
Phoenix-dance your reputation away.

So sorry for the long wait. I have been focusing on school, but now that school is over. I will try to update twice each week. Here is the next three chapters of Fit Out, again sorry for the wait.

Screw it, who cares what people think. I'm gonna hang out with Fiona more often and maybe that friendship will bloom into something new. "Phoenix time to go"! My sister says. "Coming". I say back. I run down the stairs and out the door. "Where did you go yesterday"? Oh shoot, she saw me sneak out. Maybe I should play clueless, pretend that I don't know what she is talking about. Nope, that could easily backfire. But I can't tell her the truth, I know I will dance around the truth. "I went to the starlight tower, I couldn't sleep". I say. She nods and we continue walking. I plug my earbuds in and play pop love as we continue walking. " Hi Allie, hi Phoenix". Says a group of cheerleaders. I pull my left earbud out and wave. "Who are you going to the dance with, Allie"? Allie pushes her dirty blond hair with her tan hand and says: "The dance is weeks away, I'm not focused on getting a date for the dance, someone will ask me, I'm sure of it". Allie says. The cheerleaders nod in usion. Allie looks at me with her blue eyes and asks: "What about you, Phoenix"? I'm going to ask Fiona, but I don't know if I'm ready to tell people. "Same as you sis, I will wait for him to ask me". I say with a snug smile on my face. I'm going to ask Fiona to the dance, not sure how, but I will figure it out. The rest of the day was a blur, like everything was moving in slow motion and fast at the same time, if that makes any sense. The whole day she was on my mind, I just couldn't seem to shake her off. We barely talked last night, but I feel like I have known her forever, Like since I was born. Is that even possible, to fall so hard for someone at first glance, first talk ,first shared laughter? "What's up with you"? Asks my sister. I shrug and say: "I just haven't been able to focus,probably just tired". She shakes her head and says: "Is it a boy"? I chuckle and she elbowes me. "Well who is it"? She asks. I mean I do have to tell her eventually, right? But not right now. I shrug and say: " I told I'm just tired". I know she can tell that I'm lying, so I say: "I am so tired that I'm going straight to my room to take a nap". I run upstairs and lock the door. I pace around the room, stopping at the mirror. I shake my head and go to the dresser. Open the drawer with my key and grab a black hoodie and black overalls. I quickly put them on and grab my makeup palette. Applying the black eye shadow on my lid and under my eye, I stand in front of the mirror and smile. This is the real me. I know how, I'm gonna ask her, if it ruins my reputation or people make fun of us, at least we will be in it together.