

A *dumb boy dies and reincarnates in the DC universe as a Kryptonian who has no relation with Kal-el or House El other than being best friends with Kara Zor-El a deviant boy who was framed and cast out of the planet by his parent to protect him and the heritage of the house Zer before Planet Krypton explodes, unfortunately, his vessel's phantom engine specifically built within was hit by it and so he drifted phantom zone with his parents framed in a coup for being related to the house of Zod Kai-Zer an heir and experimental child of the house of Zer a vassal of house Zod, a former loyal vassal's to the patriarch Dru-Zod, for his mother a Military Guild commander Dana-Zod, and his Father Kye-Zer a Science Guild researcher under Jor-El A/N: Author here... this is just fanfiction that's on my mind that won't go so I thought why not put it in writing... anyways don't get too much into it cuz definitely I won't, I just want it to get it off my chest and brain... updates would be low but I'll try to do it frequently... not sure if I can anyways thanks for reading this Mr./Ms. viewer

JudgeFate_18 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs


The dropship came above the skies scouting the area around the vicinity as Vin and the other knights assess how to deal with the situation




I then took a battle axe-like-glaive ready made for me as an early gift by mother which is about 3 times my size, she said that I'll grow into it sooner than later and follow after the knights

We then dropped from the skies down to the ground encircling the now behemoth of a crazed beast and waited for the signal

Suddenly Vin held his fist up stopping all operation, as we spotted a individual standing on top of the beast and it didn't react to him as if he wasn't even there even though he was shouting as loud as he possibly could










He continued to shout and proclaim in his power armor riding a huge violent mindless beast, like a fanatic who doesn't have any reason left to live except to cause chaos and violence

Vin then signaled a changed of plans from A to D and signaled a sniper who's in position

And with a command a nice plasma beam hit the man's head right dead center, for a short moment the area descended into silence as the beast to stopped its action and for a moment clarity regained in its eyes

As it let out a whimper of pain before it then screeked into a loud ROAR and the Vin signaled plan H, about half of the allied forces dispersed the area searching for any and all possible hostile a search and destroy tactic plan

With the remaining force behind a decision was left to me weather we subdue the beast by capture or termination and so Vin looked at my direction to which I just nod giving the signal

They then moved and fired multiple electric cuffs, stopping the beast destructive momentum as it fell down and finally put on an electronic chocker on its neck knocking it out of its painful state into a coma, as then on the corner of my eye in the middle of the chaos a group of multiple power armored heavily armed individuals tried to rescue the incapacitated rider

I then grabbed my Glaive-Axe and rushed at them that, when they noticed it was already too late as I appeared infront of them with Vin on myside it seems like I wasn't the only one who was observing my surroundings what's more it is unsurprisingly seem that he was a split second faster than me, I supposed it comes from his decades of battlefield experience

Vin charged his huge body against the assailants knocking out three out of four in his charge, he then grabbed then one who was unaffected by the head with his ginormous hands wrapping the persons helmet like a small ball, and with a squeeze it popped like a water balloon

Vin then flick his hand removing the excess bloody mushy membrane parts over his arms using his presences as a distractor. With a swift horizonal cut from above, I bisected a person in full heavy power armor, which was weird until I saw that the black-liquid transferred from my hand fully wrapping itself at the glaive battle axe which now looked like a menacing artifact that seem to be an alive black moving alien weapon

No time wasting of thinking I then rushed to the next and the next but this time I didn't directly kill them just cutting their arms or legs

And when I finished cutting and thrusting my glaive battle axe I twirled it around and placed it in my back as it sat their comfortably it seems weird to me how I didn't feel anything when killing people, maybe because of the conditioning my mother does to me within the holo-chambers but this is just something else.

I ignored the looks my people are giving me

"clean up the mess, Vin"

"yes my liege"


I then walk back to the beast as it slowly regained consciousness but weakly let out a soft whimper I place my foot on it's horns

"fight it, overcome it"

I stated as I locked gaze with the beast, it looked back at me and whined in pain

"do you want the easy way out or the hard way?

It looked back at me with fierce glare

"then stand! Stand and fight! Fight and live"

The huge beast then slowly stood up even though it was being force down but the cuffs it decides to ignore the pain and stood up majestically, it stood so tall that I now had to look up to it to see its eyes while it looks down at me

It then scuffed through its nose and walk away towards the wilderness.

"turn the cuffs off"

"yes my liege"

I then walked back to the now landed dropships while inspecting my glaive battle axe in astonishment on the inside to cut someone in half in full heavy power armor

"Ridicules" I said in a cold tone "and to be called a prototype, you interest me more and more Kara"

I then rested and waited for Vin for the next hour or so

When Vin arrived, we then set back to the house Zor-El

And to my surprise mother was waiting for me there together with Kara-Zor-El and Alura-Zor-El but where is that maid right now? I though silently while silently looking around



Mira was stopped near the door of the 'LAB' as the lady called it

"so I was right your aim is the prototype and you~ were part of the rebel group 'Faora UL' and here I thought you have sworn to protect krypton"

"I fight to protect the people of krypton, not for the council as their lapdog but for the people" Faora replied

"so who is the leader? Wait- no don't speak I'll guess it for you... hmmm does it start with D"

Faora frowned which Mira smirked in victory "D-D-Dr-ru Z-ddd oh no whatever shall I do~ I'ms so scared~~" she even poke fun of it

But Faora sneered and spoke "wrong, but oh well, let me tell you about our grand plan and future goals- "she threw a hidden dagger on her hands as Mira ducked to the side and pulled her plasma pistol

Faora then pulled a plasma pistol of her own and both of them exchanged fire fight with one another, as then Mira gained a devious plan

She charged at Faora, who saw her and started shooting at her so Mira used her (fake) mechanical arm and her anti-plasma frill maid dress as defense her actions comes with advantage and disadvantage

She then threw her now overloaded pistol at Faora, which worked as a distraction for a split second as it hit Faora's body it exploded, but being a veteran warrior of the warrior's guild not a moment to soon in that split second, she avoided a dagger that swag towards her head and leap back avoiding multiple thrust regaining her footing

But unfortunately for her armor now deemed unsuitable for combat

"tsk" both of them click their tongue out of frustration now its both life and death between them or they could stop it here and call it a day

Which they picked the latter as both of them know that they have things they have yet to do

And so, Faora jumped out the window and was caught by a war kite retreating far and wide

As the door bust open Kai-Zer and the house Zer's troops filled in the room for clearing of hostile

Kai-Zer looked at the beaten Mira and her ripped armament up and down

"oh~ my~ what a pervert we have over here~" she purred while acting like a shy maiden MILF

Kai just rolled his eyes and grunted as he then inspect the room riddled with plasma holes, blade slash, and daggers pined against the wall

He then stopped infront of the 'prototype' Molecular Machine that created that strange liquid and a vile was missing seems like the assailants got what they came after

"looks like your security measures need to be updated, Ms head of security"

"Oh~ my and why don't you tell that to the head of security and not me Mr. Zer"

Kai looked back at her with scrutinizing eyes "is that so?"

She just smiled back "that is so~"

"then so be it"



"lets go to where my mother, kara and the lady of the house are, they're waiting"

"fufu, so strict just like his father~" she whispered under her breath "if only~ he can survive~"