
For everyone

maria_mimi · Fantasy
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8 Chs

2-Second Hokage

Sorry for the spelling mistakes





If Sakumo asks what is the most valuable thing you have, he will answer quickly and honestly with only his sister and the dagger.

Of course only those two

His sister, who finds out that she does three jobs and gambles to make him live better

Greater shame

He just wanted to be strong the fastest way

The two of them had been training recently. All the other gambles succeeded, so they had good money, but no one gave them or sold them a small apartment, only that apartment above the bar, and Hanako hates it because sometimes drunk people practice in it, so we went to the woods, where the two built a tree house with a nice roof.

They didn't have a lot of clothes, only three pieces alternating between two and the third for training

Hanako was not like the other girls

She wasn't in love, or crying, or being sensitive

She was strong, trained and had more information than anyone else

He trusted her with his life and soul knowing that his little sister would be a big thing in the future

Today she brought a wrapper and wrote it with a long stamp, leaving a place for names

"Ni-san, can you expect blood here?" Yuma Sakumo told him, he's not stupid and knows that this is a summoning scroll made by his little sister.

Should he be grateful, afraid, or proud?

A little puppy came out of the wrap, and Sakumo's eyes widened and looked at the puppy, who looked back

It was a white puppy with glasses

"Is he blind?" he asked in a loud voice, almost to banish the puppy

"Oh, puppy, it will be suitable for tracking and espionage. Blessings, Nee-san. This affliction will be a legacy for you and your son in the future."

"Oh, my son." He was a little shy when Hanako laughed at him and hit her on the head

"It hurts, but now it's my turn." The puppy jumped over Sakumo's head, looking curiously with the other

She signed a random roll and let's be fair she doesn't care about that she only had a summons to share her name with Kakashi who let her do this and she got two cute puppies so you don't know what she's going to get

A lot of smoke came out and there surprisingly was a little dragon yawning as it looked around

"Snake?" Sakumo whispered as he tilted his head to look at the little dragon with contempt

"No, I'm a dragon, old Chibi."

"Hey! Don't call Nee San that or I'll really make you a snake." I whispered to him sharply for the Dragon's Day as he wrapped around his other neck like a scarf.

"Oh, it's warm," she whispered, her nose turning red as Sakumo chuckled lightly at her cuteness, and the two of them continued the exercise, ignorant of what was going on behind the scenes.

At the Hokage's office~

"Why are you both late?" The Hokage spoke coldly to his two disciples, Hiruzen and Danzo, who had just entered.

"Sorry, Sensei, but we've met a naughty girl with amazing reactions." Hiruzen spoke frankly, and Tobirama raised an eyebrow.

"Amazing reactions?" The two told him about the accident and about the child who works

"Describe her to me, I think I know who she is, but I want to make sure." He told them, making Danzo blush a little

"She was a short child, maybe three or four years old, she had amazing frothy hair with red tufts and crystal gray eyes. She also had a mole under her left eye, her mouth, her neck and--"

"Oh, you pervert, what are you saying!" Danzo interrupted Hiruzen, who understood what he had said to blush as well.

"Uh, sorry, but that's what I saw. She was wearing light clothes despite the cold weather!" Kagami stopped them while Tobirama looked outside and sighed.

"We're going to an orphanage in the village." He stood in his blue robe and ANBU pants. The two followed him, as Kagami had a mission with Himura and Koharu.

It was well known that the Hokage was very busy in the office signing papers

Probably because of his brother's death

Or because his nephew died a few years ago

Or his brother's wife's illness

But it was well known that the Hokage constantly signs papers and only goes out when necessary

Therefore, as soon as he entered the orphanage and went to the administration, everyone was shocked and swallowed his saliva

"I came for the two children under my tutelage," he told her as he sat down in front of her, so she swallowed and stood

"Hokage-sama… the two of them got kicked out due to some trouble," she tells him, shivering with fear at the look of anger directed at her.

"Problems? Will the problems lead to the expulsion of children who have just been born?" he hissed as he stood and left as he put a special punishment on this orphanage.

"Saru, Danzo, do you know where that child is today?"

"I think she's training because of her hand injuries," Hiruzen whispered as he placed his hands in thought

"Training...I think you'll be in the training grounds or the jungle if that is."

