
For everyone

maria_mimi · Fantasy
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8 Chs


Sorry for the spelling mistakes





Hanako had been sleeping for three days, the Hokage's funeral had passed, and the war had ended with a truce on all sides after Kage killed the Mist and Rock.

Sadness was hanging over the countries because of the heavy losses. It was not a long time since the countries were already established, and now with the war that brought them very heavy losses.

Sakumo was in the hospital with Hanako. He was also sad at the funeral, as he put his rose next to the grave and thanked the Hokage for taking care of his sister and him at those times, and for training and enduring them and bearing the hustle and bustle of his little sister.

The name Hanako was already spreading among the countries

Silver Flash, or Silver Dragon's Fang, as it is called

She was cutting with her blade like a tusk, in addition to summoning the dragon, which some saw and some thought that it was just an illusion and a flash of silver.

Everyone forgot that the child is only six years old

She fluttered her long eyelashes as she looked around. There were Sakumo, Jiraiya, Orochimaru, Dan and Tsunade coming here every morning to see her three days ago.

"Hanako chaa'an" Jiraiya shouted happily while hugging her tightly, Hanako was looking at them surprised.

"Hanako!" Sakumo shouted as he hugged her tightly to exchange one another while she started crying

"Ni-san… I wasn't strong… sorry… he died because of me." She started crying while hugging him. She stayed like that for a while until Hiruzen entered the Third Hokage in his robe.

"Hanako, glad you woke up at last. We have a long conversation." He told her to nodded at him, while smiling at her reassuringly. He left because he had a lot of work. He hasn't gotten used to the papers or the big responsibility that was thrown at him, but he set up a council for Konohagakure led by Danzo and sent him part of the ANBU to help him.

Sakumo was looking at his sister, who was not very mature in terms of build, as she was short and soft like cats, her eyes lacked the luster of innocence, she was bandaged and injured, and she had scratches all over her emaciated body.

He was constantly training. He was just on being a big brother. He overstepped his bounds in training with Kagami and Mito. He was studying. He's now a master of Kinjutsu, but he's still weak compared to his younger sister.

A hand on his head wakes him up

"You worked so hard, Nie San, so proud of you." I told him to see him bite his lips as he nodded at her.

"You look horrible." This was the outspoken Orochimaru who received a punch from Dan and Jiraiya for Hanako's giggle.

"Yeah, those were terrible days, but I developed and gained a lot of skills, you bastards. Hanako will return to the troublemaker soon."

Hanako-chan, no use. It was Dan trying to mark Hanako as the village brat.

I went to visit the tomb of the Second Hokage while it was raining since it was already winter

"Old man… I will save your last punch. Thank you for bearing with me. Don't worry I have already decided to change the future. Go rest in peace while you watch me… Thank you for being like my dad. Your face was funny when I called you. You are really old, so don't expect any child not to call you."  Grandpa you should owe me." She spoke while it rained to feel the rain stopped while looking up to find Sakumo holding an umbrella for her


"The Hokage is looking for you." I nodded as I stood lazily to wave at the grave with a smile

"Ganaa old man, don't worry, you won't get rid of me. Next time I will come to the memorial because Hiro-chan doesn't let anyone in here."

The Hokage's graves were a sensitive point due to the Edo Tensei technique, so they were isolated, but this time Hirubin allowed Hanako to visit him.

"What's up, Hero Nie San?" She spoke while standing in front of the third young man who smiled at her but reversed Danzō's frown

"Pup, it's Hokage, you should forget about the old treatment."

"When you call him respectfully, I will think of time, tree."

"I'm the head of the Konoha Council now." He gave her a triumphant smile to frown and look at Hirozen who nodded

"I'm Hatake Hanako, a silver dragon's tusk, I've got my own title in your face, tree!"  I spoke proudly on the other's frown as Sakumo nodded at the uselessness of their change with Hiruzen

"Mah mah Hanako-chan, I want you to carry out a spy mission." This caught everyone's attention. Danzo was changed, not from what you know. Maybe you changed something you wish, otherwise you will have to kill him later.

"Hokage-sama, my sister came back from the war less than a week ago, please can't the mission wait?

