
For everyone

maria_mimi · Fantasy
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8 Chs

4-The first war and the death of the Hokage

Sorry for the spelling mistakes





Academy days and training at Mito and Tobirama was hell for me

I'm only used to all this training from Gai nee chan Hell Gai was pampering me after all training Everyone was pampering me if I thought about it Asuma was my best friend I helped him confess to Kurenai after I thought we were dating and he was cheating on her

Damn, it was so dramatic when I started crying and accusing Asuma It's good that I gave him a little nudge to pick her up and shut her up and in the end I hid in an alley to watch their reaction until someone grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him I felt a choking breath on my neck.

"Kashi, you surprised me!" he whispered in astonishment while giving me a closed eye smile. He kept hugging me from behind and watching Asuma and Kurenai until he made me turn around and kiss me.

It was such a romantic moment for both of us that we didn't even feel like Asuma and Kurenai stopped and looked at us with a pleasant smile.

I miss everyone

"You're wandering again, beautiful-chan." Jiraiya was kissing her cheek in the classroom after the Chunin was absent. A classroom in the back garden of the academy was surrounded by Jiraiya, Sakumo, Tsunade, Dan and Orochimaru.

"I'm curious what you're doing," Orochimaru said while everyone looked at her, so she frowned slightly and spoke nervously.

I told the old man about something important.

"The Hokage?" Sakumo was now attentive to Dan, who considered her as his little sister too because she was actually causing trouble. In fact, everyone considered her a little sister because she was simply too cute and funny.

"I'm going to join the back lines" I spoke as the group fell silent as Sakumo stood up and grabbed her tightly by the collar.

"You're not kidding?"

"I will take part in the war in two months as a medical ninja" I spoke again seriously, while silence reigned among the group. They were only children and all they know is that whoever enters it is killed in the most horrific way, and sometimes even the corpse is not brought to the village.

"Why! When you decide something on your own, I'm against it!" Sakumo shouted as he pinned her to the tree. Orochimaru also stood up while grabbing Sakumo's shoulder.

"Calm down Sakumo, let's see why, and let's go talk to the Hokage so he can rule it out."

"I have so many reasons the kids won't understand… I have so many goals by getting into this fight and then I'll stay with the Hokage Don't worry" I told them with a smile but they just got more angry and mostly Sakumo who just left her and went away

"Ni-san? Wait a minute!" She followed in her brother's footsteps, who walked out of the academy into the forest. He didn't stop and kept walking over the trees quickly. The other seemed to be learning the technique of body flashing.

"Ne-san, don't leave-"

"You're the one who's going to leave me! Why are you so selfish in leaving me, didn't we promise we'd be together until the end! Why are you now breaking the promise?" He spoke as Hanako looked at him in astonishment. Five-year-old Sakumo was crying in front of her as he clenched his fists tightly, showing his white knuckles.

"Ne-san... I have a lot of goals."

"Me too! I also have goals. My gold will go too!"

"No, you won't come."


"Because you're too weak!" I told him, screaming, for the other one to stop and look at her in shocked tears

"You're too weak, Ni-san. I won't let the old man die alone. At least I want to say goodbye if something happens. I don't want Hiro Ni-san and the tree to fight over there. Kagami will stay here with the rest of the Uchiha… Ni-san isn't it your dream to protect the village no matter what."  It was the price… what if it was me?" I told him as she watched his eyes widen as he looked at her

He cried for a long time while hugging her

"Please think more, don't leave me."

"You idiot, trust me, I'll be back and we'll be together again."

"It's Hanako War! There are no promises in war."

"You'll calm down Nie San soon... as I told you I'm already in the Hokage's team." He didn't answer her as he continued to hug her more while crying more begging her to reconsider her decision.

"Komin-ni-san...shinobi's duty is calling"

"You're only five!"

"Didn't I tell you before, in the world of shinobi, only achievements are recognized in age or rank. I want to make my own achievements." He denied, while he stayed with her until the sun went down to go to a house, but the other one was still holding her tightly. They arrived in front of the dormitory. There was a screaming fight, apparently dead.  I found out and now she's fighting with Tobirama

"She is my disciple. I will not allow you to send her to war with you!"

