
Foes of Eternal

Daoist_Mamu · Fantasy
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8 Chs

chapter 5

If I was scared of Athan Corhen before, I'm definitely terrified of him now. He comes with that Aura of Authority, power and strength staying in his vicinity with an abundant mindset is next to impossible. No wonder everybody fears him.

I sat crossed legs on a cold tiled floor, I was imagining my fate. Without a doubt Athan would want to kill me, Right now every sane vampire out there would want him to do so.

The door to this dark and smelly room pushed open to reveal a blonde lady in a black formal suit. she looked elegant. defined jaw, angular nose with Cleopatra eyes. she gave me a pitiful stare before voicing out what brought her here.

"Come.. I'll take you to your room..."

standing up, I falled into step behind her. the narrow corridor we were currently walking on is with bright glopes. So this is where the dim light was coming from. five more steps and we reached a small stair case leading up to a bulky-looking door. We ascended the stairs standing infront of the door she punched in a code and the door slid open.

I thought I was in a confinment in the woods or a country cell but I was flabbergasted when I crossed the threshold of the huge double door to find a huge house, elegant and exquisite both are understatements of the century this place looked like a palace, latest designs decorations but the decor and the settings evidently shows a lack of woman's taste in them.

I didn't realize I was gaping around until I heard a clearing of throat. I look at an impatient blonde lady waiting at the landing.

the sight of the stairs made my head spin, I was still feeling a little weak. guess the smell of vovaine still affected my system.

By the time we reached the white door my stomach was churning and I desperately needed the bathroom. I contained myself as she twisted the knob to reveal a huge and spacious bedroom. she ushered me inside and I hesitantly moved my feet forward.

the California king size bed in baby blue sheets and the black doors which I guess one led to the bathroom and the other to a walk in closet. the rest of the room was in pale smoke including the curtains. I must agree Athan is useless when it comes to colours.

"This is your room.. make yourself comfortable in here, there are clothes in the closet feel free to change into something comfy.... Athan will be expecting you down for dinner in about twenty minutes"

I didn't bother voicing out anything, I settled for a head nod and she took it as a signal to excuse herself.

"By the way Lenora, I'm Linda Davis, Athan's cousin"

I turned to her shockingly, That's why she could easily utter his first name without jittery.

She closed the door after introducing herself. My concerntration wondered back inside the room and I felt my bare feet on the cold floor.

I moved to the bathroom, It was also luxurious with a bath tub and a shower. I stripped out of my sweaty cloths to walk in the shower.

The hot water pricked my back as it cascaded down from my head to my toes. the tears blending with the waters you could never tell if I was crying. My Mom how is she. My Father are they greaving about my disappearance, Do they know who took me. several questions tagged my brains but one thing is for sure, I missed home.

This is not where I wanted to be and this is not how I pictured spending the rest of the semester in locked down by non other than Athan Cohern. I'm not sure if I should breath calmly that it wasn't the Alpha that kidnapped me but Athan instead or should I just panick because both are danger to me.

I pulled the closet open, There wasn't anything to wear, the closet was stacked but with nothing that goes with my taste.

After so many hours of picking I decided on a black jeans with a sweat shirt I found in one of the drawers, I tied my hair in a high bun before making myself comfortable on the bed. I wasn't hungry and I was definitely not in the mood to dine with anyone.

After a few minutes of playing sleep, I heard faint steps coming closer. judging by the clicking on the floor It was Linda, Coming to tell me his or Soo Cousin is hungry. Well I don't care I'm sleeping he can starve If he wants to.

"Lenora.... Athan is expecting you for dinner.."

she spoke after knocking twice.

I stayed quiet, without an interest in replying back.

"Lenora.. I Know you're awake...just come down for dinner... two minutes!"

I snuggled closer to the covers, the tears were back again. How do they expect me to still have an appetite and eat as if nothing is happening as if there isn't an Alpha maniac who is hunting us one by one and everyone I care about is among his targets.

I had no watch with me but Two minutes were long over and I wasn't planning to go anywhere from this bed. I heard shufflings and the door swung open. Linda is back again. will she carry me down to the dining room. I scoffed to that thought. I'd like to see her try.

Two strong arms scooped me from the bed picking me up bridal style after aggressively pulling away the covers. I look up to find his piercing eyes staring down at mine. My insides began to boil I was terrible in these kinds of situations because I was easy to lose my cool.

"Put me down!" I screeched at him

He didn't bulge or slow down as he continued marching with me to where I guess is the punishment room for defying his orders and compensation for him coming to get me himself.

His touch sent waves throughout my body, obviously because I have never been in such proximity to any guy before.

"where are you taking me,.. let me go" I spoke with menace covering my voice.

"I'm used to having my way around here, and I'd like it if it stayed like that!"

He spoke with so much Authority which threw my protests right out of the window and I remained still in his tight hold.

If I'm going to be punished, it's all my fault this is not Luke who I throw comebacks with, This another creature of the Cohern family The-Athan Cohern, clan leader. Of course he must be used to having his way around here. who would want to cross paths with him or contradict him to make their fate worse.

Stupid me did. and I'm going to pay for it!