
Chapter one: A not so happy congratulations

"Congratulations miss xie, you're four months pregnant"

    A myriad of emotions washed over her, joy being the most overwhelming one,

      She was pregnant!

   Xie li had never been so happy, there was a tiny life growing in her belly. Not only would she soon experience the joy of being a mother,she couldn't wait to tell her fiance, Tang Yifeng, that she was pregnant with their child.

   " When can I see the baby" xie li asked.

   Her question was directed to the pretty female doctor who announced her test results.

   " Well you're only 4 weeks pregnant, it would be easier to see the foetus at 7 weeks" Mrs Rue, the experienced obstetrician, camly answered.

" You can come back 3 weeks from now for the ultrasound and to make sure that nothing is wrong with the baby"

"Of course doctor,thank you so much"

"You're welcome,take good care of yourself"

" I will"

  Xie li walked back to the passage unconsciously closing her eyes while massaging her neck lightly,

She heard a soft voice talking not too far away, it sounded familiar

She decided to take a quick peep,

It wasn't because she was too nosy, she had a premonition and had to check it out

' I'll just take a quick peek, then I'll leave' she said trying to convince herself she was doing nothing wrong.

  She quietly walked to the next turn in the passage where the voice was coming from

  "Thank you for coming here with me", came the soft and sweet voice

Ah, she couldn't see who was talking, there was a man standing in front of the woman

A bad feeling arose in her heart as she noticed the man's silhouette was oddly familiar

  " Of course I would come, after all, the child is ours, I can't wait to tell my parents that they will Soon have a grandchild running around their mansion, and I can't wait to make you my wife" the man said and pecked the woman's nose

  " Stop it brother Tang, you're making me shy"

  Xie Li's hands clenched, she hoped what she was thinking wasn't really the situation

  " But brother Tang, you're already engaged to sis li, won't she be mad if she finds out"

   Xie li's body went numb,she knew it was true, yet she tried to tell herself otherwise,

  tears glistened her eyes as she bit her lower lip to stop them from falling,


  "Don't worry Xie jia, I'll tell your parents that you're pregnant and I would like to take responsibility by marrying you, Xie li will have to live with it"

  "No!", Xie li felt her body weaken as her last pillar of hope collapsed

  She looked up to face the surprised looks of her so called sister, and the man she was pregnant for

  Xie li fought to hold back her tears, but the tears soon won

Not knowing what to do, she ran.

        She felt like her whole world had come crashing down.

    She soon reached the hospital's entrance and ignored the flustered voices behind her

   Her mind was a complete mess, she felt like a knife had pierced right into her heart and it kept being twisted,      

  She felt so much pain, it was like she was being suffocated, she just kept moving without a sense of direction,

   As the scene from the hospital replayed in her head, her body shook,

So it was all a lie, his promises to love her forever were all sweet nothings

   Her heart felt cold and numb from the pain of being betrayed, but what hurt the most was that she had given her first to this man.....

.....her first kiss.....

.....her first time....

.....and he was her first love.....

    They had started dating back in college, and she had liked him since highschool,

    He was tall, had neat black hair and clear brown eyes, who wouldn't fall in love with him?  He was the school hunk and flocks of girls were infatuated with him, of course she was happy when he took a liking to her

  Ha, but look where she was now,.

  With all that going on in her mind, she didn't notice she had mindlessly walked on to the  road,

   When she regained her senses, she only just realized she was in the middle of the road,but alas, it was too late.

Before she could even move,


   She was hit by a car