
Forbidden Love: A Lifetime for Your Eternity, Uncle

In a city where glamour and intrigue intertwine, a tragic accident claims the lives of Zhou Shen's parents and Lin Wan's father. Zhou Shen adopts Lin Wan, burying his hatred and vengeance deep within. Lin Wan believes she has found a guardian, unaware of the bitter storms that await her. As Zhou Shen realises his feelings for Lin Wan have transformed from resentment to attachment, and as Lin Wan discovers her reverence for Zhou Shen has evolved into an obsession, a forbidden yet fiery romance between uncle and niece quietly blossoms in the crevices of time. Zhou Shen's heart is Lin Wan's eternal prison; Lin Wan's love is Zhou Shen's eternal antidote. When the truth is unveiled, and old grudges are forgiven, can they cast off the shackles of convention and walk hand in hand towards the shore of happiness? A misplaced affection, a soul-searing romance. Must we love only in secrecy and part ways at the crossroads of choice? "Uncle, I'd give my lifetime for your eternity." This is a tale of redemption and protection, the collision of souls, and the entanglement of love and hate. Can former foes become each other's haven when all the wounds have healed?

Littlepump · Urban
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6 Chs

Little Girl Become A Woman

Eight years have passed in the blink of an eye...

The once thin and timid girl had blossomed into a graceful young lady.

Sixteen-year-old Lin Wanwan was slender, with skin as pale and smooth as porcelain. Her long black hair cascaded over her shoulders, accentuating her delicate features.

But today, her beautiful face was twisted in pain.

"Ah..." Lin Wanwan curled up on the bed, clutching the blanket tightly, moaning in agony.

Pain ripped through her abdomen, like countless knives twisting wildly inside her. She felt a warm, sticky flow from beneath her, spreading across the bed.

Fear instantly seized Lin Wanwan's mind. She didn't understand what was happening to her, feeling weak and covered in cold sweat.

"Wanwan, what's wrong?" A knock came at the door, accompanied by Zhou Shen's concerned voice.

Lin Wanwan startled, hurriedly climbing out of bed. She couldn't let Zhou Shen see her like this!

"It's... it's nothing, uncle. I'm fine..." Despite the pain, Lin Wanwan managed to reply.

Silence fell outside the door for a moment, followed by the sound of a key turning. Zhou Shen opened the door.

"You're bleeding." Zhou Shen's gaze fell on the blood-stained sheet beneath Lin Wanwan, his expression grave.

Following his gaze, Lin Wanwan saw the large patch of crimson beneath her. Her eyes widened in horror, and tears instantly blurred her vision.

"Uncle... am I going to die..." she choked out, sobbing uncontrollably.

Zhou Shen paused for a moment, then realization dawned on him. He slowly walked over to Lin Wanwan and gently embraced her.

"Silly girl, you're growing up; this is what it means to become a young woman," Zhou Shen soothed her gently, his tone incredibly tender.

Lin Wanwan buried herself in Zhou Shen's embrace, her sobs gradually subsiding.

"Ah... what?" Lin Wanwan was slow to understand, her face instantly flushing red. Even in her naivety, she now grasped what becoming a "young woman" meant.

Zhou Shen seemed to think of something and asked softly, "Do you want to go to the hospital? I can go with you."

"No!" Lin Wanwan abruptly lifted her head, her eyes filled with fear, "No, I won't go to the hospital! My mother... she was at the hospital..."

She couldn't continue, her tears flowing anew.

Zhou Shen sighed. He should have known; Wanwan's trauma had never truly healed.

"Okay, we won't go to the hospital. Shall I ask the family doctor to come over?" Zhou Shen patiently consoled her.

Lin Wanwan gazed at Zhou Shen, her tear-filled eyes seeing only his deep concern and worry.

After a long moment, she nodded gently.

Zhou Shen instructed the housekeeper to contact the family doctor, while he stayed to take care of Lin Wanwan.

"Take off your clothes, I'll help you clean up," Zhou Shen said, picking up a clean towel, his tone gentle yet firm.

Lin Wanwan's face turned beet red. How could she let Zhou Shen see her body!

"Uncle, I can do it myself..." she protested softly.

Without further discussion, Zhou Shen stepped forward and helped Lin Wanwan remove her blood-stained pajama bottoms and underwear. Lin Wanwan, mortified, quickly covered herself with her hands.

Zhou Shen wrung out the towel and carefully wiped her thighs and private area. His movements were gentle, careful not to hurt her.

At that moment, Lin Wanwan felt her face heat up like a cooked shrimp. She closed her eyes, unable to look at Zhou Shen.

Zhou Shen's wiping motions eventually ceased, and he went to open Lin Wanwan's wardrobe, retrieving a clean pair of underwear and a nightgown.

"Put these on, you'll be more comfortable," he said warmly, his tone as natural as if discussing the most ordinary matter.

Blushing, Lin Wanwan took the clothes and glanced at Zhou Shen gratefully.

Perhaps it was an illusion, but she caught a fleeting, unusual emotion in Zhou Shen's eyes. It disappeared before she could discern it clearly.

Soon, the family doctor arrived. With Zhou Shen by his side, the doctor conducted a comprehensive examination of Lin Wanwan.

"Mr. Zhou, this is Miss Lin's first menstrual period, and such pain is quite normal. I'll prescribe some painkillers, and she should rest," the doctor advised.

Zhou Shen breathed a sigh of relief, turning to Lin Wanwan with undisguised tenderness in his eyes: "Did you hear that? It's nothing to worry about."

Blushing, Lin Wanwan nodded, feeling an unusual emotion rising within her. How could she ever repay her uncle for his kindness?

As the night deepened, Zhou Shen stayed by Lin Wanwan's bedside, gently patting her back, coaxing her to sleep.

"Uncle..." Lin Wanwan murmured sleepily.

"Yes, I'm here. Go to sleep," Zhou Shen replied softly.

Hearing his voice, a sweet smile appeared on Lin Wanwan's lips. It was good to have her uncle around...

Outside the window, the moonlight was like water, and the stars twinkled.

Unknown to anyone, under the tranquil night sky, a young girl's heart was quietly changing.

Meanwhile, in Zhou Shen's study.

Leaning back in his chair, Zhou Shen tapped his fingers lightly on the desk, his gaze dark and brooding.

A middle-aged man stood by his side, Wang Peng, the assistant left to him by his parents, privy to all his plans and secrets.

"Mr. Zhou."

"What is it?" Zhou Shen frowned.

Wang Peng hesitated before speaking, "Sir, have you been perhaps too attentive to Miss Lin lately?"

Zhou Shen turned sharply, his gaze piercing, "What do you mean by that?"

Wang Peng quickly bowed his head, "I mean no offense. Just... don't forget, Miss Lin is..."

"I don't need you to tell me my business!" Zhou Shen interrupted coldly, his tone unmistakably authoritative.

Wang Peng bowed silently and retreated.

But before he left, he couldn't help but glance back at Zhou Shen.

He clearly saw something shifting in the depths of Zhou Shen's eyes.

Zhou Shen watched him leave, motionless for a long time.

Yes, his plans. How could he possibly forget?

Yet, when he saw Lin Wanwan's vulnerable state, his heart involuntarily ached.

It was ironic. The very person he had schemed to destroy was now evoking his compassion.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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