

A *dumb boy dies and reincarnates in the DC universe as a Kryptonian who has no relation with Kal-el or House El other than being best friends with Kara Zor-El a deviant boy who was framed and cast out of the planet by his parent to protect him and the heritage of the house Zer before Planet Krypton explodes, unfortunately, his vessel's phantom engine specifically built within was hit by it and so he drifted phantom zone with his parents framed in a coup for being related to the house of Zod Kai-Zer an heir and experimental child of the house of Zer a vassal of house Zod, a former loyal vassal's to the patriarch Dru-Zod, for his mother a Military Guild commander Dana-Zod, and his Father Kye-Zer a Science Guild researcher under Jor-El A/N: Author here... this is just fanfiction that's on my mind that won't go so I thought why not put it in writing... anyways don't get too much into it cuz definitely I won't, I just want it to get it off my chest and brain... updates would be low but I'll try to do it frequently... not sure if I can anyways thanks for reading this Mr./Ms. viewer

JudgeFate_18 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs


---Kai-Zer Bedroom---

in the middle of the day when Rao blessed his presence to the people of Krypton, a young child was sitting in his room in front of a sunstone recording himself

"ahem, *ahem... is this recording?" the child asked himself leaning towards it 

"I think so" he nodded talking to himself "Well then... greeting I guess, this is my first time recording myself, according to what my mother told me to do" he puffed up his chest, with his fist placed in the symbol of the house Zer

seems that the child adopted his mother's mannerisms seeing her do it for years "Wait where was I, oh yeah... recording myself, it's weird talking to a wall and a stone, *ahem let's do this... hello greetings to those who see this, I am Kai-Zer the heir of the house Zer, the son of Kye-Zer and Dana-Zod"

"I am now 'SIX' and tomorrow will be SEVEN!" he said with a smug in his face "So what do I want to talk about... hmm... oh yeah, mother's training has been rough lately after the entrance exam of the warriors guild, but that is fine after all mother loves me in her own way and want me to become strong... UMU" the child nodded his head agreeing to his own statement

"but I supposed mother's been sad and easily annoyed as off lately since father's been ignoring her and me, even in meal times, he always in his deep thoughts... saying things like 'what are their next moves' or 'they won't be in the dark for longer, as the light of Rao shines bright' or 'the Em's been silent as of late' or 'the council are blind of their power thinking that they are gods' I don't know what those means but I hope, he can spend more time with both me and mother" a sad tone can be traced on his voice but he shook those feeling off in a jiffy

"speaking of mother and father being weird, they ordered both Celina and Cercie to stay with me at all times, even at bedtime when Rao sleeps with us, but I supposed I'm fine with it, after all, it won't be lonely at night now that they are sleeping together with me" the boy happily nodded his head

"but then there's something I don't really get, after all, aren't you supposed to call your elders or those older than you with respect and titles... just like our house retainers always call themselves, sisters or brothers or how they call mother and father, my lady and my lord" the child pouted 

"but then when I called both Celina and Cercie 'big sisters', they both went pale and prostrated on the floor trembling, Celiena asking if they did something bad that and unworthy for them to serve me as their master, while Cercie cried for the first time in her life... I made them worry and feel sad, and I didn't know what to do, other than give them hugs, like how my mother gives me one if I feel sad and lonely... well it was a good thing that I made them stop feeling bad, but their actions worsen the day after where they follow me much more than before and treating me as if I would leave them in a moments notice *sigh" 

The boy crossed his arms while frowning following a silent contemplation while looking at his window doorstep feeling the breeze of the wind and the light touching his frame

a moment of silence later the boy opened his mouth "I've been having visions as of late in the middle of the night, where everyone is asleep, but I can't seem to remember what it was every time I wake up, I only felt that it was cold, dark, lonely... I don't like feeling lonely and sad, but I must control myself, mother taught me, that one must control oneself senses, speaking of Mother, I asked her if it's possible for one to have visions in the middle of their sleep" he then shook his head disappointed

"but she said no, apart from the house of Em, Kryptonians generally don't get visions, as that is how Rao, talks to his creations, and in the house of Em, the servants who directly serve as a connection Rao when he gives his instructions to us his people, so no apart from that we do not dream, my child" he then sighed following the mannerism of his father 

"Well, I supposed here is where I end my first recording of myself and-" *knock *knock "excuse me for a moment" he then walked to the door to answer who it was "Greetings master, the lady asked if you were ready, as if the schedule has stated, today is when you will meet your father's side of the family," Cecilia said in an emotionless and professional tone " the House of El" 

Kai-Zer just smiled and nodded at Cecilia, as he then went back to and sat in his chair to end his recording, when he finished he changed his skinsuit and placed a robe on top of it.

