

A *dumb boy dies and reincarnates in the DC universe as a Kryptonian who has no relation with Kal-el or House El other than being best friends with Kara Zor-El a deviant boy who was framed and cast out of the planet by his parent to protect him and the heritage of the house Zer before Planet Krypton explodes, unfortunately, his vessel's phantom engine specifically built within was hit by it and so he drifted phantom zone with his parents framed in a coup for being related to the house of Zod Kai-Zer an heir and experimental child of the house of Zer a vassal of house Zod, a former loyal vassal's to the patriarch Dru-Zod, for his mother a Military Guild commander Dana-Zod, and his Father Kye-Zer a Science Guild researcher under Jor-El A/N: Author here... this is just fanfiction that's on my mind that won't go so I thought why not put it in writing... anyways don't get too much into it cuz definitely I won't, I just want it to get it off my chest and brain... updates would be low but I'll try to do it frequently... not sure if I can anyways thanks for reading this Mr./Ms. viewer

JudgeFate_18 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 6: A Dark Thought


WAHAHAHAHA!! LET THE HUNT BEGIN!!" my mother's voice echoed throughout the forest

"s-sist-er, I'm gl-ad, you-r saf-e" Cercie bearly whispered her snow white hair drenched in dirt and both dry and wet blood

"Don't speak sis, please save your energy" 'Please my lord Kai-Zer, please forgive me for being a failure' I felt moisture in my eyes as tears, fell from my eyes, dragging my tired feet, holding my critically injured sister in my exhausted arms for dear life

"FOUND YOU~" To my horror, a playful voice echoed behind me as I turned to face my mother, when a fist was the only thing that came to my vision it all went black in a split second as I only saw the sky up above and then the next was my bleeding sister pale yet trembling, I then felt pain to my sides 'ah so I was injured too, no wonder I felt so weak... I was bleeding,'

"Welp kids, you've quite shown to me your resolve today... I'm proud as your mother" Her voice seemed to be so distant slowly fading 'ah, so this is how death feels like, so this is what my young master describes it, Cold and Lonely, I am so sorry my master for being a failure'

then as my vision slowly faded multiple dropships, appeared from the skies, dropping house Zer's Dark Guardians 'They're here...' everything went black



Kai and Kara stride down the hall leisurely followed by an intrigued Mira behind them seeing Kai stealing glances at Kara from time to time who was humming happily as she guided Kai around their estate, then he stops and looks out of the window and frowns

Kai-Zer POV

'What's this ominous feeling, right now...' a cold chill on my spine, made me shiver slightly

"Something wrong?" Kara asked while staring at me worrying 'What's with those adorable orbs... guh~!'

"Nope, nothing..." I frowned and remarked a bit strongly, causing her to flinch a bit 'damn why did you do that idiot Kai-Zer!' 

we tread a bit in awkward silence until I couldn't handle seeing her downcast expression and a glaring servant any longer, 'damn it why do you express yourself so cut- adamantly... what's wrong with me'

"*cough... s-sorry about that Kara... for scaring you" I expressed myself, by patting her head 'soft & smooth' 

"you're forgiven" She accepted it with a warm smile 'Cute' I couldn't handle it anymore as I guided my hand and tucked her hair behind her ears, I then snapped at my actions and pulled my hand back

she ran ahead of me while pointing at the holographic portraits, I just stared at her my surroundings silent, but her action seemed to be more profound, and her every move seemed to grasp my attention 

'I wonder why... what's wrong with me' I thought as unconsciously a smile creeped onto my face 

"AND WE'RE HERE!" the servant behind us clapped her hands smilingly as if she found a new toy to tease, snapping me out of my trance, as a stoned and annoyed expression appeared on my face, quite weird due to me not feeling much emotion like this in my life aside from the Twins and my Parents

then a cute giggle echoed in the hall, I know she wants to sound like an evil scientist but on the contrary, it just makes her even more cute

