
Flight of the Sunbird

Andreas of the Sun, a paladin dedicated to the Sun God, Lugus; finds himself in the throes of conspiracy, betrayal & death. Upon his demise, instead of entering the embrace of his God, Andreas finds himself reincarnated as a Flintspark Sparrow, considered as the weakest and lowliest of beasts. Has Andreas been forsaken by his God? Will he ever be able to turn human again? Or will he be doomed to live the rest of his new life as a lowly bird?

Dogwater_Creator · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Andreas' Charge

Andreas pondered as Herab plotted, he could predict his rivals plans, but sometimes they were so well executed, that Andreas couldn't do anything about it. Hearing news Natasha brought with her, doing the math in his head, he couldn't waste any more time, he was a sitting duck!

Andreas had no more moves left, he was cornered, splitting his battalion in two would only spell eventual defeat, playing right into the hands of his rival. He grit his teeth, before letting loose a final gambit.

"Patreus!" He yelled, "Take charge of the main squad! Star-Splitter unit! Heed my command! Follow me into the woods!" Andreas ordered as he charged into the woods. 15 knights followed his lead and charged behind him.

Inside the thick woods that surrounded the clearing, as Andreas charged into the forest, he charged in an arc hoping to circumvent any guerrilla squads and make his way deep into enemy territory, eventually taking over their camp.

It was a desperate Gambit, he only had as much time as it took to knock out a half of the main squad, leaving him with barely enough time to be able to charge down the enemy camp.

Andreas and his squad charged through the woods, mowing through stray soldiers and guerrilla squads before the enemy could send their signals, as they approached the enemy camp.

Alas! The sight that beheld him drained all the hope he had left, expecting to find an almost empty camp with a skeleton crew keeping guard, Andreas wanted to goad his rival into a surprise retreat to defend the camp.

Yet what lay in front of him was exactly the united might of Herab's guerrilla squads defending the camp!

Herab saw the approaching Andreas and his squad, he could only break into laughter, "Andreas! What a pleasure to see you again! How would you prefer to lose today?" He asked a scowling Andreas, who roared in reply as he charged out of the forest and into the maws of the opponent.

The disparity between the forces was massive! Almost 500 people against 15! The Star-Splitter squad seemed tiny compared to the enemy camp. As the two forces clashed in a final skirmish, Andreas could feel his own desperation, he was truly outclassed in tactics this time! This was an insult he could not resign to! He charged out front into the defending vanguard, hoping to take as many people as he could down with him!

"Tri Beam Charge!" He yelled as his wooden sword shot out 3 massive pillars of light which shot into the air, only to fall down moments later, one by one taking out tens of men with each shot!

Herab, could only watch in pain as The Paladin of the Sun unleashed his attacks. Almost all the skills a man of the cloth executed, came from their Church's Library, as such they were well researched, and easy to counter, yet in order to have an edge over the competition, some members developed personal spells, that they could share at their discretion. Herab was one of them, but so was Andreas.

Andreas of the Sun, his reputation preceded him as a zealous Paladin of Lugus, but he was a genius in his own right. While his tactical skill was average at best, none could deny the individual might of his spells and his skill of rearing soldiers.

Andreas and his Star-Splitter squad, fought as one ferocious beast. The 15 men charged into the enemy ranks as a juggernaut made entirely of wrought iron!

Between Andreas' destructive long distance spells and the paladins squad mowing through his men, Herab knew if he didn't take action he would lose, he couldn't let Andreas escape! Neither could he let his rival's battalion charge up to their camp!

Herab and his personal guerrilla squad, charged towards Andreas with a roar. Clash! Clang! Swish! The two strongest units collided, the clash caused a shockwave, clearing the area around them.

At the main battlefield, Patreus saw a small shockwave form at the enemy camp, "Shit! Andy's assault won't work! Herab must be at the base!" He exclaimed, soon after which, he broke into a smile, "That means there's no need to hold back, MAIN SQUAD! MOW THROUGH THESE COWARDS! YOUR PALADIN NEEDS YOU!" Patreus yelled his command at the top of his lungs. Hearing their second in command, the main squad charged up, like a beast awoken! Mowing down the enemy that lay in front of them, as they made their way to enemy camp.

Back at the enemy camp, Herab and his squad had managed to push Andreas out of their base; while Andreas and his men never backed down from a fight, no matter the odds, they were relieved to see that it was only Herab and his personal squad which charged at them, while the rest of the Centauri soldiers stayed in camp. As for the reason why? It was simple, the enemy was exhausted. Taking out 2 entire battalions was a tiresome feat! Those who weren't tired were either afraid or insubordinate.

As the two squads clashed, their leaders took on each other while the rest battled one on one against their opponents.

Andreas and Herab's fight could only be classified as high level! They moved in blurs, each of their strikes strong enough to level a boulder.

