
For Everyone's Souls (Marvel x Persona)

This story is a pseudo-crossover of Marvel with the Persona and Shin Megami Tensei video game franchises, created by Atlus. Nothing in this story belongs to me, except my protagonist. This story is NOT a harem. This story does NOT contain NTR to MC or made by the MC to any extent. This story does NOT contain Gay, Lesbian or Bisexual scenes involving the protagonist or those close to him/her. This story DOES contain 18+ scenes, but since I know you won't walk away with this warning anyway, I'll leave it for your consideration. English is not my native tongue, I use a translator and a spell checker to guide me, if you find any mistakes please let me know politely, I do this story in order to improve.

_Pochitalover_ · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

chapter 2

The House of Ideas was a very quiet place, the blank canvas where all creation is born, the absolute nothingness that gave birth to everything, the house where dwells the one who is above all, the one who cannot be defeated or the supreme creator.

The nexus that connects all that happens, all that has not happened and all that can happen, the ultimate blank canvas.

At that moment a struggle of unimaginable proportions was taking place, the Goddess Nyx, cosmic incarnation of the darkness that exists before creation, was dueling with a red and green-themed android, it was Vision, who wielding the power of the House of Ideas faced an almost all-powerful Nyx, creating through the manipulation of the entire multiverse a group of infinite heroes who lashed out wildly and with all their powers against the Goddess.

Nyx, however, was in a winning position, she could face without problems the endless group of heroes that Vision was creating.

Vision continued to fight with everything until it reached a point where Nyx was putting him in serious trouble, however he could do nothing but keep pushing himself using his new powers.

As these two continued to fight, the space that transcended infinity and should be white, was tinged with an eerie darkness brimming with untold power, something that should not happen under any circumstances was happening, the blank canvas was being stained at high speed.

Vision who created another batch of eighties-themed heroes had to look up to see something that disturbed him at an existential level, a darkness far superior to that formed by Nyx, the aforementioned after exterminating the newly created batch of heroes saw Vision who seemed consumed and lifeless, no, without will. Horrified by the vision provided by the android she was forced to observe that he left her like that, when she looked up she found her end, the darkness that rose far above her existence and divinity consumed her.

A figure took shape out of that darkness, a golden face was what appeared, everything was golden without exception, his brow was permanently furrowed and his form was that of an old man with wrinkles formed by his expression, then an equal face appeared, then they became three faces and before even an attosecond had passed, the number of faces had transcended the House of Ideas itself.

- The Great Will no longer limits me, I am everything, non-existence, the one who stalks all existence, the embodiment of chaos and order, I will take control of this drop of water in the desert of emptiness, my absolute word will be established whether you want it or not. - The infinite faces surrounding La Casa de las Ideas spoke at the same time, resonating through the nothingness and warning all beings of high level.

Nyx's figure was consumed by the paltry shadow produced by the light emanating from the infinite faces of YHVH, erasing himself from existence and performing what would normally be an illogical feat.

Vision and his creations were disintegrated by the din caused by the words uttered by YHVH, the void surrounding La Casa de las Ideas, dwarfed by the multitude of YHVH's faces, gradually collapsed.

- Come, my subjects. -

In front of one of the infinite faces of YHVH appeared an entity that could only be defined as divine, of immense size and body radiating silver light, his physique seeming to be made of the highest quality divine metal ever witnessed, green eyes that judged even the fundamental laws of existence, and a power that even rivaled in some respects that of YHVH, but lacked the same colossal authority.

Metatron himself, the voice of God and one of his infinite faces that always protects the interests of YHVH, made an appearance before his progenitor and ultimate leader.

Then appeared a humanoid figure with no identifiable gender or likeness, a body covered in fine white cloth, a beautiful black structure emerging from his neck and rising above his head equally covered in white cloth in an elegant manner.

Izanami-no-Mikoto, a divine entity representing a primordial mother, was captured by one of the rebels against YHVH's law, but the aforementioned took her from where she was captured for his own benefit and used her as a henchman who constantly tests humanity.

Those two figures were in front of the countless faces of God, who judged his followers for an uncertain time, until he decided to pronounce his command.