"KAI-ZER, BE PREPARED TO BE SURPRISE" she posed with her arms around her chest as she puffed her body to emphasize her proud word, the servant behind us reacted with an undying and exaggerated praise as she clapped her hands together, I suppose that's a form of expression

'well, let's play along for now' I thought as my gaze went to the servant 'Even though she's expressing herself adamantly, her eyes are not laughing nor do they express the emotion of joy... more like 'obsession', what a weird person, I supposed there are many ways to hide one's self from others, in a form of defensive mechanism' 

'defensive mechanism... what does that word mean?' I asked myself I then pushed the thought away when I heard the door opening

"WELCOME TO THE 'LAB!!!' Kara opened her arms only to be greeted by silence, aside from the servant clapping for her actions



"Really... the 'LAB' that's what you call this place?" I remarked laced with a joking tone just to see her reaction

seemed like it was fruitful as Kara was now pouting, puffing her cheeks, and crossing her arms

"What do you mean by that? It's aesthetic and practical to call it the 'LAB!'" she flailed her arms in protest

"My, oh my, it seems that Mr. Zer has sarcasm flowing through him... like father like son 'prick'" The servant placed her hand on her cheeks seemingly inquisitive at my actions

her statement made me frown for no reason aside from the fact that she seemed to know my father on a personal level... 'but why didn't Mother react to her presence, did father perhaps-'

"Seems that overthinking has been passed down to you too, Mr.Zer" A confused expression came over me, which made her giggle "Fufu, making fun of both you and your father never seize to amaze me" 

which caused an irritated tick over me "And it seems like your mother's temper passed down as well she even ignored me... quite sad I must say, even with our history together sigh~~"

"Mira?" Kara asked quite worried "Oh, it's nothing sweetie~, what did you want to show our dear guest?" she asked in a warm motherly tone which made my brow rise a bit, but Karas expression perked up so I put my doubt down and gave Kara my full attention

as we walked inside the 'LAB' my gaze went to many inventions some that were introduced in society some that are in the 'development' process and others in theory board

but in particular, my attention was on the file called 'Codex' as it was authored by my father and co-authored by Kara's mother, another file 'Life' and 'Gods' 

until Kara's voice made me snap out of it "Here we are! Let me introduce to you! the Molecular Assembly Generator" She then placed her hand on the crystal as Vantablack liquid-like tentacles crawled out of the cylinder to her fingers as it then wrapped to her neck down to her feet

it then solidifies creating an unnatural yet aesthetic armor around her with her arms on her hips puffing her chest with the emblem of El on her chest, with the final cape flowing on her back

"and that's not all!" she then placed her hand behind her ears and with a tap, a systematic flow-like machine liquid covered her face solidifying into a helmet "so what do you think?"

just as I was about to convey my impressed thoughts applaud echoed at our backs

'Clap, clap, clap' "Impressive, quite the innovative" mother praised Kara for her work, while Alura proudly smiled at her daughter "Seems like your work is bearing fruit my Kara" she stated as Kara then liquefied her helmet tucking it inside of her suit basking in the attention that her mother is giving to her

while they were praising Kara, nobody but me noticed Mira's expression, a huge grin on her flushed face, her void eyes as she whispered 'Finally, you've done well, my child' as she stared at Kara obsessively 

'damn... that woman is crazy' I whispered to my thoughts to myself



on the lands of Zer, a dropship landed on the spot near the unconscious bleeding twins and their mother who was clearly annoyed at their arrival

 as the door of the dropship opened multiple Zer's Dark Guards code unit 'veil' rushed to aid the girls, as a giant stopped in front of Cire

"tsk" she ticked her tongue annoyed

"Don't you think you've gone too far, woman?" he asked in a venomous tone anger laced in his voice

"you've gone soft and weak, L'irek," Ceri said annoyed at the situation

"But that doesn't give you the right to beat you're children to death Ceri," he said holding his anger and trying to justify the wrongness of her actions

