
Folded and Sewn

The story is an exploration of the creative process and the delicate balance between personal fulfillment and professional ambition. At its core is a talented female fashion designer, whose world is one of fast-paced glamour and high-stakes competition. But beneath the glittering surface, she is plagued by doubts and insecurities, feeling that she is losing touch with the passion that first inspired her to pursue her craft. It is not until she meets a male origami specialist, whose artistry and discipline offer a stark contrast to the chaos of the fashion world, that she begins to see things differently. Through their unlikely friendship and partnership, she is encouraged to slow down and rediscover the beauty of simplicity, and in doing so, finds the inspiration she needs to create her most successful collection yet. As the protagonist navigates the conflicting worlds of fashion and art, she is forced to confront the question of what success truly means, and in the end, emerges with a renewed sense of purpose and a deeper understanding of herself as an artist.

YB7 · Urban
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17 Chs

Adie's Visit

After Cailey left, Yashi went over to the leadseamstress, Macy to discuss regarding the order to be sent out tomorrow noon. To her relief, the work was almost completed and it just needed final touches. Yashi was in the middle of the conversation with her when the receptionist called her on the phone.

"Yashi, Adie is here to see you," the receptionist said. "She said she would like to check in on the preparations of the order."

Yashi felt a flutter of nerves in her stomach. Adie was one of their most important clients and she wanted to make sure that everything was perfect. "Thank you for letting me know," Yashi replied. "I'll be there in a moment." She quickly made her way to the reception area. Adie was standing there, Yashi greeted her with a warm smile.

Adie was a middle-aged woman with an impeccable sense of style. Her hair were deep chestnut brown with subtle highlights in layers. Her makeup is understated yet elegant, accentuating her natural beauty.

She is dressed in a well-fitted pant suit, the color of a deep burgundy. The suit is tailored to perfection, and flatters her figure perfectly. She wears a glossy cream blouse underneath, with a high collar and cuffs that are adorned with delicate embroidery. A single strand of pearls graces her neck, and a matching pair of pearl earrings adorn her ears. Her handbag is a classic clutch in black, with a gold chain strap. She has put on brown coloured high-heeled shoes which perfectly complements her outfit. Adie carries herself with poise and confidence, exuding a sense of professionalism and style.

"Good morning Adie, it's nice to see you again," Yashi said as she shook Adie's hand.

"Good morning Yashi, it's nice to see you too," Adie replied. "I was just passing by and I thought I'd drop in to see how are the preparations of my order coming along."

Yashi smiled confidently and replied, "We're making great progress, Adie. I would love to show you around and update you."

Adie nodded eagerly and Yashi led her to her office. As they walked, Yashi briefed Adie on the progress. She asked a few questions, curious to know more about the details. Yashi answered each one with ease, her years of experience in the industry making her well-versed with it.

Adie left the office.

Naisargi walked into Yashi's office, her expression excited. "Yashi, I just came back from checking out the venue for the show," she said.

Yashi looked up from her work, her expression curious. "How does it look?" she asked.

"It's perfect! The runway is spacious and the lighting is great," Naisargi said, her voice full of enthusiasm.

Yashi let out a sigh of relief, "That's great to hear. I was worried about how the lighting would look on the runway."

"It's going to look fantastic, trust me," Naisargi said, her expression confident. "But I did notice one thing, the sound system isn't top of the line. I talked to them to consider upgrading it for better sound."

Yashi leaned forward in her chair, "That's a valid point. The music and sound are an important aspect of the show. Make sure it's taken care of."

Naisargi nodded, "I also noticed that the stage is a bit plain, we can add some decor to make it look more attractive and fitting for the show."

Yashi thought for a moment, "Yes, decor would definitely enhance the overall look of the show. I'll speak to the design team and see what we can do."

Yashi looked at Naisargi and asked, "How are the models doing? Are they ready for the show?"

"They are coming along well, we've been providing extra training for the new models and they are catching up quickly. But we do still have one issue with one of the models, she's been uncooperative and unwilling to work with the design team." Naisargi said last few words in a displeased tone.

Yashi's expression grew serious, "That's not good. We need all the models to be on the same page and working together to make the show a success. Have you spoken to her about it?"

"I have, but she's not willing to listen," Naisargi said, her expression concerned. "I'll try to talk to her again and see if I can get her to change her mind."

Yashi responded, "It's important that we resolve this issue as soon as possible. We can't afford for one model to disrupt the entire show. Keep me updated on her progress."

Naisargi left. Yashi went back to her work.

It was almost dusk. Keysha and Dexter came Yashi's office to discuss the revised drafts.