"Sorry Mito ni sama, but we need a doctor among us and she is the best option as I have another purpose to send her with me."

"Whatever your goal is, this does not mean that you send her to war, and she is only five! Please ask your brother-in-law to retract the matter."

"Sorry, but I can't. It's a shinobi's duty." The other one was begging with Tsunade to come out, leaving them between their shouts. Tobirama had a sluggish expression to look at her.

"We'll be leaving in a few months, I'll let you know later. Be ready. Sakumo. Your training will be Kagami when I leave here...Don't worry, your sister will be with me."  The first while you sigh

"I don't know why you think I won't survive when the opposite will happen."

"Hana-chan...please" Tsunade whispered as she hugged her out of their hugs and smiled a big smile.

"You idiots, I'm going to prove myself to the old man. Don't show me those signs of pity. Trust me, I won't break his cat's promise. This is my ninja way."  He just kept hugging her tight

The next day, it spread in the academy that there is a student among them who will join the war

Jiraiya was holding a frown with Dan and even Orochimaru was sitting next to her giving her advice (which he heard from his parents)

Her training was getting tougher with Mito, who was no longer merciful to her as time was running out, and even Sarutobi had opposed Sensei's decision, but he was silenced by an irreversible glow.

She was training with his disciples where she encounters Ninjutsu Kagami while away from Koharu and Himura's weapons and Taijutsu fights with Danzo and Jutsu with Sarutobi.  "that will fall in the second war"

Pov Hiruzen~

Tobirama was calm with her, but Hiruzen knew something important that Tobirama actually treated him like his daughter.

It is true that he treats Sakumo well too, but it remains that Hanako is closer to him than the other, or even Tsunade had a special place, and he even admitted this to him on one of the times when he helped him with papers

"Sensei.. I hope I'm not intrusive but what do you mean by Hanako-chan and Sakumo-kun?" he told him while Tobirama stopped writing and looked at him with a knotted eyebrow.

"What you mean?"

"I mean as a place in your heart...Do you consider them pity because they are the last two people of a clan that was also the founder of the village or because they are under your tutelage? I mean Hanako brings the rioter with her in her pranks, and Sakumo is naturally calm, sober and modest, somewhat like you." He told him to release the first.  Tobirama once reported a sincere smile in his presence

"Saru... Hanako is great and Sakumo is good," Hiruzen told him, nodding in understanding

Now he knows exactly what he meant by his sensei

Hanako attracts everyone with her mysterious aura. Even his cold friend and rival is strangely attracted to her. He never expected Danzo to accept her training.

But what he sees is that she is quick to train and even skillfully competes with Taijutsu Danzō. She seems to know about the doors because he heard Tobirama's scolding to her while he was explaining to her about the doors.

End pov~

Friends had been together for a long time since Hanako attracted them until class happened to him this everyone was afraid for her and singled them out Sakumo who was hugging her and didn't let her get away from his side for a moment

There was also Jiraiya whom she considered a close friend. She knew about his attraction to Tsunade and gave him some advice that might help him.

It was Henk Orochimaru who strangely shares the same thought. The two had a very unique thinking and this is very clear as they only understand each other once they look into each other's eyes

Dan, whom you consider to be an overly anxious brother, is very kind-hearted. It's still surprising that he wants to be Hokage, but she didn't disappoint. Instead, I told him that the Hokage should have become not so soft-hearted, though that was shocking, but he got a little serious.

Tsunade whom she considers as a sister and a best friend used to stick with her and Sakumo the two of them would cry from time to time.

6 months passed quickly with all of them until the scroll was released. Konoha had already been at war since last year and Hanako guessed that the war would stop after the death of the Hokage and the Kage of the Mist and Rock soon

She stood at night packing her pleasure in the seals of her body and a small bag on her hips while Tobirama previously gave her a long black leaf headband that reminded her of Naruto.

Tsunade and Mito were watching her. Sakumo refused to watch her. She will leave at dawn in a few hours from now

"Hanako, please, it's not too late for you to take part in assignments after graduation!" Tsunade whispered bitterly as she watched the other pack her bandages and food pills into her wrist seal.

