
For you all

Upon being reborn as a lone wolf in a vast forest, this young woman found herself stripped of her identity and without any allies. In this unfamiliar realm, the concept of fate and mate was considered an undeniable truth. The moment she turned 18, she finally met her mate but was taken aback to find not one, but three potential mates. She was left wondering whether they would accept and cherish her or reject her. Undeterred, she ventured to the kingdom of Wear Wolf and joined the academy. Despite facing numerous challenges, she tackled them head-on and emerged stronger than ever, gaining powerful abilities along the way. She refused to let any obstacle stand in her way.

Beom_Yaoi · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Midnight 2

I am unsure of whether this is happening because of our demon or our wolves.

Gazing at their wolves, she smiled evilly. They transform into their wolf after losing all self-control.

Deadly red eyes, devoid of fear and even brimming with excitement, stared at her.

Two of them followed Sean Wolf as he moved forward. Their teeth bared by dribble of saliva.

Not even one of the other wolves looks up. They have already submitted to her, and now that other people are using demon wolves , they are immobile and trembling all over, covering their eyes with their paws while still bowing.

The demon wolves approach her, still covered in drool and beaming from eye to eye.

Moving their tails excitedly and sticking out their tongues, they approached the stone that was closer to her and sat in front of her. 

Our "amour" we all missed you.

Good boy. She stated, still beaming.

Oh. What a lovely voice. If this keeps happening, we will lose control. We desire you immediately. Despite his intense desire, he manages to hold back from jumping on her.

She approaches and licks their ears, saying, "I am always yours."

Luis Wolf groans, are you trying to make fun of us?

Looking at him, she turns around.

Shh...I do not recall allowing you to talk. She glanced at him.

He grinned in a contented manner.

Let us each mark you. Liam Wolf expressed

No, this is not the right moment for us.

She gives the order for all wolves to retrieve.

Every wolf started sprinting in the direction of the cave.

Not the appropriate moment? What do you mean that we have to wait ? You are aware that we have been waiting for you for over three lifetimes.

I am not strong enough to take care of all three of you at this time. I understand that, like me, you have been anticipating my arrival. She said, her expression melancholy.

They remained silent. They simply cast a guilty-looking gaze downward.

We express our regret.

For you, we will go above and above. Sean gave me a puppy-dog look.

Next, be patient with me. After I get strong enough, we will mate.

But as of right now, we can mark you, right?



because everything you have done to me is still fresh in my mind. Her voice was acrimonious.


For however long it takes you to accept us, we will wait for you.

"Are you done talking?" she asked, glancing at them.

In that case, you had better not show up before me because I am not sure if I could resist trying to kill you. And do you all take control of them?

They are helpless; they cannot withstand our lust.

Your lust? Hmph.. smirking

The only person who has the ability to dominate us is you.

She fell unconscious.



They transmuted into human form.

She haven't changed back. Liam stated.

Do you remember Luis asked.

Yes, every single thing.

Liam gave a nod.

Sean picked her up and made his way over to the cave. 


Her point of view

Oh no...

Oh no, I am sore all over.

When I opened my eyes, I noticed the three princes. Lying on my bed, sleeping.


Liam is sleeping, hugging my left legs, and Sean is on my right, Luis on my left.

Hey, get out of bed.

Sean hugged my arms and said, "Just five more minutes!" And all the princes are sticking to me like glue.

I straighten my back and meet their face.

How did it happen? Why are all of you lying on my bed?

gradually opening the eyes. We can not sleep apart from our mate, said Luis.


You do not recall what happened last night? 

Nope. Did something occur?

Not much has happened, but you are our mate.

Ours? You mean, you three.

Indeed, I am ecstatic. Liam continued to hug my legs and remarked, "I knew something was different about you."

First, everyone, get up. I yelled

Ah, yeah... You really are a bad girl. Sean grinned and said.

good morning.

Good -wait now not a time to wish me. Tell me about what happened last night, and about mate.

Your scent is wonderful. Sniffing Luis said.

Sean tumbles across the floor as I push him.

You are really harsh, sweetie.

Please do not just call me "sweetie" out of nowhere.

Once more, I ask while standing. Mates, what are you guys saying?

Our mate is you.

The three of you and me?


However, how is that even possible?

What is not possible?

having three partners.

It is alright if it is you.

How come.

Nevertheless, why am I feeling nothing?

Luis glanced at me and said, "Because we have been controlling our smell."

Liam sniffed at the blanket and said, "We also advise you to control your."

Are you saying that I smell?

I do not want other people to smell you, even though we like your scent. With a smirk, Sean stated.

You guys have gotten even crazier over time. I remarked as I stepped outside.