
For everyone

maria_mimi · Fantasy
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8 Chs


Sorry for the spelling mistakes





Entering the Senju dormitory basically reminded her of the other Tsunade. She considered her a friend more than a teacher or even more than thirty years younger than her, but yes, the two of them agreed very much to the point of teaching Tsunade to Tsumi the Byakugou seal on her forehead.

But now it's not Tsumi Maito

She is Hatake Hanako, the younger sister of Sakumo Hatake, the future white tusk

You still can't believe all this, even though it's been three and a half years since it all happened

"Oi Chibi, you're being homeless so much." It was Danzo who had been trying to start a fight with her since he took the three of them.

"Danzo, why are you fighting with the child?" Kagami whispered to him while sulking, not understanding the other. Sakumo was also frowning, not understanding why the Hokage's student hates his little sister, but one thing is certain.

If Danzo tries to hurt his sister, he will kill him

He doesn't care about consequences, his current fighting level is better than any other kid and he also has very good venjutsu basics because of his sister, he will be watching things from afar for now.

They entered the largest house among the houses. There were servants also in kimonos while carrying dishes to one of the rooms. Hanako guessed it was Mito's room.

"It will be Sakumo's room on the right and Hanako's room-"

"We want to be together," said the two of them in unison, with Kagami smiling in a nervous sweat

"I understand you're twins, but you're getting older, you should go to separate rooms," Hiruzen told them while patting their heads, the two of them frowning.

After the three were gone, it was dinner time, it was today Tobirama was coming and Mito was going to come out too

When the four sat down, a blonde savagely entered with her little brother

"Grandpa Onoki built a big palace today… who are you?" She was talking loudly and then noticed the two silver people sitting quietly.

"Tsunade, sit down, have a talk after dinner," Tobirama told her as she put the one-and-a-half-year-old Onoki crawling with the maid to go and sit with them with a frown.

Tsunade looked at the one who pricked her and found the silver girl giving her an evil smile as she pointed to the soup being brought to Tobirama.

"Grandpa, you're tired of papers, you should rest your stomach with soup."

"Yes, old man, soup is good for the stomach." Of course I got a glare from Tobirama at me. The old man said, and everyone was surprised that the two agreed, but they temporarily ignored it.

"The art of manipulating water with a stream of soup in a Kage's face," Hanako shouted, turning the soup into the face of the Hokage Tobirama Senju, who had never expected this.

Hanako and Tsunade clapped high five while giggling in unison. Mito was carrying a smirk and Sakumo... a nervous smile, waiting for what the Hokage would do.

"Damn it, are you Hokage old man, you fell into an oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good." She cried from the painful blow she received as the two Tsunade tried to keep the heat out of the blow to look at Tobirama with disdain and stick out her tongue.

"At least Tsunade got along... Tsuna. This is Hatake Hanako, and her brother Hatake Sakumo is a few years younger than you under my tutelage. They will train with me, plus additional training for Hanako under Mito ni-sama," he tells them as Hanako lifts her clothes.

"Hanako-chan, you shouldn't have made a prank on their first meeting with them," Sakumo told her while patting her head at the site of the hit.

"Don't worry, Nie San, if something happens, you'll protect me." I told him, smiling and one day

"Hee ni san will always protect Emoto." I hugged him like a shuk. Tobirama and Mito remembered Hashirama.

After dinner, Hanako was asked to Mito's room. She was still a very beautiful young woman with her red cakes

"You seem to have Uzumaki blood," Mito said with a smile as she stroked her red locks of hair at Hanako's nod.

"I'm going to teach you about Venjutsu and medical ninjutsu with Tsunade. Are you okay? You're still young, why don't you look at your little side?" Mito told her, frowning, not seeing the sparks of children coming from her. Perhaps her brother has a few children's sparks, but the one in front of her doesn't have only the fires of determination to change.  events

"No, Oppa-san, I want to be strong… Can I ask you something in time?" He whispered at last to Mitotoma, curiously waiting for what the other one would say.