"Daybreak Smash!" "Radiant's Might!" Andreas and Herab flung spells at each other at point blank range and swung their swords, completely forgetting that they were wooden sparring tools.

"Andreas! You go down today!" Herab cackled as he unleashed a flurry of blows. Andreas masterfully parried them and launched a flurry of his own, the swords had cracks in them from being used so forcefully, hell there even some burn marks on their swords, formed from the force of their clash.

Outside the clearing, in the spectators camp, the audience roared as they watched the Paladins clash!

This mock battle could only be described with one word, fierce! The masterful use of tactics, both parties fighting to come out on top and fulfil their desires! One to reclaim their glory as their strongest, and the other to show the world, that even grasslands can sire dragons!

Cardinal Silas, silently observed the events unfold in front of him. From Andreas' dominance on the open field, the success of Herab's guerrilla tactics in destroying the two flank squads, to the final skirmish that was now going on.

"Herab is unmatched in his schemes and tactics, we are truly lucky to come across such a gem! Yet our own Andreas proves that, in front of true might, all schemes are useless! Those spells are truly magnificent, who would've thought that this unruly kid, would be at the precipice of evolving? Hmph! I bet that shit-for-brains Andreas has no clue about the stage he's at!" Silas snorted as he thought to himself.

"I remember Andreas had requested for his chief subordinate to assigned a barracks of his own as a reward for winning this battle, but Andreas himself must be promoted! I must report my findings with the enclave and the Archbishops!" He thought as he observed the match.

At the healing camps, Jann, Natasha and Patrick watched the battle through the scryers broadcast. Jann fell in battle due to Herab's Guerrilla tactics; Natasha, who escaped the fate that befell her flank squad and Patrick were felled when they took to fight to mow down the enemies open field squad, their elimination firing up their men, who only saw their leader fall to protect them.

"Jann, do you reckon we'll win? We performed so pathetically! Both our squads wiped out without even killing a 100 men! By Lugus, I feel so useless!" Natasha threw a tantrum, weighed down by guilt and frustration.

Seeing her beat herself up, Patrick responded, "Oh Natasha! You know we did our best, that's all that we can do. Trust our men, even if we don't win, we sure did put up a great fight!" He said with his chest puffed out, even though he knew very well that he felt the same as his fellow priest.

Natasha didn't take too kindly to Patrick's words, seeing them as excuses and not consolation, both the priests ended up bickering again. One accused the other of not doing enough, while the other argued that at least they didn't get wiped off in one fell swoop.

Egos bruised, soon enough objects started flying at each other. Much to the chagrin of their subordinates, who wanted to quietly watch battle as their efforts come to fruition.

"Natasha, Patrick. Quit fighting." The less spoken and stoic Jann said. "If you're worried about who's winning, just look in front of you." He said pointing to the enemy side of the camp, where the fallen Centauri soldiers lay.

Much to Natasha and Patrick's surprise, the Centauri soldiers were in much worse shape than they were, their broken bodies lay on the beds, only able to move their heads to spectate the battle that unfolded on the screen.

Yes! Natasha's and Patrick's eyes didn't fail them! For every one of the Gimensee soldiers that laid bruised a Centauri soldier lay unconscious! They were equal in overall strength, but the quality of the Gimensee soldiers was way beyond the Centauri.

Hope ignited in the priests' hearts as they quietened down, intensely looking upon the battle.

Back at the battlefield, Andreas and the Star-Splitter squad had succeeded! They held on for long enough! Patreus arrived charging, behind him the collective might of a little more than 550 men behind him, seething with rage, tired of being subject to their opponent's cowardly hit and run tactics.

Andreas turned to Herab, his eyes glowing with determination, he ordered, "KNIGHTS! DAYBREAK CHARGE!" he yelled as he broke into a glowing hot charge, his men following him behind closely.

Daybreak Charge was a combination spell devised by Andreas to be used by the vanguard of an army, the charge requires the strongest combatant to be in the forefront cutting through air and mana alike, while the rest of the squad use their mana to propel the entire charge. This combination of offensive power and speed, should in theory, be able to shatter shield walls and fortifications without losing too much manpower.

The Paladin and the Star-Splitter squad moved with such force that the air around them ignited; Herab grit his teeth and ordered his men to set up magic barriers to tank the damage, seeing Patreus and his men engage his own, made for an unpredictable battlefield, a battlefield that Herab particularly detested.

He had no choice but to turn and face the threat at hand. He charged with all his might, sword in hand, towards the hurtling force of Andreas and his men.

"Herab!" "Andreas!" "DIE!" They both yelled at each other in unison as they clashed. A golden light flooded the clearing.

Hey guys, its Dogwater. I hope y'all feel the story is engaging, and to those asking when will our protagonist reincarnate, it's going down soon! I'm sorry that y'all as readers had to wait so long! What can I say? I like long build-ups xP


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