"I'm sorry, Sakumo-kun, but your sister is already a Jonin and I want to appoint her to the ANBU. She is the only person I trust right now." Hiruzen spoke while frowning. He understands what Sakumo means, but he has no other choice.

"Hey Hiro Ni-san, what's the mission?" She spoke as Danzo threw her a dragon mask and an anbu bag in it.

"Going to the clouds and observing the Third Raikage. It was said that he has dangerous S-class skills. You will be the head of the mission, would you like people with you?

"Can Nie-san come? The country we're going to is marked by lightning. I want to take our heritage manuscripts, please." I spoke as Sakumo gave a smile at last an errand with his sister!

"But your brother isn't even Genin?" Hiruzen frowned but Kagami's entry denied this

"Don't worry Hiruzen, Sakumo is already at an advanced Chunin level." He spoke while brushing his hair to make Sakumo smile at him gratefully, but the Hokage still frowned.

"This is not a Kagami game. This is a dangerous S-class spy mission. They are actually spying on Rikage."

"I trust them Hiruzen and agree to send them with the rest of the expedition," Danzo said as he walked out of the room, followed by Hanako.

"Has Danzo really changed?"

"I do not understand what you mean"

"I know you were looking after the Sharingan and the Uchiha, so what has changed?"

"I spoke to Sensei a little... I still am, but don't notice how far away we're going to fight," she nodded as she returned to Sakumo.

"You will be a family that used to live in a jungle hut that was on fire, only you will survive. The rest of the ANBU will be acting and they won't be with you. I want you to get closer to the Raikage and get to know him more." The Hokage told her as she nodded to him again.  Who was going to meet her in a fight while lifting her from her clothes, Sakumo grabbed her hand as a support

Mito was sitting in a room, wandering away, and Tsunade in front of her was writing on a scroll

"Tadama" said the two of them, turning to Tsunade, smiling with Mito

"Welcome back, did something happen?" Mito said softly, while Hanako rested her head on her lap, tenderly caressing her hair.

"Not much, just a three-year mission. We're leaving tomorrow to spy on the Raikage," Sakumo said to the two girls frowned.

"It's not fair I also want to come!" Tsunade said to get a punch from Mito

"Are you going to be okay? You two will be in the enemy's lair, I don't want any complacency from you." The two of them nodded, Mito hugging them tightly while patting their heads, Hanako thought for a bit.

Would all this have happened if you weren't here? Would Sakumo have been under the guardianship of the Second Hokage and taken care of by Mito?  Was Danzo less motivated to Sharingan than he is now?

Things are already changing

Hanako brought a small bag and put her clothes in it, while she put the anbu clothes in her thigh seal with weapons and wraps, and the most important thing was the Hatake wraps

Sakumo was excited to finally learn his heritage. They are now six. They'll be back when they're nine. Hanako thought, Will Minato be born now or later? Maybe it's already early. He'll probably be born a few years before the Second War, so he was a young guy in the Third War.

Thinking about the wars that will come soon brings her severe chills

Sakumo fell asleep, stuck his head in his sister's neck. Hanako found that this was a new habit for the other, but it reminded her of Kakashi a lot.

Kakashi would stick his head in her neck when he was sad or anxious and she would pat him on the head at that time while giving him sweet words to calm down so she does this with Sakumo who squeezes himself more the more she talks

"Come on, Nee-san, you're not alone, I'm with you, we're all with you."

"All of us?" She shivered from his breath on her neck, but nodded

"Yes, Tsunade Mito-ba-san Hiruzen Orochimaru, Jiraiya-dan, Dai, and even the old man, and don't forget the most important person I am."

Mito came in later and saw their posture to take a picture of them

(I do not know if there is a camera, but there are pictures of Hashirama and Tobirama, so I think there is a camera, but it is old fashioned)

Mito looked at the picture with a smile as she left to check on Tsunade

In the morning Hanako woke up first to feel her brother on top of her and tried to push him away

"Hell Ni San, wake up." I lazily gave in to his wake and wake him as he rubbed his eyes and looked around.