"I want you to recommend me to enter the first war that will take place two years from now." I told her to release Mito in great shock and anger.

"You want me to recommend a six-year-old girl to war? Hell no, I'll never do that."

"If my level is adequate, will you do this?"



"No, I won't send Tsunade, so I won't send you either. It's getting late. Let's go to bed." I told her, Hanako frowned and went out. She wanted to enter the war to save the Second Hokage from death, but she would be very young around six or five.

She went to Sakumo's room, who was already waiting for her to notice her frown

"did something happen?"

"I just wanted more training but I refused." He giggled at his training obsessed sister

"Don't worry Hanako-chan next year, the Hokage said we'll be at the academy."

"But we'll be four. Will he allow us? I thought he'd be allowed since five or six."

"Yeah, but remember we are the commandments of the Hokage, which means he can do anything."

"That old Crimson," Hanako said hatefully to get a pinch from her cheek

"I told you not to call someone Hanako-chan."

Kumgyin ni shagan swears at her cheeks pulled, and Sakumo smiles and hugs each other to sleep.

"Goodnight, Ni-chan."

"Are you okay, Hanako-chan?"

In the morning, Tobirama, who was checking their rooms, found the squatter's room empty. He went to the quiet room and found them embracing some, they seem relaxed. It is a view that takes you away from the worries of the coming war, a view that makes you feel reassured.

Maybe the idea of ​​their survival isn't bad?

and maybe not

As soon as the other one woke up, I put a prank on him in the office so that he would explode with water and drown all his papers

"Hataaaki Hanaaku!" He shouted her name as he saw the wet papers. Anbu was sweating. It was strange additions to the Hokage for the first time they saw him screaming or chaining his naughty.

"I told you not to start pranks in my office!" he shouted as he lifted her from her clothes to stick out her tongue. Hiruzen was giggling with Kagami, but Danzo, Himura, and Koharu had a calm face.

"Sensei, why don't you just let the ANBU stop her, and if you do, you will go to prison?" Koharu said calmly, receiving a sharp look from the little silver that sharpened his eyes.

"No, it's not necessary, but Hanako, you're strong. Don't waste your skills on stupid things like water-trap seals in my damn office," he told her as I pulled her down beside her brother.

"And you, Sakumo, don't spoil her." The two children frowned while Hanako hugged Sakumo from the side

"You have nothing to do with Ni San, we have our own bond." He raised an eyebrow in amusement as he approached

"Then this is a deal if you don't train now and go to Mito, I'll put Sakumo to sleep with me and I won't let you sleep with him." Everyone watched with amusement, the twins' expressions changing to panic and sadness.

"Hanako-chan, it's okay, go practice, I'll train with Hokage-sama here." I nodded as I looked at the Hokage sharply.

"If you hurt my big brother, I won't just drown your office, I'll burn it." I walked out the window, sweating Kagami whispered.

"Today's kids are so scary." Hiruzen nodded in agreement

Hanako was deliberately making out as Naruto in memory of her husband's student, but of course it's okay to have trouble since you're a kid, right?

I walked into Mito's room with a frown while the other one smiled solemnly. Tsunade was already here

"Finally, have you come to Hanako-chan?" Hanako nodded and sat down next to Tsunade

"Okay, so you're two Senju and Uzumaki girls. Of course, you have blood mixing with other sides, but let's focus on this aspect in this training." The two girls nodded, and Mito began teaching them simple seals such as storage and so on, but I noticed that Hanako had seals on her body.

"Hana, what are these seals?" Mito approached curiously and examined the seal on her wrist and the seal on her inner thigh.

"These are storage seals that I use instead of a wrap since I'm Uzumaki, so Venjutsu is very natural for my body structure. I used this to make my body a storage wrap in two places." Hanako explained everything to her, fascinated Mito with this. Of course, he learned about body storage seals, but only senior Uzumaki used them.