"I told you beforehand, Tsunade ni-chan… I will not die, I will not die unless I see peace in the five villages." I told them with an indisputable look that made her shed more tears as Mito saw the determination of the Uzmaki and his will to fire in her. I knew why Tobirama wanted her, but when she was still young at five  !

"Be careful Hanako...Remember everything you've learned and don't let someone bite you unless absolutely necessary."

"I know this, Ba-san… Take care of Sakumo, I'm sure he will regret not sleeping with me and will deprive himself of food as punishment." I told them with a smile, Mito nodded at her as she left to say goodbye to Tobirama as well.

Tsunade and Hanako kept chatting for a while. I told her about Orochimaru and Jiraiya

It was finally time for Tobirama to stand in front of her room in the famous blue armor to nod at him with understanding and bid Tsunade goodbye with a hug and Mito as well.

I went to the gate of the village and found Orochimaru and Jiraiya and of course Tobirama's disciples there was Kagami who bid farewell to his colleagues and his sensei and the little one he considered his little sister

"Be careful, Hanako-chan," Kagami told her as she patted Tomma on the head with a smile.

Jiraiya and Orochimaru said goodbye to her with a tight hug. She could see tears in Jiraiya's eyes, but he represented strength.

"I will not break my promise to the village Rai-kun and Orochi-kun this is my ninja way. Take care of Nee-san for me." I told them to nod for the two of them, Tobirama grabbed her shoulder to Toma again, giving the village its back, but was stopped by someone else's scream

"Hanako, you better come back, or Nen will be a red fugitive!" Sakumo yelled chaotically as his face filled with tears as Tomma smiled at him and raised her thumbs to him.

"Trust me, Ni San." Everyone disappeared from sight with all the shinobi

The Hokage's team consisting of students and Hanako will be in the lead, and he lied to Sakumo and the others, and it seems that Tobirama also didn't tell Mito about it.

Camp tents in front of the clouds

"So what's the last thing you found out?" The clan heads here started telling him what had happened and told him that there were two dangerous people here. Hanako was busy treating the injured. She left it to Tobirama and his team. Hiruzen was helping her too.

"Excuse me, Hokage, with all due respect, but if you don't let the Uchiha help us, they'll be a great force for us," one of them spoke to Tobirama's frown.

"I left the village in the care of the Uchiha. We should not let riot fill it while we are at war, so the Uchiha police were established, which protects the village internally while the rest of the clans will protect the outside. Is there any objection?" He gave him a sharp look to deny the other nervously.

"Sensei, what are we going to do with the clouds?" Danzo spoke while looking at his sensei

"Of course we will fight, it seems that they have reneged on the treaty of Aniki Shodaim, we have no choice." The other nodded while the tense atmosphere in the tent came out for Hanako to enter and frowned with Hiruzen.

"Oh, ah, old man, don't worry, I'll help." I told him, giving Danzo a look at her

"Yeah, and what are you going to do? You're not even a jinchuriki to be a weapon," he tells her, giving Tobirama this time a stern look.

"Danzo... I never knew a jinchuriki was a weapon. He's a hero who protected the village by sacrificing his body," he told him as he swallowed Danzo and nodded.

"What are you going to do Hanako?" Tobirama looked at her and smiled while looking at the seal on her neck.

"I have a very strong summons. It will be a huge blow to us."

"Summoning?" Tobirama raised an eyebrow in astonishment. It is not uncommon for animals to accept a summoner easily, even summoning his brother was an uncontrollable slug.

"Yeah, don't worry, Konoha will be victorious." Tobirama patted her head as he nodded at her

Sakumo was in the village, anxious, frowning, looking frowning at his sister's place. Everyone looked at him with pity that his sister would die, but everyone stood with him and approached Jiraiya, who has some stupid cells like his sister. Everyone misses her pranks, especially her separation, everyone bet  What prank are you going to do with the poor Chuunin?

It was very tense in Konoha, but Mito was trying to make things as usual and not to notice that the Hokage had gone to war.

"Where's that little Hanako?" He called out to one of the Jounin in the camp to go to him

"What's the matter, Shinobi-san?"

"There are more injuries. I hope you treat them again, please." He told her in a worried tone as the wounds covered his face, so she simply denied it.

