
'"Since they want to play, we'll play"

Los Angeles, 5 Years later

"You have two meetings with potential investors, then you have to review the designs for next month's launch. Your meeting with CEO Rivers concerning the negotiation of Harmony Isle is scheduled for 3:00 later this afternoon.

Xie li listened to her P. A tell her her itinerary for the day as she looked through last month's reports.

"Lyca, have you gathered everything on CEO Rivers like I asked? her eyes never left the documents she was reading

"Yes, I'm with them now"

"Drop it on my desk and inform all the managers to come to the meeting room on the second floor, they should be there by ten sharp"

Lyca left and Xie li just kept skimming through the reports with a lazy smirk on her face. " it seems some people like to play smart" she let out a cold laugh, and there was a sharp glint in her eyes

"Since they want to play, we'll play"

She glanced at the time while putting the documents together so she could get to the meeting

"Everyone's here, let's begin" Her cold unemotional voice rang out in the room sending shivers down her subordinates' spines.

As her silvery grey eyes skimmed past the meeting room, she gave a relaxed yet chilly smile. "I called this meeting to address some issues, first of all, there's a mole in the company-,"

Her expression didn't correspond with her words, she looked rather happy than pissed, they just couldn't understand it, nobody said anything for fear of angering her and it wasn't unexpected, nobody wanted to incur the wrath of their boss

"- Second, I discovered something not too long ago: the quality of the cosmetics reduced over the past two months. Going to the production site to deal with it, I found that the budget allocated to it was tampered with a bit, it's strange, right?

Her eyes roamed over all their reactions before she spoke up again, "Mr Roland- she called out to the manager of the finance department calmly, "-I'd just like to know, what do you do with the money you steal" she had a smile on her face, it didn't reach her eyes and it was anything but warm

"What are you talking about Miss li?" he was shocked when his boss called him, but he didn't show it on his face, if he did, it would be a dead giveaway, all he could do was to keep a calm façade after all she had no proof

"Ah, so you don't want to talk, I was only asking out of curiosity"

"I didn't steal any money, you can't just go around accusing people of things they didn't do," he said ever so self righteously

Xie Li didn't say anything and just laughed inwardly, this man was only digging his grave, she could simply just fire him, but that wouldn't be enough, she wanted to show this egoistic man his place

"Oh really? then how do you explain the money that was sent to an offshore account in your name?"

Mr Roland's eyes widened as the account details were placed on the table before him, how had she managed to trace the account he had opened abroad using an alias?

She watched as his face paled and he opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out,

" What do you take me for? a naïve and stupid woman who has no idea how to run a business? I go on a short business trip and when I come back and you already smuggle money for yourself." her cold aura filled the room and the temperature dropped,

" I hope you know that smuggling money is a crime Mr Roland, I could easily sue you for all your worth, but as I'm a nice and friendly boss, ill pardon you, but you're going to have to compensate me a little, what do you think?

As much as he wanted to protest, he could only clench his fists and reluctantly agree.

"Good, you'll compensate me with forty million dollars, your five percent shares in the company and the land you own at the North of the city, does that sound okay?"

Mr Roland's eyes widened in shock for the second time that day, this woman was trying to suck him dry,

" It's only because I'm a nice boss that I'm only demanding such little from you, or would you prefer going to jail? "

He clenched his fists tighter as he fought back the urge to wipe the smirk off the woman's face. 'nice? this woman was nothing but a monster,' He started to think up ways of getting his properties back,

"No, it's fine", he finally managed to say, he just couldn't wait to make this woman suffer

" Good, my lawyer will contact you, and oh, I almost forgot, you're fired"

His body shook in anger and he walked out of the room.

" Well, since I'm firing people, why don't I just do it in one go, you and you..." she lazily pointed to the manager of the secretary department and the general manager of the planning department respectively,

"your fired", As they both stood up to leave, she stopped them, "don't forget to send my regards to Mr Rivers, tell him I said hi, and that he should plant better spies next time"

They were both shocked silly, how on earth did she know that they were moles, they had been efficient and had made sure to leave behind no clues, just what was she?

Xie Li glanced at the meeting room and then proceeded to seat,she then continued with the meeting as though nothing had happened