"We already have a miracle here," she whispered and began to teach her the middle seals, while Tsunade frowned at him.

"Grandpa Mito, can't I do this?" Tsunade said to dismiss Mito

"You didn't take anything from my genes, so you'll just survive. I don't know about your mother, she was a Sarutobi anyway, but Elingu's blood in you is strong, so you can use your grandfather's summons." Mito told her while Tsunade grinned firmly in Hanako's face.

"In your face, Baka-ku, you don't have a summons," Hanako smiled awkwardly as she put her hand behind her neck as usual from her brother.

"Actually… I have." The two looked at him in astonishment

"You're three!" Mito told her while staying up Hanako, who nodded

"How did you get a summoning scroll?" Tsunade muttered to her

"I made it." Mito sighed. Now you have to deal with a miracle from the Uzamaki. Maybe it will be the Kyuubi container later?

Tobirama was training Sakumo in kenjutsu. He was not a specialist in lightning, so he let Kagami train him on small thunderbolts. He was confused about whether to show them their heritage or not already knowing that the two are powerful miracles, unlike his childish appearance, especially that naughty one.

He sighed as he thought that he should consult Mito Nisama first

It was noon today, Hanako decided to go out with Sakumo to the playground

To meet there with Orochimaru

He was lonely making a sand castle Sakumo was holding a book while sitting on a bench It was a book on the arts of kenstu, katana and tanto and some weapons that no small child should read about

"Can I play with you?" Hanako sat next to Orochimaru, who looked at her in surprise, but nodded at her so that the two of them built a large sand castle.

"I'm Hatake Hanako, and you?"


"It's a very special name Orochi, I hope we can be friends until Tsunade falls into old age," I told him jokingly to laugh a little while Tsunade jumped out of the tree.

"Oi Hanako who's going to fall into old age, we both have the Gravity Seal now." Hanako smiled at her, noticing Tsunade Orochimaru.

"Oh, Orochimaru, what are you doing here?"

"Play a little." Tsunade nodded as she sat down with them

"do you know him?"

"Yeah, we're in the same class studying at the academy." Hanako nodded as she started chatting about things that Orochimaru sure likes, and then Sakumo joined them for a bit.

"Now it's time to go, my parents are waiting," Orochimaru told them, receiving a big wave from Hanako

"Come back safe, let's compete one day." Sakumo was shaking his head desperately at his sister Tsunade. She just smiled at him, "See you in class tomorrow Orochimaru." Orochimaru nodded happily as he left.

"We too should go. I'm the eldest here so you have to listen to me." Tsunade released an evil smile as Sakumo and Hanako frowned.

"It's not fair. I wanted to make one last prank before we go back to the old man."

"My grandfather won't come back today, he seems to have a lot of papers."

Poor old man


"Sorry, Nee-san"

The year went by really fast, the two of them became four, the tension between the villages increased, the greed and greed of the Kage increased, and the papers that the Hokage had to sign increased.

This year was a remarkable improvement over everything as Sakumo really became a prodigy with his tanto, which is a gift from Hanako.

Hanako is now focusing on the Uzumaki side until she graduates at that time, and she will focus on the Hatake, Kenjutsu and Taijutsu side again.

But now she's testing everything she remembers from Naruto or Karin and even Mito telling her new things

I found out that she has an advantage like Karen's when someone bites her

But she didn't tell anyone this so that she wouldn't be a weapon for others until Mito told her not to tell anyone about this We don't know what the future holds for Leaf Konoha

I also found out that she had to open the Uzumaki blood chain, but she was young, Mito did not focus on this, I only informed her about things and what would happen at that time.

They will be in the academy at last, but Tobirama insisted on a placement test, which will put them in one of the advanced classes.

"That hateful old man needs a prank so he doesn't do such things," she muttered as she prepared some papers for her next prank. Sakumo and Tsunade were waiting for her to finish.

