
Flight of the Sunbird

Andreas of the Sun, a paladin dedicated to the Sun God, Lugus; finds himself in the throes of conspiracy, betrayal & death. Upon his demise, instead of entering the embrace of his God, Andreas finds himself reincarnated as a Flintspark Sparrow, considered as the weakest and lowliest of beasts. Has Andreas been forsaken by his God? Will he ever be able to turn human again? Or will he be doomed to live the rest of his new life as a lowly bird?

Dogwater_Creator · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The Decision

Outside the forest clearing, in the healing camps.

Both the paladins, Andreas of the Sun, and Herab the Desert Star, stood frozen with stunned looks on their faces. Their last memory was them finally clashing head on, bringing the climax of the mock battle; yet now they stood in the healing camps surrounded by their men, both the wounded and the ones engaged in the final clash.

A voice rang out, "A truly magnificent show of force! A final clash worthy of Lugus' name! Alas, my dear Andreas and Herab, the show of lethal force is not permitted!" The voice said, belonging to Cardinal Silas, who spoke from atop his podium, his eyes sparkled with zealous fervour towards the Sun God.

"Fortunately it was both parties who conjured such force, as such neither of you are disqualified, leaving the decision in the hands of the judge, who in this case is I, Silas of the righteous light!" He announced.

Andreas took a sigh in relief as he crumpled on to a seat his subordinate kept under him, it was over! The mock battle was done! Oh and how his men had performed! Two mere battalions had surpassed the might of an average army! A joyous occasion on any given day, yet the men participating held a worrisome expression; awaiting the judge's decision.

Both parties were given a time of respite to tend to their wounds and for the healers to do the rest as Silas and his men pondered about the final decision.

The scryer screens replayed non stop the highlights of the battle, the bravery of both leaders and the tactics employed by each of their battalions, from how Andreas dominated the open field to Herab's quick and decisive guerrilla counter attacks obliterating the flank squads led by Natasha and Jann. The screens then switched to tight contest between both battalions, the might of Herab's guerrilla squad and the unyielding Star Splitter squad with Andreas at the helm, finally showing the last clash before replaying the battle from the beginning again.

The crowd that lay their eyes on this spectacle roared in excitement! What a battle they had seen! With such talents standing at the helm of their army, they had no foe to fear! No calamity to bow to! The might of Lugus seemed as unending as his radiance! "Glory to the Sun! Glory to the Sun! Glory be our Light!" The crowd chanted, acknowledging the efforts of both men, as a response to a performance, seen perhaps once every hundred years.

Jann, Natasha, Patrick and Patreus surrounded Andreas; some apologizing to him for the lacklustre performance, some chiding him for not being able to hold back, yet all of them were merry, not at all disappointed in their own performance in the battlefield.

"Jann, you truly messed up this time, I guess we'll have you and your men training in the forest for a few weeks regularly, so that you can master guerrilla warfare." Andreas spoke as he massaged his temples, this fight had taken a lot out of him, both mentally and physically, his broad shoulders drooped in fatigue as he continued on, " As for Natasha and Patrick, good job holding on as long as you did, but this battle made me realise the importance of spellcasters' need for chantless cantrip spells, you need to master a whole onslaught of that stuff!"

Natasha and Patrick nodded as the listened to their leader point out their mistakes, "Patreus, as usual, you made no mistakes, your reading of the battlefield was flawless, if not for you -" Andreas was interrupted by Silas' men before he could go on further. The decision had been made!

In the clearing outside the forest, both leaders stood on the stage, with Silas separating them, surrounded by the masses who were lucky enough to witness a magnificent bout! The audiences hearts brimmed with pride, knowing that it was exactly the likes of these men that kept their lives safe, these men who would tirelessly march to the ends of the world to enact the will of Lugus, The Radiant Sun God.

Atop the stage, standing in front of the podium, Silas spoke, "A good day to the audience who witnessed this wonderful mock battle, and even greater tidings to the brave men and women who fought tooth and nail for nothing but the glory of our God!" The audience responded with huge sounds of applause and cheers, as Silas spoke on, "Yet it unfortunate that there can only be one victor! And victory, this time around was elusive; one slip, one mistake, and either party held the might to turn the tide on their own! The Famed Gimense and The rising Centauri battalions! To the both of you I say, Men! You all fought hard and you all fought valiantly, the losers today are losers in name only, and the pleasure of rearing such magnificent soldiers is an honour to us! Look up, for our Lord Lugus smiles upon you!" Silas said as he showered light upon both leaders, before droning on a bit more, much to both the warriors dismay, who beginning to get bored!

Yes! The two knuckleheads, Andreas and Herab, were suppressing the itch to beat the old Cardinal black and blue for not getting on with the decision! Each of them eager to go back to the drawing board and train their hearts out to fight another day!

Expecting to see stoic gazes, but instead met with impatient glares, Silas coughed as he continued, "Without further ado! I will now announce the winner! The battalion who showed the most promise and dominated the battlefield in front of an indomitable enemy was, The Gimense Barracks! Led by Paladin Andreas! A hug round of cheers!" Silas exclaimed as he announced the winner!

Andreas fell to his knees as the judgement was passed! He'd done it! He had won and brought glory to the famed Gimense Barracks! They were the mightiest soldiers of Lugus, and now none could deny that claim!

Jann and Patreus hoisted Andreas on their shoulders in celebration, as the Gimensee soldiers broke out in celebration! A whole year of humiliation, washed away! Their blood sweat and tears in training had paid off! They could raise their heads high again.

After making the announcement, Silas and his men promptly left the clearing, and the audience soon followed, it was time for the spectators to feast and for the participants to rest and recuperate.

Herab walked up to Andreas, who was still in the process of stretching his limbs out, as he spoke, "Andreas, you dirty bastard, you won today, but wash your neck and wait; for next year I will reclaim my title as the strongest sword of Lugus, and you and your mongrels shall again be forced to bow their heads in front of me! The Desert Star!" Herab spat as he held his head up high, before turning around and walking away back to his camp.

Andreas and his commanders guffawed after hearing their opponent's bold proclamation, Patreus and Jann practically wheezing after hearing the cheesy thoughts of the rival Battalion leader, "Andy we've really got to kick his ass to kingdom come, whether Lugus wills it or not! By God this man surely deserves it! Bow our heads to him? Who does he think he is? Lugus' concubine or something?" Patreus spoke before bursting into a peal of laughter. Andreas shook his head and chuckled, but deep inside he knew, that the crazy bastard known as Herab wasn't making bold claims, he truly wanted Andreas to face defeat.

As the camps packed up, Andreas and his commanders headed to the Chromus district to the main Church. To be awarded fortunes by the Voice of God himself! The Pope!

Hey Guys, it's Dogwater here.

Apologies for the super late release, I was in a horrible accident and had to be hospitalized for a week!

I am back now, and I hope I can keep releasing chapters on my planned schedule.

So much happened when I was hospitalized tho! This book was featured on <Fresh Stories> !!!


Thanks guys, for reading my work, I hope all of you out there are just as invested as I am in this story!

Please leave comments, tell me how you all like it so far, even a simple "Meh." "it's Decent" or "It sucks" would help so much more than me silently contemplating what you all think of the story.

Anyhoo, thanks for reading this update and I hope you keep reading 'Flight of the Sunbird' in the future as well!


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