
16.A whole new world

One afternoon, determined to find out, he approached her under the familiar tree where she always read.

"Hey," he greeted, trying to hide his nervousness.

She looked up from her book and smiled. "Hi, Qicheng."

He hesitated for a moment before blurting out, "You know, I don't even know your name."

She chuckled softly, closing her book. "I'm Xia Wenying. But you can call me Wenying or Yingying."

"Yingying," he repeated, the name feeling right as he said it.

"It's nice to finally know."

She nodded, her smile widening. "It's nice to finally tell you."

Their bond deepened as they spent more time together, exploring the local bookstore, walking home from school, and sharing their thoughts and dreams.

Yingying's gentle nature and kindness continued to draw Qicheng in, and he found himself opening up to her in ways he never had with anyone else.

One sunny afternoon, Yingying invited Qicheng to join her at a local bookstore she frequented.

He hesitated at first, uncertain whether he belonged in such a place, but her enthusiasm was infectious.

"Come on, it'll be fun," she urged, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Reluctantly, Qicheng agreed. Stepping into the quiet warmth of the bookstore felt like entering another world entirely.

Yingying led him through aisles filled with books of all genres, her enthusiasm evident as she pointed out her favorites and recommended titles she thought he might enjoy.

Qicheng found himself drawn to the shelves lined with adventure novels and stories of courage and redemption.

Yingying, on the other hand, gravitated towards classics and contemporary fiction that explored human emotions and relationships.

As they explored the bookstore together, their conversations flowed effortlessly, weaving between stories and personal reflections.

Outside the bookstore, they sat on a bench under a blooming cherry blossom tree. The air was filled with the delicate fragrance of spring, and Qicheng found himself opening up in ways he hadn't before.

He shared stories from his past—of loneliness, of challenges he faced growing up, and of the tough exterior he had built to protect himself.