
18.Scared of Summer

The end of the school year was fast approaching, and Qicheng felt a growing sense of unease.

He was thirteen, the heir to a wealthy, old family, and known as the school bully. His friendship with Yingying, who was only ten, had softened him in ways he hadn't anticipated.

He worried about what would happen when summer arrived and they were no longer bound by the routine of school.

One afternoon, as they sat under the cherry blossom tree, Yingying noticed his troubled expression.

"What's wrong, Qicheng? You seem distracted," she asked, her eyes filled with concern.

He hesitated, unsure how to voice his fears.

"It's just... summer's coming. I'm not sure what's going to happen."

Yingying tilted her head, studying him thoughtfully.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean," he said, fumbling for the right words, "we won't see each other as much. What if things change?"

Yingying reached out and gently touched his arm.

"Qicheng, things might change, but our friendship doesn't have to. We can still meet up, go to the bookstore, or just hang out like we do now."

He looked into her eyes, her calm reassurance soothing his anxiety.

"You really think so?"

She nodded firmly.

"Of course. And besides, my mom said you can come over to our house whenever you want. She thinks you're a good influence on me."

Qicheng laughed, the tension easing from his shoulders.

"Your mom must have me confused with someone else. I'm the school's biggest bully, remember?"

Yingying's smile was gentle but unwavering.

"You were, Qicheng. But you're different now. You've changed."

He sighed, leaning back against the tree.

"I hope you're right. I don't want to go back to being that person."

"You won't," she said with quiet confidence. "You're better than that. And I'll be here to remind you if you forget."

Their conversation was interrupted by the distant sound of the school bell, signaling the end of the day.

They stood up, gathering their things. As they walked home together, Qicheng felt a renewed sense of hope. Maybe things wouldn't be so different after all.