
Folded and Sewn

The story is an exploration of the creative process and the delicate balance between personal fulfillment and professional ambition. At its core is a talented female fashion designer, whose world is one of fast-paced glamour and high-stakes competition. But beneath the glittering surface, she is plagued by doubts and insecurities, feeling that she is losing touch with the passion that first inspired her to pursue her craft. It is not until she meets a male origami specialist, whose artistry and discipline offer a stark contrast to the chaos of the fashion world, that she begins to see things differently. Through their unlikely friendship and partnership, she is encouraged to slow down and rediscover the beauty of simplicity, and in doing so, finds the inspiration she needs to create her most successful collection yet. As the protagonist navigates the conflicting worlds of fashion and art, she is forced to confront the question of what success truly means, and in the end, emerges with a renewed sense of purpose and a deeper understanding of herself as an artist.

YB7 · Urban
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17 Chs

Familiar face

As Keysha and Dexter walked into Yashi's office, Dexter couldn't help but make a comment on her appearance. "Wow Keysha, looking sharp today. Did you finally find a new hair stylist or something?" he said with a grin, his tone playful.

Keysha rolled her eyes, "Very funny Dexter, my hair is the same as always."

Dexter chuckled, "I know, I know. Just teasing."

Dexter is a senior designer at YB 7, he is handsome man with a casual look. He is often seen with a relaxed, easygoing attitude and a ready smile. He has a tall stature with athletic build. He has a friendly face, with a strong jawline and clean shaved. His hair is a dark black, styled in a messy, yet stylish way, and his eyes are a warm brown. He is in his mid twenties, and his casual but put-together look suggests a man who is comfortable in his own skin. He is often seen wearing a casual but stylish outfit, such as a well-fitted t-shirt, a pair of dark-wash denim jeans, and a pair of clean white sneakers. He has a confident and easy-going demeanor, and his friendly smile and good-natured teasing make him popular among his colleagues.

"Sorry, I am late. If it wouldn't have been an emergency at home, I would have not left you alone, my idol", Dexter said in an admiring tone to Yashi.

He had started working as apprentice under Yashi in the previous firm, E-phen. Professionally, he is very hard working and talented but sometimes love to annoy people around with his goofy personality. He idolizes Yashi and enjoy calling her Master, Idol or Goddess at times.

"Your designs were a great reference, Miss Yashi. I wonder how you come up with ideas in such a short time. I hope to learn a lot from you in future." Dexter continued.

"Enough of flattering. If you are done, can we go ahead with the work?", said Yashi in neutral tone.

"Please Ma'am", Dexter said amusingly.

Keysha began explaining the revisions and changes she made accroding to suggestions given to her in the morning and taking few inspirations from the drafts of Yashi.

Yashi is seen a little convinced with the new designs and shifts her attention to Dexter. "Now that you want to lighten my burden, Dexter, work on finalising the accessories and hairstyles by discussing with the hairstylist and Keysha. Make sure that it goes well with models' selected. I have sent you the photos. Look over."

"Consider it to be done, my Goddess" said Dexter playfully.

"That's a wrap then. Complete your work and go home when done", said Yashi feeling a little relaxed.

Keysha left. Dexter stayed back and told to Yashi, "Please, don't work till late. My mom has sent some delicacies and asked to share them with you and Naisargi. I'll wait for you and we will have dinner together. And these candies, I'll keep them here, eat some every few hours. Though hypoglycemic, you hardly take care of yourself. Don't make me worry."

Yashi acknowleged it with a nod.

Dexter and Yashi come from the same small town. Dexter's father is a well-known businessman in the town, and he has helped Yashi in her college days in finding accomodation through his connections. Dexter's father saw Yashi's potential and talent early on, and therefore he has also invested in YB 7.

Dexter never really cares about the business of his father and he wants to do something on his own and so he came to work to realise his own dreams. When Dexter shared his concerns, Yashi happily accepted him as an apprentice and since then Dexter really enjoys working and became serious though he shows only little of it.

Naisargi enters Yashi's office to take her signatures when she notices a paper bag full of candies. She hands over the papers to Yashi and strecthes her hand to grab one candy from the bag when Dexter stops her saying, "Sorry Naisargi, you can't have them. I have bought these specially for her. You can have another one tomorrow. I have bought few bags for everyone."

"You always did this since childhood", complained Nairsargi. "Anyway, I ate one in the morning at her home and she doesn't mind sharing with me. I have to just wait for you to go out. And those candies that you share with us are not the same", said Naisargi making faces to Dexter.

"Why do you always steal from others? So boring", Dexter said displeasingly.

"Naisargi, here are your papers. And can you both please leave my office and sort it outside." said Yashi resuming her work.

Naisargi and Dexter still arguing as they are leaving the office.

Please share your thoughts through comments. I am new to writing and would love to hear your opinions to write better.

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