? We're messing up no matter what…"

His voice had yet fully developed and there was a slight hoarseness to it but it touched my heart and I could tell the crowd was feeling the same way. In just a few sentences the stage became a striking spectacle. Then the chorus came and he sang,

"Sunny day, sunny face, sunny place. To the shining future. Sunny day, shiny day, the ended dreams. Sunny day, sunny face, sunny place, if you shine, you can change anything."

When he shouted the chorus, everyone had the innate instinct to sing along. It was the type of song that reminded you of a summer's day. Making the crowd want to break free from their bonds. When the song was over the audience broke out in applause.

"Thank you, that last song was called Sunny Day. This next one will be the last it's called After Dark." As soon as he's finished speaking the drums come in closely followed by the guitar. The sound was still upbeat but not as much as the previous song there was a hint of melancholy to it especially in the lyrics,

"I try to escape before my shadow is fully cast. Unaware of my clipped wings I fly away.

A sweet scent drifts across the street corner, from far, far away. And I hear a familiar voice crying out.

The faint hope that is being carried by the night wind. How far can we go? To stop this, the world shakes and snatches it all away. I've woken up from my dreams, but nothings been accomplished. Go forth…"

The lyrics and guitar in addition to the excellent drumming led to a feeling of excitement in the crowd. And although the boy named Akira's voice is noticeably untrained, he's still able to perfectly capture the emotion of the song.

When the music stopped without even realizing it, I found myself standing up and clapping along with the rest of the audience.

"Thank you once again we are… The Modal Nodes" Akira said as he started to prepare to leave the stage.

"Jiro sweetie isn't that boy from the video you used to watch non-stop when you were younger" My mom suddenly said into my ear.

"Ka-San! I just thought it was cool that there were other kids my age that could play an instrument"

"Oh, look he's coming this way." She said with an irritating smile.

(Akira's POV)

Once I was ready to get off stage, I felt Airi come up from behind me putting an arm around my shoulder.

"See what'd I tell you, you had fun, right? I know Oba-chan definitely did"

"Alright I won't deny that, it felt pretty good."

"Come on let's go talk to Jiro, she was staring at you this whole time."


"Because I know you liked her when we used to watch the anime"

"Yeah, I liked Bakugo too doesn't mean I wanna be friends with him."

"Just come on as good as we are we could always use a bassist, maybe we can get her to join our band." Just as I was about to accept, I felt myself being dragged in Jiro's direction.

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