- We spent quite some time unnoticed, the entity that shaped the existence of this plane was contained, there is no one above me here, but that Lucifer even outside of the Amala Multiverses is still a problem is unacceptable, I have demanded that he be brought in for judgment and elimination but they only continue to fail, they only remain here because this nexus would not support the presence of all my subjects, so be helpful and inform me of the current situation. - The faces of YHVH lashed out with a voice full of anger that oppressed both Metatron and Izanami, but the voice of God before mankind, Metatron, continued with his gaze lowered before the judging eyes of YHVH and communicated.

- Sacred leader, after a brief exploration I have come to the conclusion that our destiny is correct, I perceive signs of Lucifer and his chaotic power in this accumulation of multiverses, I have not set a specific destiny but it is certainly present here. - Metatron decided to inform first, without the need for gestures, movements or normal communication signals, his mere presence and will conveyed his information, as if communication gestures were far below him.

- I have to add that his presence also changed many things here, a gap was created between time, space, mind and matter, I have come to the conclusion that Philemon is also here, not only that, his presence made the Persona and Shadow of the resident humanity more prominent, even though the humans here are created very differently from what we know, a figure as powerful and influential as Philemon has caused the humans themselves to accept his presence, if that were not enough his presence and the conflict of laws that his stay in the human world has created formed an amalgam of higher dimensions affecting the non-existent plane, time, death and the Shadow of the human being. - The news of Izanami was much more overwhelming, but that did not disturb YHVH and he remained impassive to what was transmitted by the Goddess.

- Lucifer is only a minor problem, his rebellion against me has transcended even our cosmology of origin, but he will eventually fail as he has done time and time again no matter how hard he tries and tries, his Chaos is not as powerful within these Multiverses, I have felt his laws and Chaos is far below what it used to be in our place of old, Philemon is still the priority, I never had control over him, even being someone who equally haunts the collective unconscious he manages to run away from me, in himself he is part of all humanity, no, of all beings with consciousness and unconsciousness, even you, he is the embodiment of the Persona as concept and archetype. -

YHVH communicated to his principal subjects the reason for Lucifer's contempt and the capacity that Philemon has.

- However his resistance is irrelevant, he will end up falling on his knees before God because I have decided so, to continue in his quest Metatron, Izanami, I want you to use the changes that Philemon brought against him, you will have the duty to lead the users of Persona towards the path of Order, my avatars will be established as soon as I leave this starting point, besides the house-shaped construction there will be useful for me to rule this place in a better way, if any high-level deity comes between you then exterminate it, no one will get in the way of my control. -

Having said this and without warning, the countless faces of YHVH disappeared along with Metatron and Izanami, who went to perform the work entrusted by God.

...I wonder what will happen if YHVH realizes that in reality he is right, I lurk in the consciousness of all existences, after all I am the inhabitant of the realm of consciousness and the unconscious of all souls, even he, in the sea of the collective unconscious is but another drop of water, even you, the one who is beyond my plane, you who imagine me unconsciously but know nothing about me, I know everything about you, I will continue to take care of you from within, in the depths of your consciousness because after all, I am you and you are me.










AFTERNOON ~ NY - QUEENS ~ Rosfield Home.

POV Clive.

Today my dad's friends were supposed to meet at his grave for a couple of beers, the guys never visit but as much as I hate that so many people say my dad was their best friend but never visit his grave outside of the day he died, I respect that even once a year they celebrate his time in life properly.

Unfortunately I won't be able to get drunk with them, tonight could be the last night for me if it all goes wrong and let's just say I'm not positive about the situation at all, the last time I tried to use that gun I passed out without warning and that could be fatal tonight.

If all goes well then Flash should be carrying guns and with that I'm already very comfortable, I've never used one in my life but I guess there's always a first time for everything, I hope I'm talented because if not I'm screwed.

Leaving aside the worrisome things, I headed towards the cemetery where my father was buried, the bitch I have for a mother wanted to turn him into ashes, but one of my father's last wishes was to be buried next to my grandparents, something I insisted on until I finally got them to bury him there.

Going at a moderate speed to not waste more time I realized something that before I did not give importance, I feel faster, stronger and resistant by a wide margin and I have the suspicion that this increase in physical power is Philemon's fault, that guy is too powerful and his mere presence left me useless, I do not want to imagine how will be his real power, perhaps stronger than those leaders of mutant groups, this force along with that creature called Persona give me clear indications that Philemon is the one who planned this.