"What is the new prank? Tsunade asked with a smile to show the other demon horns

"You'll see this hehehehe." She looked like a cute little demon for Sakumo to giggle with Tsunade

If the prank was as nice as you described, the uchiha would not be standing in front of it now

"What the hell did you do, Hatake Hanaaku!" The Hokage's screams could be heard ever since they were taken by his new disciples and it was really fun

She had put a reservation around the Uchiha dormitory where whoever enters Seri Tobirama in front of them dances like an idiot. It was already ninjutsu, but the Uchihas were all giggling loudly at this. It was a really big joke and now she's being chased by his disciples.

"You must admit, it was a beautiful dance, old man," she shouted as Danzou and Kagami, still red in the face of laughter, held her.

"I can't believe you made a ninjutsu that only the Hokage could get away from anyone!" Hiruzen muttered as he tried to gift the sensei with only the other sighing.

"Old man, I'm doing this to relieve tension. Everyone knows that a war is coming from the horizon, so I don't want to see these miserable faces. You shinobi of the will of fire. Konoha! Hold your heads up, you idiots," I told them, standing in the middle. The Uchiha and some clan chiefs were on one side since it was a meeting.  I might know in the middle of that prank

The echo of his words had a clear impact on those present, who gave a comfortable smile

"The Hokage has a miraculous disciple indeed." Sakumo was on the other side, looking at her, watching for any suspicious move that might hurt her, but he paused to smile at her words.

"I never thought I would have a naughty little sister," he muttered as he watched her look with courage and boldness in the eyes of those present.

Even Tobirama had a calm and less strident expression than the previous days, looking at her calmly

"I understand that Hanako, but try not to do such big foolish things again." She nodded with a frown as Danzo's collar held her down on the table.

Chibi whispered softly, looking at him angrily

"I'm not short!"

"You too"

"No, when I'm older, I'll let you reach my shoulder."

Yes, and the moon will be green on that day.

"I'm not joking with you, shaggy."

"Who shaggy, you short one!"

"I'm not short, tree"






"Enough!" It was Kagami who got a headache but his opinion of everyone giggling about their fight between an adult and a child was really weird and funny.

"Hanako-chan, we're late for home, let's go back." She nodded as she stuck out her tongue to everyone and Danzo in particular and walked out, everyone was giggling. It was a really strange meeting.

"Hanako-chan, you shouldn't cause trouble."

"Komin ni-san, but I really wanted to ease the tense atmosphere." Sakumo was moved by his little sister in deep thought. Now he knew that every action from her had the purpose of not only annoying the Hokage (and maybe he was) but also to ease the atmosphere of the upcoming war.

"Don't worry Hanako, we'll always be together, I promise I'll never let the war catch on." He told her seriously to look at her.

"I trust you, Nie-chan."

The next day was the first day of the academy, and it is worth noting that they will be at the same stage as Tsunade

"Calm down, students today. Twins are coming to us, they're supposed to be in first grade, but they passed the placement test, to be with you. They're welcome."

"I'm Hatake Sakumo, I love dogs, my sister and my family, I don't like traitors and those who leave their friends. My dream is to protect the village and my friends." He bowed after he finished so that everyone could look at the silver girl

"Hatake Hanako I love my brother and training and disturbing the old man. I don't like people who give up on his comrades. My dream is to bring peace between villages." She gave a small bow as Tsunade and Orochimaru waved at them.

Sakumo and Hanako sat near the window in the last seat next to Jiraiya, in front of their seat Tsunade, Orochimaru and Dan

Damn, I forgot about Tsunade's fiancé. Like this, I have to protect her brother and fiancé from the second war. I hope you're stronger at that time, Tsunade-chan.

"Yoo, I'm the great Jiraiya, the conqueror of women. Who are you, beautiful?" Jiraiya spoke in a stark whisper while Sakumo put his hand on his sister's waist as a protection.

"I can't believe you sat in the middle near a pervert!" Sakumo spoke, Tsunade and Hanako laughing at the overprotective brother.

