
Forbidden Tale of A girl and A wolf

Ruby embarks on a dangerous quest to acquire a special item that can heal or revive, but she soon finds herself torn between using it for her dying grandmother and the guilt of stealing it from a powerful witch. Along the way, she finds solace in a wounded wolf and learns to overcome her grief through unexpected circumstances

Jadeite_Green · Fantasy
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7 Chs

4: Vet

Ruby anxiously awaited Josh's arrival, her heart filled with a mix of hope and concern. She knew that his expertise would be crucial in assessing the wolf's condition and determining the best course of action.

Moments later, a knock echoed through the door, and Ruby hurriedly let Josh inside. The two friends exchanged greetings, a sense of shared determination evident in their eyes

She explained the situation, her voice a mix of urgency and determination. "Josh, I need your help. I found a wounded wolf, and I can't bear to leave it alone. I want to do everything I can to save it."

Josh, known for his compassion and expertise, agreed to visit Ruby's home to assess the wolf's condition. Ruby felt a surge of relief knowing she had someone knowledgeable by her side.

In the days that followed, Ruby devoted herself to the wolf's care. She spent hours researching and learning about how to treat and rehabilitate wild animals. With the guidance of Josh, they formed a plan to gradually nurse the wolf back to health.

Their efforts were not without challenges. The wolf's wounds required regular cleaning and treatment, and Ruby had to learn how to earn its trust.

As he worked, Josh could see the love and care that Ruby had poured into the animal.

Josh's expression turned solemn as he realized the difficult task that lay before him.

He knew that delivering the news he had to give would be heart-wrenching, but he understood the importance of being honest with Ruby.

Taking a deep breath, Josh gently placed a hand on Ruby's shoulder, his voice filled with empathy.

"Ruby, I need to talk to you about the wolf," he began, his tone measured yet compassionate.

Ruby's eyes widened, a mixture of anticipation and worry etched on her face.

"What is it, Josh? Is something wrong?" she asked, her voice trembling with concern.

Josh paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts. He knew he had to choose his words carefully, delivering the news with sensitivity while preparing Ruby for the reality of the situation.

"According to my analysis, Ruby," Josh started, his gaze filled with empathy. "The wolf's injuries are more severe than we initially thought. Despite our best efforts, the damage to its internal organs is extensive, and its chances of survival are incredibly slim."

"I'm sorry, Ruby," Josh continued softly, his voice filled with regret. "We've done everything we can, but sometimes, nature has its own plans. The wolf's body is unable to recover from the trauma it has endured."

Ruby was heartbroken. All of the time and effort she had spent caring for the wolf had been for naught. She couldn't believe what happened.

Josh comforted her, "I wish there was something more we could do," Josh added, his voice filled with genuine sorrow. "But at this point, all we can do is make the wolf as comfortable as possible and provide it with love and care in its final moments."

Ruby nodded, her eyes brimming with tears as she fought to maintain her composure. Though devastated, she knew she had to find the strength to give the wolf the peace and comfort it deserved in its final moments.

As Josh prepared to leave, Ruby couldn't help but feel a sense of emptiness. She could do to bring the wolf back.

But despite her grief, Ruby knew that she had done everything she could to help the wolf. She had given it care when it needed it most, and that was all that mattered.

Josh solemnly spoke, "We need to give the wolf a proper farewell, Ruby. Let's bury it here in the forest, where it can rest undisturbed."

They carefully prepared a final resting place for the wolf, digging a shallow grave beneath the towering trees. Each movement was filled with reverence and respect, a final gesture of gratitude to the creature that had touched their lives.

As they laid the wolf's body gently into the earth, the silence of the forest enveloped them, a poignant reminder of the circle of life and the fleeting nature of existence.

Ruby whispered a farewell, her voice barely above a whisper. "Rest in peace, dear wolf. May your spirit find solace in the embrace of nature."

They stood in silence for a moment longer, their hearts heavy with the weight of loss, but also filled with a sense of gratitude for the connection they had formed with the wolf.

With a final glance at the freshly covered grave, Ruby and Josh turned away, their steps carrying them back toward the path that led them home. The forest whispered it's farewell, the rustling leaves and gentle breeze offering solace in their time of mourning.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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