
For Survival: Spider-Man and the Zombie Ordeal

Greetings, dear reader Welcome to my debut novel, and I sincerely hope it captivates your interest. The story begins in a city known for its ordinary human life. One day, for a mysterious reason, the city's residents transform into zombies. Peter Parker discovers that he must not only fight criminals but also the incoming zombie threat. As Peter strives to survive and protect the city, he teams up with a group of survivors. Things take a complicated turn when a zombie develops superhuman abilities similar to Spider-Man, adding a new layer of complexity to the confrontation. Will Peter overcome his fears and eliminate the zombie threat, or is the world destined to be ruled by evolved zombies?

FZ_Sadouk · Movies
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9 Chs

chapter 02: The death of Peter Parker's father

Parker swiftly moves from one place to another, almost imperceptible to the naked eye due to his incredible speed. In a moment of unawareness of his surroundings, he recalls an image of his family and friends transformed into zombies in recent nightmares. Unaware of the location of his web, he fails to notice it, leading to a fall from a great height. Just before colliding with the ground, he manages to grab onto a public light pole and swiftly moves to the rooftop of a nearby house. It takes a brief moment for him to comprehend the situation...

Peter (speaking to himself): Oh God, what is happening to me? I almost met my end.

He then decides to continue his journey on foot, heading towards an unknown destination. His only goal is to distance himself from people and find solitude, as he urgently needs to isolate himself from the noise of the world temporarily.

Eventually, he reaches the rooftop of a tall residential building, where he can almost see the entire city from that height. Children play together, students leave school with their mothers, fathers head to work, girls shop, cats roam safely in the streets, and birds chirp above the trees. The town is in its best state, truly a peaceful sight, providing comfort for a hero seeking to ensure the safety of those around him.

Peter: I hope things stay alright, and the incident from my childhood doesn't repeat itself. If only my father had stayed home twenty years ago...

Twenty years ago:

Peter's family had a fierce dog with prominent fangs and a massive body, which Peter never liked as it frightened him. Expressing his concern to his father, he was dismissed because it was natural for a child of his age to fear a fierce dog. The mother always asked her husband to get rid of the dog, but he consistently refused.

One morning, for an unknown reason, the dog's behavior changed drastically, becoming extremely aggressive and displaying strange actions. While Peter was playing in his room, unfortunately with the door open, the dog entered the room. Upon seeing it, Peter felt intense horror and tried to escape, but the dog, near the room's door, prevented him.

Meanwhile, Peter's parents were having breakfast in the kitchen when they suddenly heard their child's scream. The father rushed to Peter's room to find him hiding under his bed, terrified, while the dog tried to attack him. Without hesitation, the father jumped on the aggressive dog to protect his son. Tragically, before he could kill the rabid dog, it bit him. Unaware of this, as his attention was focused on his son, he remained oblivious to the critical situation.

The mother rushed into the room.

Mary: What happened? Oh my God, why is the dog dead?

Richard: I don't know what happened to him, but he was bitten and almost killed Peter.

Mary: Oh God, where is Peter?

Richard (sitting on his knees): Come, Peter, I'm here.

Peter (crying): He almost killed me, Dad. I'm really scared.

Richard: Don't be afraid; he's dead now, and I'm here, so rest assured nothing will harm you.

Peter: I told you he was a bad dog; we should have gotten rid of him.

Richard: Yes, you're right, my dear...

Richard hugs Peter as he cries, while Mary goes to the kitchen to get a glass of water. After a short moment, Richard's movements indicate pain, causing Peter to move away. Suddenly, Richard's behavior changes, his gaze becomes sharp, drool falls from his mouth, and his gait becomes strange, resembling that of a child learning to walk.

Peter: What's happening to you, Dad?

Richard: I don't know. I feel intense pain. Help me, Peter.

Peter: Dad, you're scaring me. What's happening to you?

Richard: I'm hungry, very hungry. Oh God, your scent is enticing. Come to me, my little chicken. Oh, I mean, my son.

In a state of extreme fear, Peter enters a hysterical state of crying and screaming. Meanwhile, the father's desire intensifies, driving him to attack Peter. However, Peter manages to escape, running towards the kitchen, with the father slowly pursuing. The son meets his mother and informs her of what happened. The mother, astonished by her son's words, goes towards the sound of her husband to understand what is happening.

Mary: Oh my God, my love, what is happening to you?

Richard: Help me, please. I don't know what's happening to me.

Mary (in a state of horror): Don't worry; everything will be okay. I'll quickly seek help.

Richard (with a sinister look): I'm very hungry.

The father attacks the mother, attempting to bite her. She resists, trying to fend him off, but he possesses immense strength, and his large body overpowers her slender frame.

Mary: "My love, what are you doing? It's me. Please, get away from me."

In a moment of weakness, the mother manages to escape from him. She rushes to the kitchen and grabs a large knife. The transformed father reappears, attacking her, and the mother stabs him. The lifeless body falls to the ground. Mary has killed her beloved husband and the father of her son. She collapses on the floor near his lifeless body, screaming in a state of grief and shock.

Mary: No, no, what have I done, oh God! Wake up, my love, please wake up.

Peter: Mom, what happened to Dad? Tell me, Mom, what happened?

Mary: Your father is dead, my love. I'm sorry.

Peter: Mom, you're a killer. You killed Dad. Tell me why you killed Dad?

Mary (with tears in her eyes): Oh, my dear, I had to defend myself. Your father, whom I loved, turned into something strange. This wasn't your father; he changed since being bitten by the dog. Believe me, my dear, I had to fight to survive.

Peter: But he was my dad, wasn't he?

Mary: Yes, he was. But something unnatural happened to him. He didn't know what he was doing, and I was afraid he would harm everyone.

Peter: I feel sadness and anger. Why is all this happening? You're a bad mother; I hate you, I hate you so much.

Mary tries to comfort her son, but he distances himself and quickly heads to his parents' room.

Peter: Stay away from me. I hate you, you murderer.

Mary feels profound sadness towards her life partner who just passed away and because of her son's hurtful words.

Mary sits in a corner of the house, tears of shock streaming down her face. Suddenly, she notices the bite mark on her hand.

Mary (looking at the bite mark): Impossible, no, this can't happen. Who will take care of Peter?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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