

A *dumb boy dies and reincarnates in the DC universe as a Kryptonian who has no relation with Kal-el or House El other than being best friends with Kara Zor-El a deviant boy who was framed and cast out of the planet by his parent to protect him and the heritage of the house Zer before Planet Krypton explodes, unfortunately, his vessel's phantom engine specifically built within was hit by it and so he drifted phantom zone with his parents framed in a coup for being related to the house of Zod Kai-Zer an heir and experimental child of the house of Zer a vassal of house Zod, a former loyal vassal's to the patriarch Dru-Zod, for his mother a Military Guild commander Dana-Zod, and his Father Kye-Zer a Science Guild researcher under Jor-El A/N: Author here... this is just fanfiction that's on my mind that won't go so I thought why not put it in writing... anyways don't get too much into it cuz definitely I won't, I just want it to get it off my chest and brain... updates would be low but I'll try to do it frequently... not sure if I can anyways thanks for reading this Mr./Ms. viewer

JudgeFate_18 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1: is this a survey?... Reincarnation?

---Roadside Washington D.C---

A boy no less than 16, was walking down a road in the dead of the night, looking at his garments wearing a white shirt, short pants, running shoes, and headphones resting on his neck, a plastic bag hanging on his wrist looking at the phone in his hands scrolling for something interesting on the internet waiting for the walking sign to change

while sighing at the crowdless, noiseless street in the dead of the night 'Two more years and I'll be out of those, loveless, money-grabbing relatives... I just have to wait two more years... you can do this 'ᒚᑘᒪᓰᑘS' you can do this, you're not like them phew' the boy thought with a sigh

He then looked back at his phone after it finished loading, however, unexpectedly a pop ad notice flashed on his screen and he accidentally pressed it, while he was reading a newly released manga on a pirated website

[ᑢᓍᘉᘜᖇᗩᖶᑘᒪᗩᖶᓰᓍᘉS! ᖻᓍᑘ ᗩᖇᘿ ᓍᑘᖇ 1,000,000,000 ᐺᓰSᓰᖶᓍᖇ!!] strange letters popped up on his screen, but strangely enough, he could read it...

"Congratulations you are our 1,000,000,000 visitor... what the hell... weird... I've seen worse, maybe it's just how they advertise things but that doesn't explain how I can read this " the boy contemplated to himself as he continued to read its content

'would you like a chance in life in another world?... a chance to become greater a chance to change fate?, your ideal reincarnation/transmigration... all you need to do is press yes' the boy read it silently 'Why so ominous bro...' he thought as he scrolled down his screen

[YES] [no]

'hmmm...' he thought for a bit 'Ehh... what's the worst that could happen, plus I'm the one in the billionth...'

seeing that the sign is still not changing, he shrugs his shoulder and looks at his phone again...

'I have time... why not, maybe this can be as entertaining as a manga'

[Pick a world/universe you would like to partake in *select one]

'you know what thinking about it now, I'm interested in going to the DC universe, as dark as DC can be I would love to get to know those people... and wonder how can a person survive in such circumstances, as they say, an environment can mold a person on how they can be today'

[DC Universe, Now what organism would you like to reincarnate/transmigrate as? *Select one] 

'Ohhh... wow... this is going to take a while... quite the lineup we've got here' he said as he was scrolling down on the A's, to K's from individuals to races, he was tempted to press on Kal-El when he saw the name, but as if something was warning him an uncomfortable feeling came and go, all the while he felt his hair standing up

he then scrolled a little more down until it stopped at the word 'Kryptonian' and when he pressed it as if a comfortable feeling wrapped around his being he felt it come and go as if it wasn't there in the first place

[DC Universe, Kryptonian... Please choose 4 items/skills]

as if it couldn't get any better another list was presented to him the list was blank more like a note with patches of grays no overpowered stuff here like "All fiction", "Instant death", etc... so it took him a while to formulate the advantages and disadvantages of each item and skills

*Mother box - History Created by a scientist using the mysterious Element X, they are generally thought to be sentient, miniaturized, and portable, although their true nature and origins are unknown. They possess wondrous powers and abilities not understood even by their users, the gods. These range from teleportation (they can summon ) to energy manipulation and Mother Boxes have even been seen healing the injured, including himself, after he was beaten by. stated that each Mother Box shares "a mystical rapport with nature". They provide their owner with unconditional love and self-destruct when their owner dies.