"I'm sorry, but the Hokage didn't make me the leader of the healer team, so I can't cure anyone. The Chief Healer kicked me out a while ago," I told him as Danzo caught up in conversation.

"Expel you?"

"Yeah, he said I'm just a kid in the wrong place and I should go back to the village. He doesn't know why the Hokage brought me as extra baggage." Danzo's face frowned as he pulled her hand to the Palm Chief's tent and the shinobi behind them.

"You told Hanako to leave?"

"Aa...yeah Danzo-sama, she's just a child and us-"

"Are you against the Hokage's orders? Hanako Hatake will be the chief medic and you're her assistant from now on. Sensei has put me in charge of the camp in his absence. I don't want foolish problems like this," he tells him sharply while Hanako smiles inwardly with victory, but the position is great for a five-year-old girl.

It was just as Hiruzen III had told her a long time ago

The winds withdrew from the war as a temporary truce and soon everyone will announce the truce, perhaps after Mo and Juntensou (sorry if the name is wrong) and now Tobirama's team is trapped after leaving the camp

At Konoha, where the two camps returned with this news, Sakumo was holding his hand while claiming which gods he knew would return his little sister. Orochimaru and Jiraiya were very worried while Dan and Tsudnai were investigating any news for her.

"My grandfather's team is surrounded. It will take time for us to know more details," Tsunade whispered as she stood among everyone, seeing how Sakumo's eyes widened.

"She... she'll be fine?" Dan's words were more of a question than a statement that no one answered, only Jiraiya, who raised his head resolutely.

"Come on everyone, it's Hanako-chan, of course you'll be fine." He told them everyone nodded while Sakumo held his hand.

When the Hokage~

"We've been trapped for two weeks. We're running out," Koharu said while bringing chakra pills to everyone instead of lunch.

"Old man, I have a word with you."

Hanako spoke while watching the Hokage, who had not eaten anything for a long time, the other looked at her to go behind the tree.

Since the outbreak of war, their relationship has developed significantly. She has taken the Hokage behind the trees many times. No one knows what except Hiruzen, who frowned.

She pulled her wrist out of her little war clothes. The other was not receptive to this idea at first, but after supplies began to decrease, he had no other solution.

He bit the other's wrist to wince at the contact and the feeling of the teeth between the folds of her skin tissue sent chakra to make the other look better than before.

There the seals of the Flying Thunder Goddess were finally made, and I've tried it twice, and it was a really successful experience.

"Old man and I all have an important experience to share with you," I told them as I rolled around their midst, the year she had spent with them had been a year in which they got to know her better. Of course they knew that she wasn't very naughty and naughty. No, she was a mysterious girl, eerily intelligent, and very strong.

Of course, she was a child, but her accomplishments, even her first murder, did not make any difference to her.

I developed a special hirashin in the old man "Uncle making" among the group interrupted by a mocking giggle from Enzo while looking at her.

"Silly puppy, you are now mocking the Hokage's mastery-"

He interrupted him by raising a hand from Tobirama as he fell to a long match with the 6-year-old girl

"What you're saying is dangerous, are you under the weight of your words?" He told her to give him a hard look and he nodded

He stood as he signaled to her to show him what she meant. The kunai showed him the seals. The Hokage looked very shocked but then showed a proud smile while patting her head.

"Proud of you Hanako Hatake" Everyone was looking shocked, especially Hiruzen, who was watching the kunai seals.

"It's a flying thunder goddess, the speed is supposed to be the speed of light, or the hair color should be silver." I explained the color of the thunder behind it. Tobirama was watching her with a proud smile, then looked at the sky while inhaling the air.

"Hanako Hatake… you are really special." Hanako tilted her head unintelligibly while Hiruzen also smiled in return and patted her head firmly.

"Hanako-chan is so proud of you." He hugged her stiflingly as she stared at Danzou with an expression of resentment in victory.

"In your face, tree"

"What did you say, puppy?!"  He resented even more as Koharu, Himura, and Hiruzen giggled at them

"Hatake Hanako, I announce you a Jonin to Konoha, I expect you to perform well." Tobirama spoke to silence between them.

"Sensei, it's six!!" Danzo yelled in protest, but stopped at Tobirama, who didn't take his eyes off Hanako.

