
Foes of Eternal

Daoist_Mamu · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 6

I didn't dare look up to face him, judging by his marching he was terribly annoyed. I once again succeeded to get myself in an awkward spot with Athan Corhen.

My mouth dry, I kept still until I felt him halt. My eyes shot aside quickly to come face to face with a large double doors. I shifted from his grip and to my surprise he put me down gently than the way he carried me from my room.

"After you my Lady..."

I jumped at the sound of his too damn manly voice which spoke volumes of the authority and tittle that he holds. I walked inside and a lavished dinning room, spotless and well organised with latest furnitures and fittings right before my sight. The walls were admirable with the tint of peach and dark grey curtains Which hung just perfect below the glowing chandelier simply high class. "I see you're enjoying the sight before you, but I like my dinner when it's hot".

He then sauntered to the huge dining table that could accomodate twenty or-so people to pull out a side chair next to the carver.

He didn't have to announce that he reserved the seat for me, When I didn't move the creases on his forehead were beginning to form, I urged myself to not get on the bad side of him 'like I'm not already'.

I moved carefully towards the large oak table my steps slow and calculated, I make myself comfortable but eating especially with Athan Corhen was the last thing I wanted to do right now.

He poured a generous potion of steak on my plate filled my glass with red wine I never tasted before and wasn't interested now before himself. Variety of dishes were prepared, under normal circumstances I would have been drooling over them but this isn't normal is it?. I can't bring myself to feel hungry, the fact that the people I care about are still out there worrying about me and probably exposed to the Lycans gives me even the more reason to hate it here.

How can he eat so peacefully when a whole generation of ware wolves is now after us!...well them and Me.

"Why aren't you eating?"

You would think that he asked politely..Well he didn't it came out more of a demand than a question. Mystifying nature of this guy is that he can be polite for a minute and go savage the other. How can someone maintain such personality it's too confusing. You can't pass him as a gentleman nor as a lout either. Well I'm not going to study him because I have a-lot on my plate for now. I can't concentrate on anyone not even His excellency the head of vampire clan himself.

"I'm not hungry." I replied curtly.

"I didn't ask if you were, I said why aren't you eating!". He fired back with just the same attitude as mine. He already knew I was terrified of him so he was using little effort to intimidate me.

"I lost my appetite..." I wasn't going to afford a debate with Athan Corhen so I did the only logical thing that any being in my position right now would do. "Excuse me..." I was up on my feet trekking out of the elegant dining room without looking back.

To my relief he didn't react to my exit.

Even if I managed to walk out on Athan unscathed I ended up stranded with multiple arcades leading up to several rooms.

Without a clue how and which hallway to take, I found myself lost in this unfamiliar building to slide against the wall my head resting on my knees, I let the tears I held back to flow freely. For the first time in my life I was alone and miserable.

I wished all this was just some misunderstanding, No one killed anyone this whole thing is just a prank, tomorrow morning I'll wake up in my room and all this would be a nightmare just a bad dream but what I'm wishing for this moment is the dream.

Nothing is okay everything is messed up and it all happened so fast.

I don't know for how long I was seated there in the middle of a dark corridor with little to no reason for finding the room they had prepared for me. Too exhausted from all the crying I decided to make a move out of the hallway I had to rest eventually so I decide to start looking or find... Whats-her-name-again.....??? Urrghh! I wasn't paying attention.

The house was too quiet you could hear the sound of a pin drop. I tried to hide my footsteps not to rise alarm or worse wake Athan Corhen.

Of course I took the wrong hallway because this was totally different from the side of the house I had already visited.

I kept on gaping at the elegance of the new hallway. It felt like this side belonged to somebody else because of the amount of colors and designs. This person really had taste.. Did it belong to Athan Corhen?? He would be even more confusing he seems to be formal and old fashioned and at the same time outgoing and colorful?? Ohhh Athan you're more confusing than dangerous.

I can't help but wish to speak to mom and Dad. I want them to know I'm okay...For now, and I'm also dying to know how they are. Are they looking for me right now..? I wasn't even given a chance to talk to them ever since I got here.

I reached a pair of glass doors and I was itching to go inside. My frail fingers traced the aluminum handle ready to twist the knob. I urged myself against it. Perhaps there is something very personal or I might be invading somebody's privacy and on the other hand I wasn't welcomed here at all.

Stepping back slowly, I bumped into a concrete wall, uhhh!. I was going to land butt first on the floor but luck for me something caught me just in time leaving me to hang between mid fall.

I huff out a sigh of relief. Falling to the fall means waking Athan which is equal to waking trouble.

"I see you're having a hard time to find your room"

I immediately went cold because his voice was too closer than usual. I felt the hairs on my back up and prickly then I realized I was holding on to him and he was holding onto me because if he loosened his grip I was going to land on my butt.

A pair of green eyes starring directly at me, making my brain scream havoc. It was hard to read him, his eyes were void of any emotion.

"I'll help you there.." and he led the way.