The three approached to find there a little girl who directed her brother's taijutsu to improve

"Ni-san, your punch is a slap that pumps her chakra to be fatal." I told him as she showed him how and as soon as it hit the ground, it shattered and it was like an earthquake. Even Sakumo sweated from this.

"That's...a little different. Hanako-chan." He told her as he released a nervous smile, and she nodded at him, carrying Kunai and throwing a dagger at him to stand up and head against her.

The clash was more than just between two kids

Sakumo was visibly agile when he avoided the other kunai, while Hanako's attack was like a lesson that looked more like a fighter than teaching two kids.

While the two children are fighting, she sends the kunai next to the Hokage's head, so that the two of them with him freeze and smile solemnly while the kunai comes out and brings her back near her feet.

"Are you sure she's going to throw it at me?" He spoke coldly as he walked out of the trees to follow the two of them

"I guess the old Hokage became a pedophile when we were watching?" I told him as Sakumo stood in front of her to protect her in case something happened.

"Relax, boy, I'm here to bring you two back under my tutelage, I don't want more than the trouble I have now," he tells them, letting Danzo, Hiruzen, and even Sakumo loose their mouths.

"Your guardianship!" They said in shock, nodding bored and looking back at the two of them. Sakumo knew this because of his little sister, but he still couldn't believe it.

"You have red tufts, one of your peers must have been Uzumaki anyway-"

"Are you kidding me now? I'm definitely not going to come to you or beg you to come back. Don't forget that I'm the first person who raised his middle finger to you, old man, so I don't care who you are. Go back to where your pathetic papers are." Hanako was actually angry at seeing Danzo's face.  Damn, she didn't forget what he did to her husband's team

But on the other hand, Tobirama had made them under their tutelage and left them in the open. Does he come now to claim them?  no hell no

There was silence as Sakumo pulled his sister behind his back and shocked Tobirama because the other one definitely remembers that Tsunade didn't meet her to tell her.

"You remember?"

"Of course, you are the third person I have met when I was born," I told him, looking bravely in the eyes

If someone asks a reason why I like Kakashi Tsumi (her old name), surely one of the reasons is because of her bravery. She was the outspoken and brave type. Although this gave her some or a lot of quarrels, but she had a certain outlook on life and a clear path, she was not afraid of anything in the end.  This is the truth, a shinobi is not afraid of death, is he afraid of some words?

While teenage Danzo and Sarutobi with him were watching the little girl looking into their sensei's eyes, they themselves sometimes avoided his eyes because of her coldness, but this little girl...

"I will wait for you in my office and I am not asking for this Chibi I am ordering, I am in charge of the village and you are from the village I look forward to your coming," he told her as I turned to leave, but she stopped him.

She didn't speak, but she had a very clear look, except that she was very annoyed with him. Tobirama didn't bother turning around again as his two students followed him. It seemed like interesting things were going to happen other than signing his papers.

"Hanako-chan, we should talk about the way you talk. I'm very dissatisfied with her. No matter how angry you are, you must be respectful. This will earn you respect in return." Sakumo told her with a scolding while the other lowered her head in shame. Damn, he's really Kakashi's father.

"Sorry, Nie San… I was just angry." He nodded as she patted her head and they resumed training

"So shall we go tomorrow?"

"I don't care, I just want to learn Jujutsu and some design skills. I guess I don't like kenjutsu very much." I told him with a frown and a smile.

"It's okay, Ni San will always support you." Hanako smiled at one another as she began to write down everything she remembered.

During the war, because of the Zetsu, a new language was invented among them

English language

Of course Shikamaru was her student who invented it and she was very proud of him and remembers how jealous Kakashi was from this she giggled lightly as she remembered

I started writing down my goals

Sakumo shouldn't die no matter what

She must also save Nagito from what she remembers. Naruto tells her that during the third ninja war, Yahko was killed in the Rain Village because of Hanzo.

And here are the other goals that come out as murder

You should kill a lot of people, including Madara. She won't make this time like her time. He killed Madara, but not now, he's still at full power, but what if you tell Tobirama and he goes with her to kill him?  Maybe the two can't either and the other one dies, in the end this is Madara Uchiha who are we talking about

On the other hand, since Madara is left alive, he will take Obito, and here you come to the time of Kakashi and Gai when they were children, which is about 17 years from now.

