
Amber-missing old beginnings-an hour before chapter 2

I am so bored, I log onto Facebook and scroll through. Scrolling past each post and quickly liking, but something makes me scroll back up. My birth mother and birth father posted a picture, I can't get over the post, my birth mother and birth father posted a pic saying they adopted a gothic lesbian teen, saying there LGBTQ. Impossible I scroll the pictures finding a image of the adopted teen girl,I could believe my eyes, I see Fiona looking all happy with my birth mom and birth dad. I shake my head, reading the caption: "adopted this bundle of joy, so proud of her being herself, pro LGBTQ". If your LGBTQ pro then what happened with me? My birth parents were super religions, coming out them was hard, they definitely didn't take it well. At first they saw it as a joke, but once they realized, I was serious they threw me out and told me they didn't rasie a faggit and that I was a dissapoinment. Then we went to court and they disowned me and I was put in the system. From group home to group home, I would always rebel against everyone and get kicked out. But my last hope; my "real" parents, I rebelled against all of there rules and ran away like five times, but they wouldn't give up on me, so they eventually felt like family. They let me be myself and let me express myself through my hair. Now the people that threw my out say they are pro LGBTQ; that is definitely an act, another way to get positive attention, they loved attention. I start to cry, drowning in my tears, the stars will help. I jump out of the window, into the forest, halfway up the tower. I hear voices and laughter, I slowly creep up to see Fiona and Phoenix. Did they just kiss, great more things to be upset about. I run all the way home, crying into my mom and dad's shoulders. If only Fiona new her new parents, then she would hate them. I got stay friends with her, you know what they say, keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Its days like this that I miss my birth parents, because apparently I wasn't good for them, Fiona is apparently. This is gonna be hard to be her friend, good thing I have a tiny crush on her, that crush might help.