I'd better worry about this in the future, especially about that "fall" because its name alone indicates bad news.

As I reached the entrance of the cemetery I could already hear several men singing, "My Way" by Frank Sinatra...my father's favorite song.

I saw 4 men sitting with several cases of beer and a mini radio, all singing in unison as if they were in a soccer stadium cheering for their team, all looking very ordinary, sort of like low budget copies of Patrick Bateman.

Shawn, Adrian, Carlos and Franklin, a year almost without seeing them and they already look three times older, fuck I love my youth, those wrinkles and "I work 10 hours in an office" eyes are very noticeable, I can bet my money that at least 3 of them already have erectile dysfunction, I don't know why I think this shit when I work in a coffee shop and I'm a slave to high level studies.

- For what is a man, who has he got -Oh here comes my dad's favorite part.

- If not himself then he has naught - This song was definitely made for someone like him.

- Not to say the things that he truly feels - I learned that from him.

- And not the words of someone who kneels - I always speak my mind and don't bow to social pressure.

-Let the record shows I took all the blows and did it MY WAYYY!!!!! - ...This was certainly my father's song.

I saw the 4 old guys burst out at the last part and throw their beers to the sky, they know how to celebrate, I won't deny it.

- Hold it right there you old bastards, you're filling the other graves with alcohol. - I decided to make my presence felt, otherwise these old men will keep singing and drinking for longer like fucking Vikings.

- Clive! Son, look how much you've grown, you look more like your father every day, come here! - Shawn, a childhood friend of my dad's, it's kind of funny since Shawn is gay and had a crush on my dad, but after my dad beat him up for trying to kiss him without his consent when they were teenagers, it became clear to him that there was no chance, my dad didn't think anything of it and then they remained friends, the old man decided it was a good idea to hug me while I was covered in beer and probably drunk, I don't want to ask how long they've been here.

- Shawn leave the kid, we don't want him to turn gay like you, how are you doing kid? Come here son and have a beer. - Carlos, a Mexican immigrant who was studying at the university along with my father and Adrian, shoved Shawn and gave me a slap on the back that made my rib cage rumble.

- Unfortunately I can't drink with you today, I have a date with a girl tonight. - Obviously I wasn't going to tell them I was going to hunt supernatural creatures while they were locked in coffins.

- WHAT! That's definitely a lie, you're very, what they called teenagers who think they're dark and insensitive??. - Adrian who didn't even greet me, grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me hard.

- If you don't even say hello to me you old fuck. - I shook myself and sat down in a chair given to me by Franklin, who nodded at me, he was a guy of few words, he was my dad's co-worker and a basketball fanatic like my dad.

- Stop fucking around dude, I want details, is she hot? If she's not you'll always have my approval to pursue my daughter, as long as you can separate her from that stupid Barcelona fan -Adrian is a soccer fan and well, he's pretty passionate, more than my dad and Franklin about basketball.

- Disgusting, your daughter is a textbook bandit, knowing her I'm sure she sleeps with one Real Madrid fan at a time, as for my date I'll spare you the comments. - Adrian's face was a work of art but in the end he blurted it out, your daughter is two years older than me and when she came of age well she became a free motherfucker basically.

- I'm going to ignore that, well I'll leave you alone, how are the classes going. -

And so we all caught up, and then we spent two minutes in silence looking at my father's grave before we all left without saying a word and leaving flowers for my father and my grandparents.












Well here is the second chapter, I hope you liked it, I haven't been able to write due to my studies and I can't put this new hobby above my professional future, I will do my best to bring new chapters faster.

Remember that this is being translated from my native language (Spanish) to English, so I would appreciate your help to identify mistakes, these chapters are made with perfect spelling and grammar in Spanish, but unfortunately translators tend to fail and I have spent several minutes correcting some translation errors that could be misinterpreted.

For those of you who don't know the deities of Shin Megami Tensei you can search for them by their names in their respective Wikis for detailed information, since Shin Megami Tensei also plays a very important role in this story, you know:

YHVH, Izanami-no-Mikoto, Lucifer and Metatron.

Please if you like the story give me reviews and some support, thanks.