
Forbidden Tale of A girl and A wolf

Ruby embarks on a dangerous quest to acquire a special item that can heal or revive, but she soon finds herself torn between using it for her dying grandmother and the guilt of stealing it from a powerful witch. Along the way, she finds solace in a wounded wolf and learns to overcome her grief through unexpected circumstances

Jadeite_Green · Fantasy
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7 Chs

3: Encounter

Her mind raced with thoughts of her grandmother's health and the significance of the mushroom to fulfill her request. Ruby stood beside her grandmother's bed, her heart heavy with concern.

As her grandmother weakly spoke, her voice filled with determination, she commanded Ruby to retrieve a specific mushroom, known for its unique taste, which was a key ingredient in Ruby's favorite dish.

"I need that special mushroom, Ruby," her grandmother whispered, her eyes filled with longing. "It's been so long since I've tasted that dish. Please, my dear, find it for me."

Ruby's eyes widened with a mixture of worry and determination. "Of course, Grandma," she replied, her voice resolute. "I'll find that mushroom for you. Just hold on, I'll be back as quickly as I can."

*Determined to fulfill her grandmother's request, Ruby trekked through the familiar paths of the forest. Her senses heightened, she scanned the surroundings for any sign of the elusive mushroom. The atmosphere was thick with anticipation as she navigated through the dense foliage.

Ruby ventured deeper into the forest, her eyes scanning the undergrowth for the elusive mushroom, her heart sank at the sight before her.

Nestled on the forest floor, a majestic wolf lay wounded, its once sleek fur matted with blood, and wounds marred its noble body. Ruby gasped in shock and concern, her hands instinctively reaching out to help.*

Kneeling down beside the injured wolf, her voice filled with empathy, Ruby spoke softly, "Oh, poor creature. What has happened to you?" The wolf's labored breathing and pained whimpers tore at Ruby's heart, fueling her determination to offer aid.

With steady hands, Ruby gently examined the wolf's wounds, her heart heavy with sorrow for the suffering it had endured. The wounds were deep and extensive, evidence of a fierce struggle. Ruby knew that time was of the essence if she wanted to save the wolf's life.

"I won't leave you here like this," Ruby vowed, her voice filled with determination. She reached into her bag, retrieving a small water flask and a clean cloth. Carefully, she cleaned the wounds, offering what comfort she could to the ailing creature.

As she tended to the wolf's injuries, Ruby couldn't help but feel a connection, a shared vulnerability. "You're not alone," she whispered softly, her voice laced with compassion. "I'll do everything I can to help you."

Just as Ruby finished dressing the wolf's wounds, a flicker of awareness sparked in the wolf's eyes. With surprising strength, it lifted its head, meeting Ruby's gaze. It seemed to acknowledge

Ruby finished carefully dressing the wolf's wounds, a deep sense of responsibility settled within her. She couldn't bear the thought of leaving the majestic creature to suffer alone in the forest. Determined to give it a chance at survival, she made a bold decision - she would bring the wolf back to her home in Crescensia.

Gently cradling the injured wolf in her arms, Ruby started the arduous journey back to the bustling city. The weight of the wolf pressed against her, a constant reminder of the challenges that lay ahead. She knew that caring for a wild animal would not be easy, but she was driven by a deep connection she felt towards the creature.

Upon arriving in Crescensia, Ruby cautiously carried the wolf through the city's streets, drawing curious glances from passersby. She made her way to her own home, determined to create a safe space for the wolf to heal.

As Ruby entered her room, a mix of apprehension and excitement filled her. She carefully laid the wolf down on a soft blanket, creating a makeshift bed. She surveyed her room, contemplating how she could provide the best care possible.

Remembering Josh, the highly skilled veterinarian she had once called upon, Ruby reached for her phone and dialed his number.