To save Obito and Minato, this will make a very big difference for the future as you know that Minato can stop the coup and there will be no Aktaski because of her saving Nagito, Konan and Yahko

Will this really help the future?

Won't you ruin things? Things will not be guaranteed. If you change all these things, you may let the fourth die with his wife and help Naruto, but the coup will happen.

The problem is that things are intertwined with each other very deeply

But her choice now is to live a harsh childhood, since the first war is at the doors

"Hanako!" Sakumo Dew with a worried voice pulls her out of her thoughts to look at him

"What is there, Nie-san?"

"I've been calling you for a while but you didn't answer like you've been straying and writing so fast" he told her to see that her hand really hurt her she was so stray already

"Kumin Ni San but… but I need you by my side, I have so many ideas for the future and I can't do them all on my own… Do you promise to never leave me?" I told him, smiling comfortably and patting her head.

"Sure… Ni-san will stay by Hanako-chan's side until she gets old and is the most beautiful old woman he sees." He joked with her, puffing her cheeks with anger and giggling. He would approach her for warmth. The forest was very cold, the winter was harsh this year and the first war was at the door.

"Nee Hanako-chan, you said the Hokage is the third person you've seen, what do you mean?" he told her as she approached him too and spread her chakra to warm herself and his brother better.

"Ne-san, I have a secret that I will tell you. I have a very strong memory. I remember what our mother looked like when she gave birth to us, and you are the first person I saw in this life, and the second person was our mother. She was very beautiful and I looked very similar to her. Finally, there was the Hokage near the window when I woke up." I told him.  As she remembers everything that happened to her in those three bitter years, it was so hard to live in the past when her father, Maito Dai, and Guy took care of her.

But now she is the one who takes care of innocent Sakumo, he reminds her of Kakashi always, she can never hurt him

"Sogoi, you're really amazing in the end, Emoto-chan," he told her as he leaned his head on her shoulder and fell asleep in their treehouse while Hanako spreads her chakra to warm them better for her brother to fall asleep quickly while she stayed awake watching the ocean if someone or animal attacked.

In the morning, Sakumo was the one who woke up and found himself sleeping embracing his sister while the other one turned around and seemed to be hiding in his arms. He smiled at this while looking at the roof of the treehouse.

"Hanako-chan, it's morning. Today we have a lot to do." Watch the other one fidget while talking about a lot.

"Just minutes, Kashi." The only thing understood as he tilted his head

"Kashi? Hanako, wake up. Hokage wants us in the office." The other woman looked around frowning as she stood up

"A1 go for a bath in the river, and when you're done, tell me to go." I spoke while holding other rolls and writing down other things for a day, and leaving for the river in front of their tree, as he caught two fish for breakfast, he found the other had finished noting and the strange seals


Protection seals will prevent anyone from entering our tree house, if they have a bad intention, they will stun him and throw him in the river to be paralyzed and swept away, and if he comes back again, the seal will transport him to the front of the Uchiha police station.

"What if he comes back again?" he told her as I shivered from her cold smile

"Believe me, he wouldn't do that." He nodded at her, still not understanding

"You made the Zamakan Seals! How?" He whispered in shock as he started looking at the high-quality seals with a proud smile.

"It's a secret, but it's really just a feeling that makes me create weird things...Do I look weird?" I muttered to him as I watched him tilt his head oddly to nod for her.

"Yeah, you're a weird sister, actually, but I don't mind if it makes you happy. Come on, breakfast's ready. We should go to the Hokage." He told her to get a sigh from the other, sulking, not knowing why you hate the Hokage's opinion.

The two started warming up in the morning, eating breakfast and some random questions to strengthen memory, and so on until the two arrived in front of the secretary holding each other's hands, and the other looked at them with a raised eyebrow.

"What's the matter, kids?"

"We have a date with the Hokage," Sakumo told him, and the secretary raised an eyebrow sarcastically

"You two go play away from here." Sakumo wanted to get out and come back at another time, but his sister had another decision.

