
17.Unknown future ahead

Yingying listened attentively, her empathy a soothing balm to his wounded soul. She shared her own struggles too, although they were different from his.

Her openness surprised him, yet it also strengthened their connection, forging a bond based on mutual understanding and acceptance.

As the days turned into weeks, Qicheng found himself looking forward to their time together more than anything else.

Yingying had a way of making even the mundane moments feel special—a shared laugh over a funny passage in a book, a quiet moment of reflection by the riverbank, or simply sitting together in comfortable silence.

One evening, as they watched the sunset paint the sky in hues of orange and pink, Qicheng felt a surge of emotion he couldn't quite name.

He turned to Yingying, who was gazing at the horizon with a serene expression.

"Yingying," he began tentatively, the words feeling heavy yet freeing on his tongue, "I... I really enjoy being with you."

She turned to him, her eyes soft and understanding. "I enjoy being with you too, Qicheng," she replied warmly.

His heart raced with a mixture of relief and uncertainty.

He had never dared to imagine himself in such a vulnerable position before, yet Yingying made vulnerability seem like the most natural thing in the world.

Their friendship continued to blossom, each day bringing new discoveries and deeper connections.

Qicheng found himself slowly shedding the layers of his old self, revealing a person he had long kept hidden—a person capable of kindness, empathy, and love.

As summer approached, Qicheng and Yingying faced a crossroad. The end of the school year loomed ahead, and with it, uncertainty about what the future held for their friendship.

Yet, in that moment, sitting side by side under the fading light of the setting sun, Qicheng knew one thing for certain—he was grateful for the unexpected turn his life had taken, and for Yingying, whose quiet strength had changed everything.