
Force Users in MHA

The life of a boy and a girl born into the world of My Hero Academia with a strong connection to the Force. Will they live in the light or fall into the dark or perhaps they will be balanced as all things should be. I wrote this cause I felt like writing a story about a power couple. This is my second go at writing a Fan-fic so give it a read if it sounds interesting. I don't own anything in this Fan-fic but my own characters, that means I also don't own anything My Hero Academia related.

a_BMO · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs


I crouched low with my blades held parallel to the ground one in front and one behind. Across from me, Airi stood knees slightly bent her hilt also held parallel to the ground extended in front of her. She ignited one side of the lightsaber then the other. No words were said we just stared at each other.

Until she suddenly leaped into action in a blink, she was on me twirling her blade she launched an attack at my head. Forcing me to duck low spinning around as I aimed my blades at her legs. She immediately retaliated with a short hop bringing her blade down with a vertical strike. Followed by a series of high and low strikes forcing me on the defensive. Catching a hole in her attack I immediately attacked with a horizontal slash causing her to dodge backwards. I instantly followed up with another series of strikes as fell into a rhythm of attacks and blocks, feints and parries. Until we found ourselves with our blades stuck together both trying to overpower the other. Just when I was beginning to overpower her she suddenly gave up her leverage falling backward and kicking me over her head. As I flew through the air I quickly flipped and landed on my feet. We stared at each for a few moments before we both retracted our blades

(Airi's POV)

As I retract my blades and we walked over to each other we immediately high-fived.

"Good spar," I said with a smile.

"Yeah," he said returning a smile but noticed it was a bit strained.

"Another dream," I asked worriedly,

"More like a nightmare" he sighed visibly frustrated.

"I've tried using Force healing I even tried using the Cure disease ability mentioned in the book but I can tell it's not working I can tell that I'm not strong enough"

"How does Auntie Shiro feel?"

"She feels fine I've asked her repeatedly; I even took her for a full check-up"

"Maybe it was just a dream, you have to be careful when sensing the future"

"I know it's just I can't lose her, she's…the only parent I've ever had"

"I know, we'll figure something out" I wasn't sure how much assurance I gave him but I could sense the inner turmoil these dreams gave him. We were now over halfway through our first year in middle school with his first dream occurring over a week ago. As worried as I was, I just didn't know what to do.

(Akira's POV)

As I was floating cross-legged in the middle of my room meditating, I heard my door open. When I opened my eyes, I saw Airi sitting on my bed with a flyer in hand.

"What's that?" I asked pointing at the flyer.

"It's an open mic night it's next weekend"

"You want me to play at an open mic night?"

"No, WE ARE going to play it'll be fun"

"Oh, I didn't know you could play"

"Ha Ha nice try I know there is no one on earth that could forget my drumming once they heard it."

"Wow could your ego be any bigger"

"It's just the right size thank you very much"

As much as I wanted to retort with a joke, I knew she was just baiting me so she could call me a pervert or something. I also knew there was some truth to her words she was a natural when it came to the drums.

"Sorry I think I'll pass I'm not really in the mood"

"What has mood to do with it? You play when necessity arises-no matter the mood" She countered with mock intensity.

"Wow you're just full of references, aren't you?"

"I know right between the two of us we could probably write up a pretty good script"

"You could probably write the entirety of Star Wars by yourself" I joked.

"Is that a hint of a joke I detected, see your moods changing already." She said with a smile.

"Sigh, alright what song do you wanna play?" I decided not to put up too much resistance as arguing with her was like reenacting the Irresistible force paradox.

"It doesn't matter I'll let you choose"

"Alright, I'll pick a song in time so we have enough time to practice."

"Sounds good to me!"

The week came and went and it was the weekend of the open mic night. I was currently in the Asahi household waiting for Airi to come downstairs. I had kept up my practice over the years so I wasn't worried about playing in front of an audience.

"I can't wait to see you two play!" Aunt Ai said with her usually lively demeanor.

"I know right I can't believe our babies are going to play in front of a real audience" My mother followed up with an air that said 'I can't believe my babies are growing up.'

When we initially asked for permission to play at the open mic night, they immediately agreed but they made it clear they were coming probably loaded with recording devices. I honestly didn't have a problem with it as long as my mother was happy, I was happy.

"It's not a big deal we'll probably only end up playing one or two songs max"

But before they could respond there was the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs and Airi appeared as fashionable as she was late. She wore blue high-waisted shorts, a matching blue and white horizontal striped t-shirt underneath a green jacket that she wore off her shoulders. On her feet, she was wearing a pair of blue high-top Converse.

Her hair was done up in a top ponytail with her usual blonde hair that gradually transitioned to pink that she had gotten dyed for her recent birthday. This was tied together using a red ribbon. With a blue choker and a few piercings in each ear for accessories.

In contrast, I was wearing a simple baggy white long-sleeved shirt and black skinny jeans with high-top grey Converse. My short snow-white hair coming to just above my eyes.

"Airi how many times do I have to tell you not to wear shoes in the house!" Aunt Ai immediately scolded upon seeing Airi's appearance.

She just responded by doing the classic anime "silly me" gesture grabbing my shoulders and pushing me towards the door shouting enthusiastically,

"Let's go!"

"Can I at least grab my guitar?" I said feeling slightly exasperated.

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