"Hey! Speak to my older brother respectfully." She raised a finger to the other's face, who raised an eyebrow at her impoliteness.

"Excuse me, but do you want trouble with the Uchiha police or messing with the Hokage?" He spoke as he walked forward, Sakumo was dragging his sister, worried that the shards would interfere and hurt her.

"Hanako, please-" interrupted. The secretary raised his hand with intent to slap him, but he was stopped by a certain silver. I signed it and sat on it.

"Don't raise your hand to my sister." He called out in an angry whisper, but another Chunun came from behind them

"What the hell are you doing!" He spoke as he nearly pushed Sakumo over his friend, but was pushed against the wall, which shattered and passed out.

"You two are really troublemakers," Tobirama said as he looked at the Chunin and shook his head desperately

"The two of them disrespected Nie San."

"That doesn't mean you shouldn't hit them."

"And if I had the right to kill them, not just hit them." Tobirama stopped arguing with his three-year-old and they walked in behind him. Sakumo was holding her hand tightly.

"I told you not to cause Hanako's problems!" he whispered angrily

"Ne-san, you have to build your character, or everyone else will eat you because you are weak."

"I'm not a rabbit to be eaten five minutes ago I just told you not to talk and to leave everything on me"

"Ni-san, the shinobi world, either kill or be killed, which also means either eat or be eaten." I told him with a scolding Tobirama was listening, of course. After all, he is a sensing ninja and the Hokage was impressed by the little girl's deep thinking. She wasn't like the rest of the kids. She was special. He sat on a desk full of papers to let her sweat run down.

She remembers how Tsunade and Kakashi used to throw papers at her in a lot of love. The two were too lazy to do it alone, especially after Kakashi took Tsunade's place before the war when she became ill.

"Poor old man, that's a lot of papers," she muttered, while Sakumo laughed cheerfully at his little sister. I've always hated papers but liked blogging more.

"Okay, you two will start training from now on. I know you are young, but the first war is around the corner, and I have a feeling that the Third Hokage will be near. I have always put the village in front of my life, even Aniki Shodaim was his childhood dream… I want to keep the will of fire that he left for the village."

"But don't you hate the Uchiha? Isn't this considered discrimination against them? Then I have a question. I heard that the shodeim died after falling ill after the death of his friend and the second founder of the village… Did you pick up his body?" I asked seriously while Tobirama smiled solemnly at her.

"Your frankness will get you into many troubles in the future, little one."

"A shinobi shouldn't be afraid of death. Will he be afraid of a few words?"

"There are words that are harsher than death, so you should know when to be honest and when to stop, but I also have a question, how did you know about Madara?" he told her while narrowing his eyes and she smiled coldly at him.

"Gambling and bars make you know what you shouldn't, old man." Tobirama was angry at the lack of respect, but he condoned it at least temporarily.

"Okay, what's your name?"

"Sakumo Hatake," he told him while narrowing his eyes to his sister's conversation and the Hokage feeling that the other was hiding many things, although this is true, but he had no right to ask her to be honest.

"Hatake Hanako," I told him while looking directly into his eyes

"Why do you two want to be a shinobi?" he asked to see fires burning in their eyes. That was the will of the fire he was looking for, that fire that looked like in Hiruzen's eye, that fire that was like his brother's eye burning with determination and will.

"Shinobi have no true dream. They are tools of sacrifice. I want to be that tool and protect the village and my friends, even if it costs me my life," Sakumo said casually to Hanako's frown. This dream was the reason for her brother's suicide.

"I want to achieve peace between villages, no wars, no fights, no children fighting for a piece of food, there are no occupations for the sake of greed and greed, only peace..although it is a selfish wish, but I will achieve it or make the path easier for the people after me" Her eyes were burning as she remembered  Naruto and War IV Tobirama didn't answer her question and apparently didn't really find the other's body

Tobirama nodded at them with a small smile

"Very good. You will train simultaneously with Mito ni sama. I doubt that your brother has Uzumaki blood like you, but it is good to learn middle class seals, and I will also send a student to teach you about your heritage. I know that you want to quickly learn about Hatake, and I do not doubt your ability."  Mentally, but you are still three-year-olds, you will be entering the academy next year." He told them to get his nods from the two of them.