"I'm Hanako Jiraiya-kun, what's your dream?" I told him, giving the other one a stunned look and then changing her to an excited glow.

"I want to be stronger to protect the ones I love and the village"

"Wow, your dream is very beautiful. I want peace. How do you think we help each other?" I told him, nodding his head in astonishment, but chalk cut them off, and Hanako simply avoided him while hitting Jiraiya's forehead.

"You two, we're explaining Konoha's history, so put the extra talk out of respect for the topic!" The Chuunin shouted at them while the other frowned, looking at Tsunade with a smile.

"Does this Chuunin need to discipline Hana-chan?"

"I think this is Tsuna-chan." The two girls nodded to each other to swallow Sakumo and Orochimaru, while Dan and Jiraiya were surprised.

"Yu Jiraiya, do you want to play a bit after the break?" I tell him after the class is finally over, but the Chuunin have another lesson for them after resting from the foolish flowers.

"Play?" he told her while tilting his head to nod at him with a big smile

"Just bring papers." Sakumo was looking at her with a frown, for sure he would be punished with her once they came back because he was the big twin who didn't stop his sister because of his kind heart once he saw her frown because of him

"I will help you Hana." Tsunade went to her while she started making seals, everyone entered the classroom, but Hanako did not forget about the Anbu who were watching her with Sakumo.

I put a ninja wire that Orochimaru had and I tied it to a seal I tied it to another seal

While everyone was talking to her, he had entered the shounen as soon as his foot was struck with the invisible ninja wire until he did the two seals.

The first seal was a very sticky substance that I extracted from the summoning Tsunade, who was training on it a while ago, and the second seal was the feathers of "Tobirama pillow feathers as a more accurate word."

Everyone was looking at the feathered ninja looking like a chicken. Hanako was smiling innocently while pretending that she was sleeping on her brother's shoulder. The class was trying to swallow their giggles because they would be punished for her.

"Who the hell did this!!!?" shouted the Chunin as he hit his desktop to scare Hanako looking at him. Sakumo grabbed her hand protectively.

"Hatake Hanako!" he shouted her name as he moved forward to lift her from her clothes and looked away as she closed her ears in boredom, she saw that he was getting more angry Dan was worried about her with Sakumo while Orochimaru and Jiraiya waited for what would happen next only Tsunade who was laughing uncontrollably with a big mouth

"Damn Hana, that was the best prank you've ever done!" She was stumbling as she giggled. The whole class shared her, even Sakumo dodged him while he watched the Chuunin chicken waving at his sister.

In the end, she was in the office of the Hokage, who was looking at her with boredom, along with Hiruzen, who was laughing with Kagami.

"I can't believe Hanako-chan fooled the Chunin!" They were already red as they remembered how the Chuunin was waving at her like a chicken waving the flag of surrender the curse, they almost fell to the ground in memory

"I really don't know what I've done in my life to bring out a naughty cat for me," Tobirama muttered as he rubbed his temples.

"Excuse me, Hokage, but... are you looking at the Chiefs Mountain?" he told him while shaking his head to the other's surprise and looking at the Hokage Mountain and seeing that his brother's face turned red while his hair turned green.

Hatake Hanako turned to her and found her playing with her foot with all his innocence, not as if she was the head of the village's misfortunes.

"You're going to clean up those colors and you won't sleep with Sakumo for two months!" he told her in a serious tone and she frowned while giving him the puppy look.

"It won't do me any good. I'll let Sakumo sleep with me so you won't fool me like last time," he told her as she frowned harder and ran to the window to get out.

"Boresome old man," she whispered as she cleaned the rocks, and Danzou was standing there watching her

"Did the old man send you to watch me?" I told him to look at her

"I hope you show more respect to Sensei."

"You have nothing to do with our bond, tree."

"Abominable puppy," he muttered as Hanako brushes heads. To be fair, the villagers enjoy her pranks every day, betting on what she will do next and what will anger the Hokage. It's really fun for them and they are forgotten by the outer atmosphere of war. The war between fog, clouds and rocks has begun and so far  Wind and fire do not have in common

"Why are you doing these pranks?" He spoke to her while he was lying down looking up at the sky

Things like you wouldn't understand.