Cercie entered the room and stood beside Cecilia after greeting him they then left after he was finished Changing. to meet his mother in her study

---Zor-El Household---

the once quiet and tranquil house of Zor-El one of the great houses of El, was now bustling with activity, with servants running around the place, performing the command on the lady of the house Alura Zor-El 

she watches the servants running around the place in her study, as she stands on a platform raising a skull observed as it was scanned by a sunstone, just to notice a small pair of light blue orbs staring at her intently tilting her head, on the corner of her sight 

she smiled so softly and warmly, knowing who it was just then the door swung open as a distressed and worried maidservant rashly entered 

"My lady Alura, we can't find Miss Kara, anywhere... by Rao she was just in her room a moment ago" the maidservant bit her thumbnail

Alura then listened to the servant's worried voice as she narrated scenarios of what bad things might have happened, today of all day's in her colorful and imaginative mind, as she walked to the corner of the room near an area where little mischievous critters may hide

"so, are you done playing hide and seek little one?" she said as she reached out and grabbed her little critter under her arm carrying her out as the critter giggled in a light childish cute tone in her voice

*giggle "Momma, good morning!" the little girl's pair of light blue eyes waved her arms and flailed her hands towards her mother

"oh Kara, be a dear and behave you mustn't worry the people around you," she said as she rained kisses on the child

"muuu~, stop with the kisses! *giggle, that tickles" she laughs as her mother tickled her armpits

as Alura noticed how quiet the maidservant became, she looked at the maidservant who placed a hand on her cheeks with a satisfied expression on her beautiful elegant face as small drops of blood went down her nose

Alura just shook her head, and let out a sigh as she passed Kara to her, with Kara having an expression of betrayal with the maidservant now rubbing her face against hers, Alura just continued on her research study expressionlessly 

to Alura, both Kara and the maidservant were quite the anomalies on Krypton, not that rare of a kind, but somewhat uncommon, those who wear their emotion on their sleeves though while it's true that Kryptonians, suppress and repress their emotions to value their pragmatic ways more than so often they are still emotionally capable organism somewhat

through centuries of selective breeding, they damped their emotional spectrum side of things and opted for the more logical aspect of nature

the maidservant observed Kara's expression, who looked at her mother curiously who was decoding what seemed to be a 'codex' recording her process with the sunstone, the maidservant gave a warm motherlike smile, as she carried Kara out of the room to prepare for their incoming visitors

"Well then my little sweet Kara, what kind of person will you be when you grow up, Krypton's crisis will happen as it is written, everyone will die, it is already predetermined, I just hope you'll grow up big and strong" the maidservant whispered to herself in a low voice, as she caressed Kara's sleeping figure in her arms, as she rested in her endowed chest

"Mira" Kara muttered under her breath

"be strong... my supergirl" Mira stated, as she walked in the corridor feeling the light of Rao, as her cells wallowed in in its light 

---Zer Aircarrier---

in the skies of Krypton, a 700-meter cruiser-class ship floated toward the Zor-El's air space, as both mother and son then went toward the hanger of the ship 

"You ready son?" Dana asked her 6 almost 7-year-old son Kai-Zer, with a smile on her face

"Are they really my relative's mother?" the child asked his mother curiously a bit troubled

his mother frowned when she listened to the worried tone in her son's voice, she stopped in her tracks and she then turned around to face him

"why ask this question, my son?" she inquired, strictness laced in the tone of her voice

"w-well, you see m-mother, I read it in the zer achieved of how they despi-" she frowned even more "-don't like father, so I thought they wouldn't like me too" his voice slowly turned into whispers at the trails of his sentence

afraid that she would be mad and disappointed at him he lowered his head to avoid looking at her face, she bit her lower lip not before sighing heavily and spoke

*SIGHH~! "MY SON!... look at me" The child raised his head and looked at his mother's face determined with a slight fear in his eyes

she smiled lovingly, and she then hugged him tightly "You must remember... even if the house El dislikes your lineage, due to your fathers previous actions and or situation..." she then placed her hand on his shoulders and looked directly on his deep blue eyes "you must not forget YOU ARE THE HEIR OF THE HOUSE OF ZER! THE HOUSE THAT WAS AND IS REVIVED BY THE VERY OWN TWO HANDS OF THE ONE THEY LOOK DOWN UPON! AN INDEPENDENT HOUSE THAT STAND ON IT'S OWN TWO FEET!"

she smiled once more, but with a wry look on her face as if she reminiscing a moment "So don't slouch, don't lower your head...puff your chest and raise it with pride for you are the next head of a united and very loyal people, your decisions will shape what the future of the house will hold" she caress his cheeks lovingly as he did as he was told with understanding in his eyes

"Now, we draw near, we must be ready and depart to greet your not-so-related family line" She rubbed his hair as they walked towards the hanger bay where their escorts await

---Zor-El airspace---

"This is Æ, household Zer Personal A.I, code registration for enter, submit" a static module messenger sending from one to another

"Æ clearance, confirm, welcome to the land of El... house Zer, may you be blessed by the light of Rao"

"as to you" Æ replied

as the hanger of the 700-meter cruiser-class ship opened releasing the heavy transport ship, with two dropships and eight starfighters escorting it now grav-locked 

the doors of the dropships opened and knights of Zer lined in front of the transport ships' doors, with their heavy power armor and heavy plasma bolters on hand, 'discipline' was the only word that ran through the minds of those present, a heavy and scary intimidating demeanor with their silence in toe

as the doors of the transport ship opened, the knights saluted with their fists on their chests, where the symbol of the house Zer was located, clearly sending the message of 'Loyalty' to the house as two senior bigger and more terrifying knights scanned the area with their decorative power armor step down the platform with shields hang on an arm parallel to another 

behind them were the individuals known as the most important people in the house of Zer

Dana-Zod the queen of the battlefield and her child the heir of house Zer, Kai-Zer both stepped down the platform, interestingly enough, both of them weren't wearing protection, but only wore their traditional skinsuit with layers of the house symbol mantle over them, signifying their 'trust' and 'peaceful' message in the house of Zor-El

Then both huge knights parted aside to let both Dana and Kai meet the representative of the Zor-El, his wife Alura-Zor-El, and their daughter Kara-Zor-El 

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