
All with a smile on her face

"Hey sis Li, I'm back", a cute and squeaky voice reverberated in Xie Li's office,

She shifted her gaze from the designs she had been reviewing and looked at the cute teenage girl wearing a school uniform, with a big grin on her face

"Ria, how was school today?" Xie Li asked with a caring smile on her face,

"It was okay...",

Ria was slim and of medium height, she had blue eyes, fair skin and brown wavy waist-long hair, she was 16 but she was already in the final year of high school

"...but I'm hungryyyy", she continued to whine, " Can we go eat pleaseee," Ria said making her signature puppy eyes,

Xie Li sighed and gave a little chuckle, "alright, but I've got a meeting over lunch very soon, wanna come?

"Sure" she answered excitedly, they didn't have to tell her twice, a lunch meeting only meant one thing, FREE FOOD, two of her favourite words were combined and it only made her salivate more,

"I'll go change, won't be long", she ran to the lounge to change wasting no time

"Lyca...", Xie LI called pressing the intercom to contact her P.A,

"I want you to contact the police anonymously and inform them about Mr Roland's involvement in illegal activities", she wasn't a fool, she knew that once she fired him, he would try to get back at her, too bad for him, she wasn't going to give him that opportunity.

An evil glint appeared in her eyes, this was how she dealt with her opponents, she would break them but give them hope, then later, crush that little ray of hope she had given, all with a smile on her face

THE GOLDEN PEACH: private booth

"Why hasn't CEO Rivers arrived yet, it's already 2:35", Ria whined

She had whined all the way there and continued even after arriving,

If it were anyone else, Xie Li would have blown a fuse, but it wasn't just anyone, it was Ria, her darling

She had met Ria five years ago while on a stroll, she had taken a wrong turn and had decided to go back when she heard a groan coming from an alley, Ria had bruises on her face and a few cuts. She {Ria} had been eleven at that time, but with all the injuries and her pale face, she already looked dead. Xie Li took her back to her grandparents' house and nursed her back to health.

"Sorry for coming late CEO Li",

She was woken up from her short reverie by a deep voice, it was CEO Rivers. He had black hair, brown eyes and looked to be in his late forties.

"No problem Mr Rivers, as long as your paying for our meal, I'm fine"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

The_dark_rose14creators' thoughts