"Also, you will come to live in the Senju Dormitory, the Hatake Dormitory, which is now closed and deserted for a long time." Sakumo nodded, while the other objected.

"You're not going to take the name Hatake away from us, right?" He nodded at her while he finally hit her head. He'd been wishing this since he met her in the woods. Sakumo looked at his little sister anxiously.

"You old man-"Yes, I got another hit

"And in the end, you will learn manners, and you will be the one who will teach you." He told her as he narrowed his eyes to her, sticking out her tongue at him, and Sakumo sighed.

"I hope Hokage-sama will excuse her." Tobirama nodded, at least her brother is a humble boy

Hanako was frowning, so Sakumo also frowned. At the end he went to buy strawberries for her. He had taken the money from the Hokage at last. He found his sister sitting under a tree in front of the river, sulking hard while writing down some things.

"Emoto-chan, this is for you." He put a strawberry to release a giant smile and the redness of his nose and cheeks in pink to eat happily to smile at this, but the other put a strawberry in his mouth while he strayed to smile at him naughtily

"Ne-san deserves this"

"Tell Ni San why you're frowning." He tells her to frown again and he frowns in return

"War is near." War is a very hateful word. War 4 Madara Obito Kakashi Everything is ruined in the war but it was fun to tease Kakashi since they were already about to get married after the Battle of Bane, but Obito came out and turned everything around. The only good thing is that she saved Itachi Uchiha after  If I catch up with their fight, I find the two of them lying on the ground and I feel the Akatsuki and Zetsu chakra close to her.

She quickly kidnapped Itachi's body and used the signature of the Thunder God Kunai to go to her lair where Shisui was also there. She was retrieved from Adenzo when he wanted to escape from the village after Orochimaru revealed his papers to everyone

At least you know how to use the Flying Thunder God again


Damn no because Minato hasn't developed the hirashin yet, but why doesn't she do it and just leave him the rasengan?

She is a natural thief

"Hanako! Your smile is really scary!"  Sakumo told her as he retreated a little but came closer again when his little sister took out a large new scroll with many seals.

"What are you doing now?" He tilted his head in confusion at her behavior

"Ne-san decided to be quick so I had an idea… what do you think about learning to flash a body?"

"Body Flash?" He tilted his head in astonishment to explain to him about the technique. Shisui was just hanging out in the hideout so many times during his empty chatter, he told her about one of the secrets of Body Flash.

"How do you know what a body flash is?" Sakumo stood sternly in front of her while she was content. She should at least tell him how to learn such dangerous and high-level techniques.

"Ni-san, did you forget that I work in a bar where everyone comes there and you listen to a lot of shinobi talking whether in the bar or during some other work?" He nodded dissatisfied.

I spent their cold night, and this was their last day in the treehouse. They were going to move to the Senju Dormitory. Sakumo was hugging his sister as usual, but she was dreaming of war cupbes again while he hugged her tighter and frowned at this.

"Keep Hanako Chan Ni San by your side.. I will never let anyone get close to you." Her trembling subsided as she slept deeply with her brother.

The next day, Kagami, Danzo, and Sarutobi were in front of her

"Hey, kids, how are you?"  Hiruzen spoke in a cheerful tone while patting their heads, Hanako nodded and Sakumo calmly thanked him.

"You chibi, don't cause problems for Sensei. We heard you were taken as disciples too." This time Danzo was about to frown Hanako.

"Don't order the two of us to be of the same rank, you idiot."

"Idiot, how dare you old woman!?" She frowned further as the two advanced with the intention of quarreling to be pulled by Sakumo and Sarutobi by Danzo.

"Mooh Danzou isn't being childish," Sarutobi sighed as Kagami crouched in front of her.

"I think I know why they took you as disciples… I'm Uchiha Kagami, I think you two met these idiots." He spoke cheerfully, reminding her of Shisui a lot. Really, that cub is from this lion.

"Let's just take them to the Senju dorm, and Danzou told you not to stare at her like that!" Danzo and Hiruzen quarreled all the way while Hanako sweated.

Wherever I go, I find similar actions to Naruto and Sasuke





see you?