"I speak respectfully to you, you annoyance."

"Why are you watching me at the academy? It doesn't look like you're there to protect Tsunade by being his first and second granddaughter and not watching Sakumo, so what do you do with that?" I spoke seriously to him and he smiled solemnly.

It's like he said you're a sensor.

"Did not answer"

"For fun, of course, I find you a good future prey. Perhaps I will set you up with my goals." He also told her seriously, raising an eyebrow.

"Don't you dare hurt my brother if you want to, be a man and face me at the right time, but only cowards will play behind the scenes," I told him as I picked up my toiletries and thought about how I could sneak up and sleep with Sakumo.

"Bold words, will you keep them until the day we fight?"

"I look forward to it"

The two walked away in opposite ways to the Senju dormitory, whose number was much smaller than before due to inter-clan intermarriage, sighed as I went to Tobirama's office in their big house.

"What are you doing here?"

"I want to ask why you won't let the Uchiha fight in the war soon?"

"Why do you expect Konoha to go to war?"

"It's certain, and let me guess the wind will announce it to us, but there will be an alliance to bring you down… you will die in this war," I told him while Tobirama kept looking at her calmly, turning his gaze to the window.

"Then I'm going to where Aniki was… come here Hanako." He told her to come closer. He noticed Hiruzen sleeping on a separate sofa.

"I'm already training him to be the Third Hokage. I have a hunch that I'm going to die in the war too, so come on, I want you to learn politics too."

Politics? You expect me to be the Fourth Hokage?

"I expect anything, not only Hokage, I also want no one else to deceive you...I don't want you to be an idiot when someone is taking advantage of you. You are strong and you have the will of my big brother...Use your fire will well."  You never expect them to have a conversation like this

"Now come close and don't expect that I forgot about your punishment," he told her while watching her expression from the side of his eye, smiling sternly at her displeasure and frown.

"It's not fair, I just wanted to joke."

"Making chunin chicken is not a Hanako joke."

"But it's funny, I admit, I saw you while you were in the office holding a giggle until Kagami laughed until he almost lost consciousness." Tobirama let out a small laugh, but enough to wake Hiruzen, who was quietly watching the two of them.

"You're right... It was funny but don't do it again. Now sort these papers out." She frowns as she does it and Hiruzen joins them. The conversation was small but fun. Then there were Tsunade and Sakumo who were watching what was happening to sigh in relief.

"I thought he would punish her." Sakumo muttered to Tsunade's mother, to meet Sakumo's dark gray eyes and his sister's crystal silver eyes, to smile at him strongly and move her lips with the word "I love you" to make him feel a little ashamed and repeat the matter to her

"Sometimes I think of you as a nice couple, not two brothers," Tsunade told him in a whisper, making him more shy and turning his head.

"How was the academy today, Hanako-chan?" asked Hiruzen Hanako, who sorts the papers with strange skill.

"She was beautiful...full of perverted boys."

"Perverts?" the two said while looking at her, Hiruzen was sweating from the glare of the Hokage

"Sensei.. please lower his intention of killing you." Hiruzen whispered fearfully and tensely to the Hokage leaning his head on his crossed hands (like an emo sasuke).

"What's Hanako's name?" Tobirama asked casually, making Hanako smile as she jumped into his lap

"The old man wants to protect the girl under his tutelage?"


"You mean old man, two hours ago I sorted the halls for you!"

"Go to sleep and don't go to Sakumo." She didn't answer just sticking out her tongue, which means your words go with the wind.

Sakumo makes a shadow clone and puts it with the Hokage who knows it's a shadow clone but ignores it while sighing

"Annoying kids," he muttered while looking at the ceiling of his room, smiling suddenly as he remembered the details of the day

"Annoying apartment"





what's your opinion?


