
Forbidden Love: A Lifetime for Your Eternity, Uncle

Author: Littlepump
Contemporary Romance
Ongoing · 4.3K Views
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What is Forbidden Love: A Lifetime for Your Eternity, Uncle

Read Forbidden Love: A Lifetime for Your Eternity, Uncle novel written by the author Littlepump on WebNovel, This serial novel genre is Contemporary Romance stories, covering revenge, beauty, ceo, dramatic, abandoned. ✓ Newest updated ✓ All rights reserved


In a city where glamour and intrigue intertwine, a tragic accident claims the lives of Zhou Shen's parents and Lin Wan's father. Zhou Shen adopts Lin Wan, burying his hatred and vengeance deep within. Lin Wan believes she has found a guardian, unaware of the bitter storms that await her. As Zhou Shen realises his feelings for Lin Wan have transformed from resentment to attachment, and as Lin Wan discovers her reverence for Zhou Shen has evolved into an obsession, a forbidden yet fiery romance between uncle and niece quietly blossoms in the crevices of time. Zhou Shen's heart is Lin Wan's eternal prison; Lin Wan's love is Zhou Shen's eternal antidote. When the truth is unveiled, and old grudges are forgiven, can they cast off the shackles of convention and walk hand in hand towards the shore of happiness? A misplaced affection, a soul-searing romance. Must we love only in secrecy and part ways at the crossroads of choice? "Uncle, I'd give my lifetime for your eternity." This is a tale of redemption and protection, the collision of souls, and the entanglement of love and hate. Can former foes become each other's haven when all the wounds have healed?

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