
Flash Marriage: I Accidentally Married A Mafia Princess

What would you do if your ex, who left you five years ago without bothering to say a goodbye, is now standing in front of you at the entrance of the Civil Affairs Bureau? Surely, you wouldn't marry her. But did I mention I'm in dire need of a wife? ___ Song Jingren, self-made Billionaire has one rule– Pity any Tom, Dick or Harry but never offer it to his one and only materialistic and vain ex! Long Reine aka Zuni, proud Mafia princess, has two problems– Uncontrollable Nasty Temper and her Un-seducable Ice block hubby! ___ Excerpt:  "Get out!" Song Jingren told his flash married wife.  "Hubby, you are kicking out your one and only beautiful wife?" Zuni gaped at him. "Mom was right, I shouldn't fall at male beauty but at their intelligence. What can I say I'm a sucker for beauty!" As she realised that she spoke too much nonsense, she put hands on her mouth and shook her head as if she didn't mean it . "Hubby, I was wrong. Forgive, wifey.  I am not a sucker for male beauty but for you. Your chiselled face is still on the top of the list. Add your bank balance, you are unbeatable."  "Didn't I tell you to stop calling me by that disgusting nickname that makes my skin crawl?" Song Jingren coldly said. He hated her for making his resolve of throwing his ex out of his life weaker with each passing moment.  Zuni pouted adorably.   "I'm not calling you Baobei. Our status has been upgraded," Zuni shot back. She then flashed him a blinding smile as she hugged his arm. "Baobei, you are now upgraded to hubby." "Scram, "Song Jingren coldly said.  Hubby: 1, Wifey: 0 ___ Excerpt Two:  "Happy Birthday, Hubby, " Zuni smiled brightly at her husband as the clock struck twelve. "Now quickly open your birthday gift!" Song Jingren looked all around the room but didn't find any supposedly birthday gift. "Where is my birthday gift?" "I'm your birthday gift, dummy, "His wife replied as a matter of fact.  Wifey: 1, Hubby: 0 ___  

tanu_sam · Urban
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223 Chs

Heart on bed!

"What the hell did you do to my bedroom?" Song Jingren asked her. He looked at the big heart made of rose petals on the bed and scoffed at his heart. 

After breaking his heart into tiny-tiny pieces, she had the audacity to make these flower hearts? 

"You mean our bedroom, "Zuni corrected. 

"I'm not sharing my bedroom with anyone, "Song Jingren told her. 

"Hubby, I'm not anyone but your wife. I will be together with you in richness and poorness,  in health or sickness till death do us part, "Zuni kindly reminded him. 

"I would rather you take me straight till death do us part, "Song Jingren sarcastically commented. "I would rather choose death than share a bed with you."

"Hubby, "Zuni said in a sad voice. "This was a big blow to my womanly ego."

Until this day, Song Jingren wondered what on earth he was thinking when he courted this woman. She was a certified freak. Shouldn't she protect her and walk away? After all, leaving and running away were the things she was proficient in. 

"Zuni, I will have Special Assistant Lu prepare a villa for you. You can move there for as long as we are married, "Song Jingren said in a calm voice. He understood one thing. If he said callous words to her or behaved impolitely, the one to suffer would be him. Thus, it was better to send her away from him than hurting each other. 

"What about you?" Zuni asked her. "Where would you live?"

"I would live in my penthouse, "Song Jingren said. "I'm used to this place." 

"I'm not living anywhere my husband is not living, "Zuni stubbornly said. 

Song Jingren sighed. "Look, I understand we have a past. I have moved on and so have you. Let's not say hurtful words to each other like other exes. To me, you are nothing more than an ex I had in the past."

"You are talking as if you have another ex than me, " Zuni scoffed. "Also, who said I have moved on?"

"I do have an ex other than you, "Song Jingren said, taunting her. "Not just one, several."

Zuni took a deep breath. Another deep breath. And then once more. After that, a smile played on her lips. She walked around him, her gaze not wavering from his face even for a moment. 

"Long Reine, let's live peacefully for the next couple of months, "Song Jingren said. 

This was his first mistake. 

Calling her Long Reine. 

The image of a lively and mischievous woman disappeared from her face as soon as he called her by that name and the next moment, Song Jingren felt as if someone else had possessed her body. Someone who he never met. 

"Since you want to live peacefully, I will show you what peace in Long Reine's world means!" Zuni said in a tone he didn't understand. 

When Zuni's grandfather named him Reine in honour of his late wife, Tang Reine, everyone agreed with the name but they decided not to call her Reine but Zuni at home. 

As her mom was afraid that by calling her Reine, she might inherit her grandmother's nasty temper and personality. Thus, everyone calls her Zuni. 

Well, jokes on her mom. 

"Where are you going?" Song Jingren said as he saw her leaving the room. 

She had to leave before Long Reine beat the hell outta him. 

"Dammit, look at me!" Song Jingren said from behind. 

Zuni turned to look at him as she said, "You don't want to share the bedroom with me. I don't want to leave the penthouse. So, we will come to the middle ground." She put a cushion on the couch and switched off the lights. "Good night, husband."

Song Jingren who was left speechless by the turn of the event looked at her figure curled up on the couch and clenched his fists. 'Don't fall for her tricks.'A voice in his head said to him. 

When Song Jingren left the living room and closed the door with a loud bang, Zuni moved to look at the closed door. 

[I miss my family.]

This was the thought that came to her head before she fell asleep on the couch. 

Actually Zuni is not a bad girl. Just a nut case. If you are in her family, you would grow to be one too!

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