"Ohio sweetie"

"Oh, I'm not cute!" he murmured while the other giggled to get up and go to the shower

The two of them stood in front of the gate. Early on, Dan, Jiraiya, and Orochimaru had gloomy faces.

"I can't believe you just came back, Hanako-chan!" Jiraiya shouted loudly as Dan nodded in approval.

As Orochimaru stood in front of her, he spoke softly

"When you come back, I want to try dating, what do you think about a date?" He spoke abruptly, making the other one red as Sakumo jumped up, trapping her waist in his hands.

"She's just my sister to me!" he told him while still hugging the other tightly while Tsunade chuckled at Hanako, but Jiraiya suddenly intervened.

"I won't just let Tim Orochimaru try dating, so Hanako go out with me too!"  Now really Sakumo is hugging her and next to him is Dan holding a kunai to protect her from the little pervert between them

But the coughing of Hiruzen, who had an amused expression, stopped them and Danzou with a strange expression beside him.

"Sorry for interrupting you kids, but Hanako-chan is under my protection and Danzo's too." He spoke while placing his hand on her head for a moment. Did the Hokage just act like Sakumo? She hid her face in embarrassment from the Anbu watching.

"Damn all of you, let's just go to the Outtech!"

Danzo hit her in the head

"Pup, Sensei told me that every time you curse I should hit you." She gave him a glare as Hiruzen smiled at their interaction, he was afraid his childhood friend would change but the other keeps him in control still watching their fight





He stopped them as Sakumo pulled Hanako while Hiruzen pulled Danzo

"Hey, now you're off on an official mission, I hope you do your best." Hanako nodded with a smile as I grabbed Sakumo's hand and moved seals through the trees.  chakra and nausea

It was evening and Hanako fell to the ground while panting tiredly

"Wow, you've taken us half the distance in a day and London is running out of chakra!" Sakumo said in amazement.

"Okay, I'm finally Uzumaki too." I told him to nodded at her with a smile. They went under the tree. Hanako took out chakra pills that he ate for Sakumo to eat too. It was a bitter pill without taste.

The two of them slept as they had earlier, as Sakumo crammed himself this time on her chest to look at him in amazement.

"Are you okay, Ni-san?"

"Yeah, but hearing your heartbeat reminds me that I'm not alone." He tells her to stroke his hair as he sleeps to stay awake looking at the dull sky full of clouds. It's a harsh winter, but it's good that she's spreading chakra for their warmth.

It was three days until they reached their front. They were in fact in a dire state. Hanako did not let her brother take a shower. They were in short clothes, so like the two of them when they arrived at the gate of Cloud Village.

"Who are you!" shouted one of the guards, but the two children fainted

When Hanako woke up in the hospital, she looked around and saw Sakumo in a bed next to her, and she sighed

"Who are you, brat?" A thick voice spoke from her side as she looked to see that the Third Raikage was still really young!  I fought him when he was brought back to life in Edo Tensei, but this...

"Hanako and this is my brother Sakumo. Our house was attacked by some rock shinobi. I heard that my father did not give the money requested. I don't understand, so our mother asked us to run east."

"East... where are you from?"

"A forest that lies between the boundaries of rock and cloud... Where am I and is my brother okay?"

Sakumo woke up as he looked around anxiously when he didn't see his sister but was relieved when he found her

"Are you okay Hanako?"

"Yes, Nie-san, and you?"

"You two will be staying temporarily in the village. I don't trust you now, but it looks like you're destined to be a shinobi, especially you.... I have doubts that I've seen you somewhere."

"Really? Are you one of the people who gamble with Abe Shinobi-san?"

"How did you know I was a shinobi?"

"Your muscles... you have a good build, strong and I can sense chakra from you very strong. Add to this, if strangers enter a big village, a senior official should come... You have a big position here, am I right?"  In his youth, you should know if he was really the one in front of him, and this was achieved

The man let out a strong laugh while he moneyed her

"You're interesting, annoyance, just as you're the age of my idiot son... She is, come in!"  He called for a four or three-year-old child to enter.

"You'll be my wife," he said suddenly, causing the room to fall silent for a moment. Hey, what did the Fourth Rakage just say!!