"TWO OF OUR CHILDREN DIED ALREADY L'IREK! I DON'T NEED ANY MORE! IF THEY DIE THEN IT WOULD BE FROM MY OWN HANDS! MY DAUGHTERS MY BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTERS, THERE ARE EVEN ASSASSINS AT NIGHT TRYING TO ENTER THE YOUNG LORDS ROOM!" she shouted as she punched his armor he stood there taking the blow from her anger and grief while her eyes were on the verge of crying

when all was said and done, he caressed her knuckles applying first aid and whipping the blood from it he then stopped and wiped the blood on her face "Don't worry... they're strong... you and I both know that that accident won't happen ever again... not while I still stand"

"fine you stupid ouf" she silently said while entering the dropship with the twins

he then nods his head at a company on Dark Guardians 'veils', as they cocked their plasma bolts and disappeared into the woods, he then followed Ceri into the dropship and left back to their master's estate to treat the wounds of his beloved daughters where he fails his 'son's' he swore to give what was taken and with the help of his master that dream isn't far as we speak

when they arrived back at the Castle he visited the infirmary as he wanted to inspect his daughters, his eyes and mouth opened in shock for a split second as he saw how fast his daughters healed in an unconscious state while basking in the light of Rao

he was intrigued yet curious at what had caused this phenomenon, but it all quip back when he saw them slowly waking up from their slumber then in surprise they both shot up patting every part of their body, and then finally sighed

"That hurt a lot," Cercie said destroughtly 

"yes..." Celina nodded her head in silence and contemplation

"you okay?" Cercie asked worriedly to her older twin

"yes..." On the contrary, Celina just nodded

"you sure" a gruff voice asked as they turned to it

"FATHER!" both Celina and Cercie jumped into his embrace he did his best to show comfort as it was an emotion quite alien to him 

then the door opened when a woman in her power armor entered the room silently observing the father and daughters with a frown on her face

"seems like you're both already awake" she stated with a frown as she crossed her arms on her chest

"M-mother" Cercie said trembling as she gulped her saliva, while Ceilna frowned as she walked forward with her hands trembling with determination in her eyes "Train me!" she said as Ceri's eyes opened wide quite surprised at what her daughter said

she frowned and with her voice laced with venom she gripped Celina's shoulder tightly and spoke "NO!... you're not training... you're not fighting... you're not doing nothing!" she grits her teeth while trying to hold her tears "I've already applied for your release of service to the house of Zer... you will leave this duty to someone else!"

Celina's face paled when she heard her mother's command, not a request not an order but a command, thinking of leaving her beloved, as a flash of Kai's face in her thooght Celina clenched her fist and glared at her "AND WHO DECIDED THAT! I WILL NEVER BACK OFF! MY OUGHT! NOT TILL THE DAY I DIE!" she shouted back at her

which made Ceri froze seeing her daughters expression, which cause her heart to break as she was trying to give fact to her daughter that she is weak and the weak will die


"THEN TRAIN ME! MAKE ME STRONG, MAKE ME BETTER!" Celina tried to negotiate with her 

"NO!!, NOT NOW NOT NEVER!!" Ceri placed her hand on her forehead trying to calm her anger but froze when she saw Celina's teary eyes 

she ran away from her crying, not knowing what to do or say Ceri stood there her hands outreach while Cercie ran after her sister

L'irek sighed while enclosing Ceri in his tight embrace comforting her as she wept silently with various questions running through his head

[To be contiuned]


A/N: my week has been shit!! peeps... tonnes of deadlines ahead so my update schedule is a bit all over the place, I don't know if I'll make another chapter this next Friday or Saturday, cuz I made his fanfic series for fun, but being how burdened I am this past week I'll just try my best to make a new chapter I supposed 

adding to that my uncle just died anyways... damn depress cousins p.s. his a prick really and I hated his guts but family is family sigh

anyways see you next chapter next week... If I'm not already dead that is!! sigh

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