
For Survival: Spider-Man and the Zombie Ordeal

Greetings, dear reader Welcome to my debut novel, and I sincerely hope it captivates your interest. The story begins in a city known for its ordinary human life. One day, for a mysterious reason, the city's residents transform into zombies. Peter Parker discovers that he must not only fight criminals but also the incoming zombie threat. As Peter strives to survive and protect the city, he teams up with a group of survivors. Things take a complicated turn when a zombie develops superhuman abilities similar to Spider-Man, adding a new layer of complexity to the confrontation. Will Peter overcome his fears and eliminate the zombie threat, or is the world destined to be ruled by evolved zombies?

FZ_Sadouk · Movies
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9 Chs

chapter 01: The Nightmares

Aunt May, Mary Jane, Harry, and even Gwen are attacking people savagely, attempting to devour their flesh. Children are under siege, and women are trying to escape. Screams and calls for help echo throughout the town, chaos is everywhere. The situation is truly out of control. Peter Parker appears, sitting on his knees, terrified and helpless, his body trembling with fear. He doesn't know what to do in this disaster that has befallen the city. If a solution is not found, the world will become a complete zombie apocalypse.

In the aftermath, Peter reflects on the unforeseen consequences of what's happening. The world has changed forever, and the existence of humanity is suddenly at risk. Aunt May, now transformed into a zombie, attempts to attack Peter.

Peter: Noooo, stop, please, Aunt May, I can't bring myself to kill you...

Peter wakes up, frightened, screaming for help. His bed is soaked with sweat, and his body shakes with fear. It's another nightmare that has been haunting him lately.

May (hurriedly): Peter, what happened? Why are you screaming like that?

Peter (sighs): Thank goodness, it was just a disturbing nightmare.

May: Oh my, you're sweating. What kind of nightmares make you sweat as if you're racing against Usain Bolt?

Peter: Haha, just a silly nightmare. Forget about it, Aunt May.

May: Silly nightmare?! You rascal, you scared me.

Aunt May sits close to Peter, concerned, as this has happened more than once. In her mind, Peter is like a son to her.

May (softly): Tell me, my dear, what's happening to you?

Peter hesitated at first, debating whether to tell Aunt May about what's happening to him or keep it to himself. In the end, he decided to share it with her.

Peter: I'm haunted by nightmares that all humans have turned into monsters, and I always feel that my powers are failing me. I don't know what to do.

Aunt May felt sadness for Peter. What happened to him in his childhood was not insignificant; a child losing his parents in such a way is no easy matter.

May: I think you should visit Dr. Leo, my dear.

Peter: No, there's no need. I'm fine.

Peter checks the time and sees it's 7:50; he's late for university.

Peter: Damn, I'm late for the lecture, and I have an important exam this morning. I need to hurry.

He hugs his aunt, rushes to the bathroom, closes the door, and while cleaning his teeth in front of the mirror, he remembers the nightmares about the same subject. He wonders if he would be able to kill his aunt and friends if they turned into zombies.

Peter (muttering to himself): Damn, what are these thoughts, you idiot? Just nightmares unrelated to reality. So, don't think like that again.

May (knocking on the bathroom door): Hurry up, Peter. What's with all this delay? I'm waiting for you in the kitchen; breakfast is ready.

Peter washes his face with cold water to dispel these disturbing thoughts. Then he heads to the closet, changes his clothes quickly, wearing his Spider-Man suit underneath as he always does. After that, he goes to the kitchen and finds breakfast on the table.

Peter (holding a piece of bread): Goodbye, Aunt May.

May: What? At least have some coffee.

Peter: I can't; I'm late. Goodbye, Aunt. (He closes the door firmly)

Using his spider abilities to swing through the webs, he moves from building to building at an incredible speed, almost invisible to the naked eye. In less than a quarter of an hour, he reaches the university. He goes to the classroom, starting the exam with his classmates.

He couldn't focus well on the exam; his thoughts were blurred due to lack of sleep. He tried hard to understand the exam questions, but unfortunately, his attempts were futile. Finally, he submits the paper without answering most of the questions.

Professor: What's this, Parker? Why didn't you answer the remaining questions?

Peter (muttering): Honestly, I didn't have enough time to prepare for this exam, Professor.

Professor: I don't like excuses; everything has a set time.

Peter: You're right, Professor.

Professor: You're a diligent and intelligent student. Don't neglect your studies; the end-of-year exam is approaching. You need to work hard.

Peter: I promise I'll take care of it, Professor. Thank you.

Peter leaves the classroom, contemplating the professor's words. Suddenly, he feels a light touch on his head.

Mary Jane: What are you thinking, my love?

Peter (with a sly smile): I was thinking of betraying you, hahaha.

Mary Jane: Are you crazy? If you want to die, go ahead.

Peter: I can't. I'm in love with you to death. No one betrays their lover.

Mary Jane smiles and feels satisfied with Peter's answer. They've been in a relationship for three years, but despite all this time, she doesn't know that Peter Parker is Spider-Man. He hasn't wanted to tell her for some unknown reason.

Peter (looking at his watch): Sorry, I need to go home to get some rest. I really need it. Lately, I haven't been getting enough sleep.

Mary: Why? Have you started working at night?

Peter: No, not really.

Mary: Then what's going on?

While they talk, their close friend Harry appears.

Harry (teasing): Hello, Romeo and Juliet. What's the secret meeting about?

Peter (shaking hands with him): Welcome, our dear friend.

Harry: How are you? How are things going with exams?

Peter: Please, don't ask me about that.

Harry: Why, diligent student?

Peter: No, you're the diligent one. I've become lazy.

Harry: Peter Parker, a lazy student? That's a funny joke.

Peter (nonchalant): Yeah, hahaha very funny. I need to go now, sorry, guys.

Mary: Goodbye, my love.

Peter: Goodbye baby. I love you too...

Peter left, and Mary stayed, talking to her friend Harry.

Mary: Harry, have you noticed how Peter has been lately? He seems preoccupied and troubled.

Harry: Yeah, I've noticed that too. Do you know what's going on with him?

Mary: I don't know, but he talks about nightmares bothering him, and he says he's not getting enough sleep.

Harry: Nightmares? Did he tell you any details?

Mary: No, he seems hesitant to talk about them. But I feel like he's facing some significant challenges.

Harry: Maybe he needs our support, or perhaps he should seek professional help.

Mary: I agree. We should be there for him. Maybe he needs a friend to listen.

Harry: I'll try talking to him. Perhaps he needs someone who understands what's going on inside him.

Mary: Thanks, Harry. We're all a family, and we should support each other in tough times.

Thank you so much for choosing my novel. I hope you will give me some advice

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