"What do you think Saroo?" He looked at his student, who got up a little and then nodded with a small smile

"I agree, Sensei, she deserves more than anyone else, especially with the entertainment of your technology."

The news was sent by the dragon Hanako, who helped them a lot in this since they were trapped, as Hanako taught them on the English language, they struggled with pronunciation, but later the reason for the success of many of their exploration missions was Tobirama more than proud of her

Their place was monitored by an exploration team of 50 people. Tobirama's team was small, only its four students and a six-year-old child.

"Summoning Technique"

A large dragon and a monkey came out since Hiruzen also has a summoning technique that is inherited in the Sarutobi clan.

Annamo climbed over the head of the angry dragon to release a fire technique

"Fire Elemental Flame Dragon." A large dragon-shaped flame shot toward each other the day many of them were demolished

He was moving between them using Thunder Flying. Everyone was still shocked at this. Tobirama was standing on the side watching everyone's actions.

In Konoha, where Sakumo was currently with Mito, she taught him some seals, and she was not surprised when she found his good foundation. Next to him was Tsunade also learning to enter through the window a small dragon with a sealed letter attached to it.

Mito pushed the seal away while Sakumo started to strangle the dragon so it wouldn't escape. Mito suddenly smiled and then frowned.

"Hanako-chan has become a Jonin because Hirashin has turned into a stronger technique... The Hokage Tobirama Senju has died and left his successor Hiruzen Sarutobi to be the third Kage. Everyone will be back soon."

Sakumo was shocked. The Hokage died and he invented. She became a Jonin and will come soon. He grieved a lot for the Hokage. He taught him many lessons, whether about life or about shinobi.

before time

Tobirama's team was besieged and they all ran out of stock. Nothing was left for them. Even the little Hanako showed them extreme fatigue. She was killing and treating. Why did she eat a lot? She respected everyone and joked with them, but now things narrowed down.

Rakia Tobirama, the steadfastness of his team was more than satisfied with this

"They must be those brothers. Looks like we're trapped again."

"Let me go get them out of here and I'll use Flying Thunder to come back here." Hanako spoke without a second thought, as everyone looked at her in shock and silence.

"No, I'm going," Hiruzen spoke while Danzo looked at him with even more shock

"I'm not going to Hanako-chan, a little girl, and those two are dangerously strong. I'm going to push them away while you use Hanako-chan's thunder to go back to the village… I saw you sealing in the woods, brat." Her hair rubbed hard while Danzo looked at them both.

"I'm the one who's going, I won't let the honor to fight for you two just as Hanako Don't forget your promise to fight with me" The phone started with them to stop them Tobirama

"I'm the one going there. You carry the will of fire and you must continue on the way...Saru, you are the Hokage from now on."

Everyone was shocked except for Hanako, who grabbed the ground with a strong force

"Please let me go I made flying thunder just to save you!" I shouted this as she approached him to deny him and he smiled and put his hand on her head home her surprise

"Thank you, Hanako...I'm really proud of you. Carry on with your dream of making peace real. I used to make fun of my brother because he wanted a peaceful village to achieve half of his dream, and I tried to achieve the other half, but I failed... I'll leave this on you, Hatake Hanako."

She bit her lips hard while her tears fell, she knows everything, she knows he will die, but... but she didn't change anything, she wanted to save him, but he refuses.

"Use the Flying Thunder to bring everyone back to the forest where your seal is. I know you're very tired and don't have much chakra so this is my last mission to you as Hokage... Save the team to the Konoha Forest safely."

She nodded while wiping her tears, Hiruzen approached her, placing his hand on her shoulder as a support

He knows the relationship of the two and knows that they are both hurt before Tobirama goes, he bent down a little to whisper some words to her, her tears were falling with a frown, and when he finished and walked away, he patted her head now with a proud and tender smile.

After the Hokage was gone, everyone around her approached and grabbed her shoulder while Hiruzen grabbed her hand

"Hero Ni-san, are you ready?"  Everyone nodded for her to use her last chakra while looking at where Tobirama went to frown hard

They suddenly appeared in the forest, everyone felt nauseous and some of them actually vomited, but she fainted due to chakra stress, ignorant of everything around her to be grabbed by Hiruzen who ended the vomiting tour.





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