Mother Boxes have sacrificed themselves for causes they believed in and are greatly respected by the people of New Genesis. In physical appearance, they are most often in the shape of a small box, but they can also be much larger (as is the one carried by the ), and do not always need to be in the shape of a box at all ( had Mother Box circuitry woven into the hood of his costume). They usually communicate with a repetitive "ping!" which can be understood by their users.

*Sentry Serum - History Project: Sentry started in March of 1947 when a joint American/Canadian government operation employed former Nazi scientists and material from the Canadian program in an effort to re-create and magnify its effects a thousand times over. politics interfered with the project, and roughly thirty years later, the program had become fragmented into sub-operations with outsourced research and no central administration properly guiding it. One of the recipients of outsourced work was, who perfected the formula into the Golden Sentry Serum.

*Allspark- The Allspark of this universe is a sphere of blueish crystal. It is not known with absolute certainty if it predates Cybertron in this reality; the earliest record of its existence is its appearance in many primitive etchings from Cybertronian pre-history, dating to around eight billion years ago.

*A.I cortana - History Cortana was derived from the brain of, the creator of the; Halsey's synapses became the basis for Cortana's processors. a.k.a a human A.I

[Mother Box connected with him, body, soul, mind, and reality][x50 Sentry Serum, x10,000 Synthesized Erkstine/Maya Hansen SSS (Temporary Inventory)][AllSpark][A.I. Cortana (Halo Infinite)]

'and, there done...' 

[Submit... [YES] [no]

after selecting yes, he noticed that the walking sign changed, as the boy put down his phone and walked the pedestrian lane a tiny *ping resounded on his phone He looked down at it while walking, and a notice flashed on the screen

[You're all set, Enjoy your new life ᒚᑘᒪᓰᑘS or rather, should I say ᖽᐸᗩᓰ-ᗱᘿᖇ, bye-bye!]


before he could contemplate and ask what the hell was that, a very loud horn echoed in the background, that wasn't there before 

*HOOONK* a mini truck slammed into him flinging him across the street and then he blackout


"so you finally did it..." a disappointed tone resounded throughout the space of the room as a young female figure clad in darkness gave the other a scrutinizing gaze that changed into disgust

"What, you mean by that? you have your champion"S" Why can't I have some myself?" the other figure clad in light, radiating herself proudly at the other while smiling and flaunting herself

"TSK" the female figure clad in darkness clicked her tongue "you promised that you wouldn't drag our 'brother' in our games... he already suffered enough due to our actions" She glared at the female figure in light

silence descending upon them as the space around them trembled a bit as the tension rosed "h#%$#" the figure in light whispered as the temperature around her rose

"what did you say?" the other clad in darkness asked as the temperature on her side dropped 

"YOU HYPOCRITE!!!" the figure in light shouted as the space around them cracked like broken glass "DON'T TALK TO ME LIKE YOU KNOW IT ALL!!!, IT'S BECAUSE OF YOU THAT I CAN'T BE BY HIS SIDE RIGHT NOW!!!" she glared at the dark figure


"WHAT YOU SAY?!" and just as things could escalate any further another voice scolded them both "ENOUGH... BOTH OF YOU! YOUR ACTING LIKE CHILDREN!"

both figures stiffened when they heard the angry voice "M-mother..."

