
19.Xia Wenying

Yingying's days were filled with the simple joys of childhood, but behind her cheerful demeanor and quiet wisdom lay a secret known to only a select few.

Xia Wenying, as her birth certificate read, was not just any ten-year-old girl.

She was the daughter of a powerful conglomerate, a princess of immense wealth and influence.

Yet, for reasons of safety, she lived a life of simplicity in a middle-class neighborhood, her true identity hidden from the world, even from her closest friend, Qicheng.

Every morning, Yingying's routine began like any other child's.

She woke up in a modest home, ate breakfast with her mother, and walked to school with her friends.

The differences between her life and those of her classmates were subtle but significant.

While they saw her as one of them, Yingying carried the weight of secrets and the responsibility that came with her lineage.

One sunny afternoon, after school, Yingying and Qicheng sat under their usual cherry blossom tree. The breeze was gentle, and the scent of blossoms filled the air.

Qicheng was talking about an adventure novel he had found in the bookstore, his enthusiasm infectious. Yingying listened with a smile, her thoughts occasionally drifting to the dual life she led.

"Yingying, are you even listening?"

Qicheng's voice broke through her reverie.She blinked and laughed, shaking off her thoughts.

"Of course I am, Qicheng. The book sounds amazing."

Qicheng narrowed his eyes playfully.

"You seemed miles away. What's on your mind?"

Yingying hesitated, the urge to confide in him strong but the weight of her promise to her family holding her back.

"Just thinking about how nice it is here," she said, offering him a reassuring smile. "I love our afternoons together."

Poor baby girl . I feel bad for her.

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