
Forbidden Love: A Lifetime for Your Eternity, Uncle

In a city where glamour and intrigue intertwine, a tragic accident claims the lives of Zhou Shen's parents and Lin Wan's father. Zhou Shen adopts Lin Wan, burying his hatred and vengeance deep within. Lin Wan believes she has found a guardian, unaware of the bitter storms that await her. As Zhou Shen realises his feelings for Lin Wan have transformed from resentment to attachment, and as Lin Wan discovers her reverence for Zhou Shen has evolved into an obsession, a forbidden yet fiery romance between uncle and niece quietly blossoms in the crevices of time. Zhou Shen's heart is Lin Wan's eternal prison; Lin Wan's love is Zhou Shen's eternal antidote. When the truth is unveiled, and old grudges are forgiven, can they cast off the shackles of convention and walk hand in hand towards the shore of happiness? A misplaced affection, a soul-searing romance. Must we love only in secrecy and part ways at the crossroads of choice? "Uncle, I'd give my lifetime for your eternity." This is a tale of redemption and protection, the collision of souls, and the entanglement of love and hate. Can former foes become each other's haven when all the wounds have healed?

Littlepump · Urban
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6 Chs

He Adopted Her

Rain fell like fine needles, incessantly hitting the mottled glass windows of the orphanage. The monotonous sound seemed to speak of endless loneliness. 

Lin Wanwan curled up in the corner of the room, shivering. Her figure was so thin, like a homeless kitten. She clutched her doll tightly—the only comfort she had.

Eight-year-old Lin Wanwan was not tall and had a slender build. Her long, black hair fell smoothly over her shoulders, making her skin appear even paler. Her features were as delicate as the doll she held. 

Life in the orphanage was simple and dull. Every day, aside from eating and sleeping, she would do some menial chores within her capabilities.

She didn't like talking to others and always preferred to shrink alone in her corner. Over time, Lin Wanwan became more and more silent.

Three years ago, on a stormy night, she had witnessed her mother's death. At just five years old, she didn't understand the meaning of death, only knowing that from then on, no one would hold her as she fell asleep, and no one would comfort her when she had nightmares.

"Lin Wanwan, someone is here to see you," the director's voice broke her reverie. 

Lin Wanwan was stunned. Who could it be? She didn't remember having any relatives left.

With confusion and trepidation, Lin Wanwan followed the director to the reception room.

A strange man came into view. 

He is very young, around twenty, with neatly styled black hair, deep-set eyes, and handsome yet frosty features. 

The man exuded an air of indifference, making Lin Wanwan feel inexplicably oppressed, as if she were in the dead of winter. 

"Hello, I'm Zhou Shen," the man said, his voice deep and rich. 

"Hello..." Lin Wanwan timidly responded. She instinctively shrank back; this man seemed almost godlike, inspiring awe. 

"I would like to adopt you. Would you like to come with me?" Zhou Shen asked calmly, a slight smile curling at his lips. 

"Me..." Lin Wanwan's eyes widened, at a loss for words. This strange man wanted to adopt her?

"Why..." Her face was full of disbelief. 

Zhou Shen's gaze darkened, and a cold smile played at his lips. He reached out to stroke Lin Wanwan's hair, his touch gentle, but a subtle glint flickered in his eyes.

"Because I need you, little girl." 

"Come with me, and you will have a new life." 

Zhou Shen's words were enticing, slowly seeping into Lin Wanwan's heart. She hesitated, but Zhou Shen's presence was like a light in the darkness, offering her the hope she had longed for. 

As if possessed, Lin Wanwan took Zhou Shen's hand. Perhaps, this time, Lucky lady was truly on her side. 

Zhou Shen smiled contentedly.

He led Lin Wanwan by the hand, step by step towards an unknown destiny.

Lin Wanwan did not yet know that her life would be turned upside down because of this man. 

Inside the luxurious sedan, Lin Wanwan felt uneasy. The unfamiliar scent and the scenery retreating rapidly made her feel lost. 

"From now on, I am your guardian," Zhou Shen said, looking out of the car window, his tone indifferent, "Remember, don't disappoint me."