"sigh... whatever shall I do with both of you..." she stated while rubbing her temples all the while contemplating where she got wrong raising with both of them and with their super brother complex

"so any luck in finding your older brother?" the motherly tone resounded within the void asked observing both her daughters the figure clad in darkness crossed her arms below her well-endowed chest while glaring at the figure in light, all the while her youngest avoided eye contact staring at the 'floor' with her hands at her back and her feet kicking the 'ground'

 and so she just sighed "Youngest?" the figure clad in light flinched hearing her mother's voice

"y-ye-es... m-mother" she asked with a tiny voice

"look at me in the eyes, little one" and she did as she was told "So, where did you send your brother?" the void asked softly while looking at her pouting little light "Uncle's universe..."

"Which uncle?" she asked while patting her child's head "DC's universe" she replied feeling the comfort of her mother's hand, as the void then chuckled at her little light's antics

while her middle child looked at her in disbelief "What you're not gonna punish her? If it was me you would spank me and ground me for a millennium" while flinging her arms in emphasization

the void rolled her 'eyes' at her middle child's actions and flicked her forehead as she raised her eyebrow looking at the damage of her youngest seeing the souls about 20 to 50 leaving her realm to another 

as she then gave another sigh of the cleanup work, and how to inform her brothers about this incident the question was how is she going to deliver the news 

'Hey brothers, my daughter ripped reality and souls of my realm flung to yours so you may experience reincarnation/transmigrators running here and there within your reality... sigh...' 

she looked at her adorable little light 'Sigh... my child you really F*ked up real bad' while rubbing her headaches

--- Krypton ---

Between trillions of orbs of burning gasses, stars, planets, moons, asteroids, and an unlimited amount of constellations, lies a smaller planet hidden in the depths of a galaxy light years away. 

The planet and others in its solar system rotate around the red dwarf star named Rao. Its dim red rays shine through the yellow-tinted atmosphere, bringing little warmth in the colder seasons of Krypton; approximately one-and-a-half times larger than the Earth orbits a red star called Rao fifty light-years from the Solar System. 

The planet is naturally of a cooler nature, with its species running higher temperatures to compensate. Kryton's weather is determined by its seasons, its personal versions of summer and winter; with solstices intertwining with the change of temperature and atmosphere.

within the personal genesis chamber of the Zer Household, a 6'5 ft man with obsidian hair in his early 30s dressed in a lab coat looked at the floating child within the chamber and checked on his vitals, with his blue eyes looking at the child devoid of emotion as he then wrote something in a hologram projected from the crystal 

as the airlocked door behind him opened up, releasing cold mist as a cold woman in power armor followed by an entourage behind her walked into the room, her dark-brown wavy hair bounced with each step of her heavy metal boots,

her movement devoid of any useless action speaks of her training as an officer of the military background, but even with her power armor her figure can't be hidden as she stopped and stood behind the man who is her husband her arms wrapped around below her well-endowed chest as she observes him with her blue eyes scrutinizing him up and down while waiting for him to notice her.

and behind her is her entourage who are noticeable two of whom are below 6 years old, oddly enough, all the entourage have the same features, pale skin, snow white hair, and green eyes that could be mistaken as an albino person back here on earth

"you're here... Dana" he spoke without looking at her, still typing at the holoprojector

"yes... husband" she coldly nodded her head agreeing

"how was work" he asked, still not looking at her

"same old, same old... dear" she replied with an emotionless tone

"Good... in a few weeks our child will be born in this world" he replied now staring at the child floating 

"mhmm..." she agreed while still staring at him

"you've brought them?" he asked now turning around and looking at her eyes

a small flush of red patch formed above her cheeks, as she coughed covering her mouth and coldly glace and looked away while nodding her head

she then turned to look at both 5-year-old twin sisters, she waved her hand for them to move forward 

"here... these are the youngest of the batch, kye" she stated with a cold tone in her voice

he nodded "Come here..." he stated as both twin sisters moved in front of him "Names?"

"Celina... oldest" the older one stated first 

"Cercie... youngest" The youngest then followed

Kye nodded his head pleased and placed his hands on both their backs "You are both created to serve a master until you expire... which is him, my child the heir of the house Zer, serve him well"

they both kneeled on one knee and stated "Till we die, we will serve" which pleased Kye and Dana. 

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