
For you all

Upon being reborn as a lone wolf in a vast forest, this young woman found herself stripped of her identity and without any allies. In this unfamiliar realm, the concept of fate and mate was considered an undeniable truth. The moment she turned 18, she finally met her mate but was taken aback to find not one, but three potential mates. She was left wondering whether they would accept and cherish her or reject her. Undeterred, she ventured to the kingdom of Wear Wolf and joined the academy. Despite facing numerous challenges, she tackled them head-on and emerged stronger than ever, gaining powerful abilities along the way. She refused to let any obstacle stand in her way.

Beom_Yaoi · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Another day in the forest


I can hear a bird's sound. Groaning...

I slept well. Maybe because I'm tired.

What should I do today?

From what I can tell this child's parents don't come here to collect her. Did she get kidnapped and thrown in this jungle?

Or did her parents abandon her?

Or maybe I'm reincarnated in this body without any connection to this body in this world.

Who knows...

But that's better I don't need to be tied to some family connection I guess.

Now maybe I should learn some hunting skills. I know a little bit but that will not be enough to survive in this forest without anyone to rely on.

I went outside the cave while thinking about what should I do.

Maybe I should make a trap to lure the prey. Then I start to make some weapons with the help of sharp stones and strong branches.

That will do for now then I dig the hole, quite a big one and disguise it with some grass on the top of it.

My fire hasn't burned out maybe I should add some woods.

Then I break some parts of the tree that are dry and begin to walk toward the cave and add to the fire.

Thinking about it maybe I should visit another place so that I will know what type of plants and animals are there. It's important to gather as much as information you can.

But not for now. I should upgrade my skills to hunt so that I can face any animals.

Then I began to craft some wood with stone I made some flat plates and a deep one. Now I can use this to cook something.

Now to the point of another. What type of world did I get reincarnated?

Is fantasy one that has magic? Or just the same one from my previous life?

But looking at my appearance. I doubt it is the same as my previous life world.

Fire.... I shout pointing my hand in the air. Nothing comes.


Ha... Maybe they have spells to do magic?

I don't know.

For the future, I should make a plan to survive in this wild.

Magic? It's impossible

Some people? Nah

Water? It is available

Food? I can manage

Home? I can, for now.

I heard some noise. In the same direction as the trap I put.

Then I ran towards it with my weapons.

Then I saw a chicken two but so much bigger than I remembered.

They are struggling to climb and I stab them with the stone weapon.

I can see they began to lose blood then I took them out and went towards the sea.

I began to prepare the chicken.

After some hours.

Meat without any masalas is tasteless. Not even a salt. So disgusting.

Haa, for now, I don't need to worry about food and water then I began to explore the jungle.

After some time I saw a green tall dog.

Wow, it's really another world huh?

Then one of the pups saw me and began to shake his tail and come towards me while jumping.

W-what doesn't come near me or I'll get exposed. Then all the dogs that are in the group began to stand up and come towards me.

Oh, no I'm going to die now.

I can't run they will probably chase me.

Then one of the dogs which is bigger than the other and seems like the boss of their pack comes and licks my face.


Then he rubs his face in my face.

W-what the hell is happening?

Why are you acting cute?

Then I pat his head.

Maybe I should form a friendship with them. That will probably be the best option.

Then I moved towards the cave and saw all of them following me.

Oh, are you all going to follow me? I said



Then let's go and I gave them the leftover chicken that I couldn't finish.

All start to jump and eat.

Maybe this will help me to survive in this wild. Now I can hunt with the help of these dogs.