"Yes, Mr. Zhou," Lin Wanwan quickly nodded, fearful of angering this seemingly gentle man. 

"No, don't call me Mr. Zhou," Zhou Shen turned his head, his dark eyes fixing on Lin Wanwan, "Call me 'uncle'." 

"Uncle..." Lin Wanwan tentatively said this unfamiliar title. 

The car entered a high-end residential area and stopped in front of a grand standalone villa. 

Opening the door, the luxury decor and expensive furniture seemed unreal like a dream.

Lin Wanwan was stunned. Was this her new home? 

"Housekeeper, take the young lady to her room," Zhou Shen instructed. 

The housekeeper led Lin Wanwan upstairs. Each step felt surreal to her. 

"Young lady, here we are, please enter." 

The housekeeper pushed open the white door on the second floor, and Lin Wanwan peeked inside, immediately stunned.

The walls were pink with unicorns and rainbows painted on them, the white carpet was as soft as clouds, and in the center of the room was a huge princess bed with pink curtains that fell to the floor, and the sheets were adorned with cartoon animal patterns. 

Lin Wanwan couldn't believe this was her room. She had never imagined that one day she would have such a dreamlike room.

"All of this was prepared by Mr. Zhou," the housekeeper said with a smile. He opened the wardrobe, and Lin Wanwan was amazed again. 

The closet was full of beautiful dresses, like a Barbie doll's wardrobe, each one exquisitely made. 

"Can I really wear these?" Lin Wanwan asked cautiously, fearing it was all a dream. 

"Of course, you are now the little princess of the Zhou family." 

Zhou Shen appeared at the doorway, leaning against the frame, tall and imposing, exuding a casual elegance.

"From today, I will fulfill all your wishes." 

His words were like a spell, and Lin Wanwan was lost in them.

At that moment, she felt like she had met a prince from a fairy tale. She truly believed that Zhou Shen was sent by heaven to save her. 

At dinner, Lin Wanwan sat at the long dining table, facing a spread of delicious food, unsure where to start. 

"Why aren't you eating?" Zhou Shen watched her with light laugh. 

"I... I've never seen so much good food..." Lin Wanwan blushed, looking down. 

"Silly girl," Zhou Shen chuckled softly, serving her a piece of steak, "Eat more, don't deprive yourself."

"Thank you, uncle," Lin Wanwan blinked her tearful eyes, feeling sweet inside.

This was the most delicious meal Lin Wanwan had ever had. During the meal, she felt she had grown closer to Zhou Shen. 

But she did not know what kind of scheme lay behind Zhou Shen's smile.

After dinner, Zhou Shen took Lin Wanwan to a small shrine room. The shrine room housed the ancestral tablets of Zhou Shen's parents. 

"They are my parents," Zhou Shen said, his voice light but chillingly cold, "They died in a car accident eight years ago, murdered by someone."

"Uncle..." Lin Wanwan stared at him blankly, not knowing what to say.

"Today is their death anniversary." Zhou Shen lit three incense sticks, slowly knelt down, his expression solemn, "Lin Wanwan, join me in paying respects." 

Lin Wanwan obediently knelt beside Zhou Shen, mimicking his actions and bowed three times.

She sneaked a glance at Zhou Shen and saw his lips tightly pressed, his eyes fiercely intense. 

'Dad, Mom, I've found that person's daughter,' Zhou Shen thought silently, 'I will destroy her myself to atone for you.'

At nine o'clock, the housekeeper urged Lin Wanwan to go to bed. Reluctantly, she entered the bedroom, wishing she could stay with Zhou Shen a little longer.

But fatigue soon took over her body. The soft bed enveloped her, lulling her into drowsiness.

"No one will abandon me again, right..." she murmured, as if talking to herself, yet also seeking someone's assurance.

With hopeful anticipation, she closed her eyes, wishing for a carefree dream tonight. 

The night deepened, moonlight streamed into the bedroom, illuminating Lin Wanwan's peaceful sleeping face. 

She was unaware that this calm was merely the quiet before the storm.

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