Sakumo jumped to his sister's waist again

"The hell you're only going to get close to!"  Sakumo yelled at him while the Raikage put his hand under his chin in thought

"Good, I found a wife from now on, I won't worry about the grandchildren, you'll get married when you're sixteen."

Sakumo looked at him shocked but angry

"No one will touch my sister, it's just me!" he shouted while still hugging her stiflingly as the Third Raikage sighed.

What happens? At least I got permission to stay and became strangely close to the Rykage and I got a husband who would be the fourth Ryikage. Does luck smile at me sarcastically?

After the raikage went out, of course, I felt the ANBU who were watching us. Any little boy stayed with us, to be fair. He looks cute and he is an innocent child, but his arrogance is still there. Perhaps it is an inherited trait?

Wait a minute, did the Rikage say he wanted us in the office?  Hell it's good not here Yamanka or we'll be exposed

Thinking about it, how ridiculous I put myself in! I could have turned down the mission and been a temporary fan of Hiro Ni San but no~ I should always stick my nose in agreement

It was a strange night for the two of them in a faraway village, and they would stay here for three hellish years.

We went to a ballet flat, but at least it's not above a bar. I'm starting to like raikage now

It consisted of a bedroom with two beds, a kitchen and a living room all open to each other and the small bathroom was a very small apartment so that the bedroom hardly had a place to walk even though the beds were on top of each other.

And of course in the end they fell asleep together with Sakumo resting his head on the other's chest to sleep deeply

They woke up to a person sitting above them who was the son of the Third Raikage, which is the fourth Raikage

"How did you get in?" She spoke while trying to push Sakumo away but it was no use sighing

"Ne San Ohio"

"Ohio Hanako-chan"

"I just noticed you both have two farm names." He spoke with some looseness, so Sakumo came back to grab his little sister and gave the other a glow.

"Yes, my family had long roots. Sakumo means a field."

"So Hanako is a flower?" he asked while tilting his head to dismiss him with a smile

"Hanako is not Hana and it means sad boy or sad tears." Sakumo frowned as he looked at her

"I'll call you Hana, you're the flower of her big brother," he told her, blushing as she hugged him and gave him a big smile.

"Don't harass my wife!!" shouted the one who felt ignored and upset by the other

"Your Hell's Wife won't marry her even in your dreams!" Sakumo replied in return, sparking a defiant current between them, making Hanako sweat.

"Ne-san, I want to make breakfast. Go away a bit."

We don't have anything in Hana-chan's kitchen.

"If I'm having breakfast outside and going shopping, do I consider it a date?" the little boy said while holding her hand to push Sakumo away, I heard Hanako calling from Caesar.

And another person joins the list of speeches.

"Which two letters Caesar?"

"Don't worry about the innocent." She cursed him mentally as she walked out of the apartment and the two followed her

"It's a date"

"Not a date"

"it is"







"If you both don't lose, you'll both be on a date and I'm enjoying watching you hold hands!" I yelled at them, they startled and they mumbled, but there was still a current between them.

He finished with the dango's breakfast order while they went to the raikage's office

"Rikage-sama, get your son away from my little sister Hanako!" Sakumo said as soon as he entered the room, her eyes rolled, but internally she was grateful that these bonds with the Raikage might save the third or second war.

"We'll get to the point." He spoke seriously, so the two looked at him

"You will be my apprentices."

"Who are you?" She said, swallowing Sakumo's smile, and the other two looked at her in amazement

"Why are you? The Third Raikage tilted his head in astonishment, slowly denying it while Sakumo lowered his head

"Sorry, it's a word I've been hearing a lot," she said with some embarrassment and innocence for a slow day

"Anyway, as I said earlier, you will be my apprentice, I hope you know the nature of your chakra?"

"I am the lightning and the wind," said Sakumo

"I…five-energy," she said nervously, while the Raikage was shocked

"You use the five elements!?"

"Yeah, I was kind of just imitating my dad and he's kicking out the thief."

Think they'd be an excellent trump card if they were from the clouds

But he knows they are not





what's your opinion?


