
Fiona- Two Star Crossed Lovers

I am now positive that phoenix is gonna say no to me. I saw her a few times today, but she never said anything to me. It shouldn't take this long, does she not feel the same way about me? I pace around my room, back and forth, this is stressing me out. I hear my phone go off, I walk over and grab my phone, my phone shows: one new snapchat friend. I open my phone and go to snapchat, I go to recently added and I see: Phoenix lighiter has added you. I smile big and add her back. She snaps me a text saying: "Meet me at the starlight tower at 6:30". I smile and send: "Where is the starlight tower"? She types back: "Lol, the place we met last night, it's called the Starlight tower. Also your gonna love the real me." I chuckle and text: "Wdym"? She sends back: "You'll see, see you at 6:30". I smile big going straight to my closet, throwing all of my clothes on the floor. I grunt in frustration, realizing I have nothing to wear. "Mom"! I yell. I can hear footsteps running up the stairs and into my room. She looks at my clothes on the floor and says: "What happened in here"?! I sigh and say: "I have nothing to wear"! She looks confused, so I say: "I think I have a date". My mom jumps in excitement and says: "Who is the lucky bo… girl". I chuckle and tell her all about Phoenix, smiling and blushing the whole time. "And I have nothing to wear"! I say. She looks at my floor and walks toward the corner, picking up a black romper and handing it to me. "Yes it's perfect". She smiles looking at my floor and then at me. "Yeah, yeah I'm cleaning it up right now". She nods and says: "The date is at 6:30, be ready at 6:00, do you need a ride"? I shake my head and say: "It's a short walk from here, I'll be fine". She nods and walks out the door. After what feels like forever my room is clean, I head to my bathroom and put on the romper. Pinning pieces of my hair back reliving my gades and my broken heart tattoo. I smile adding purple lipgloss, I grab my phone. The time shows 5:58, quickly putting on my black boots. I run out my room and down the stairs. Hugging my mom and dad, my mom says: "Good luck and have fun". "Thx"! I say back as I run out the door towards the starlight tower. My hands start to sweat and my heart speeds up, with every step I take. Coming nearer and nearer to the starlight tower, I start to think this is a way to say no, maybe she is too scared. I head up the windy staircase, once I reach the top, I find her. She lying on a table cloth, looking up, with a picnic basket to her right. She sits up and says: "Took you long enough". I chuckle and look her up and down. She is wearing black overalls with a black tank top underneath, has black eyeshadow on and purple lipstick. "Your beautiful, but I never wanted you to change". She chuckles and says: "This is me, the real me. I've been too scared to show anyone the real me, because people have rejected me for years, but you didn't. I wanna be with you, I don't care about what others think anymore, as long as I'm with you". I look at her and take her hands in mine and we say in usion: "Will you go to the welcome back dance with me"? We chuckle and fall onto the tablecloth, she opens the picnic basket and says: "Bonappetit my sweet". I chuckle and look and down at the PBJ's and chocolate strawberries. "You did all of this for me"? She nods and starts to eat. I smile and grab my sandwich. After a long moment of awkward silence, I break the ice by saying; "Telling something interesting about yourself". She says: "Aren't I already too crazy and weird". We both chuckle and I say: "Okay here is something, I'm adopted". She chokes a little on her food, pulling out two root beers with a paper straw in each. She takes a sip and says: "Your adopted"?! I chuckle and nod. "I got adopted about a week ago, my mom put me in foster care when I was a baby". I say. "Well that's depressing, do you live near here"? I nod and say: "That black and white modern house, not too far from here". Her eyes grow big and she says: "Did you have a little sister"? I shake my head and say: "I have no siblings, why do you ask"? "When I was little, me and my sister came across your house and found a little girl with a suitcase, I called they put her in foster care. I saw your parents throw her out". She says. "They know I'm lesbian and gothic and they accept me, 100% ." I say back. "That little girl was Amber, I'm pretty sure, I saw the simaliteries". She says. I sit there stunned and say: "That's why she's been acting so weird, she probaly saw the facebook post, I will call her when I get home. Can we change the subject"? I say back. "Yeah sorry for making you uncomfortable''. We both lie down, staring at the the sky. I reach for her hand and she smiles at me. "Favorite color"? I ask. She starts laughing and says: "That was hella random, but violet". I chuckle and say: "Same, favorite animal"? "I love all animals, but if I had to choose, I would choose Polar Bears". She says. "Polar Bears are pretty cool, but I would choose Wolves". I say. "Guessing you're a Dog person"? She asks. I laugh and say: "How dare you assume if I'm a Dog or Cat person, but yes I am a Dog person". We both laugh. "Have you ever just started at the stars and all of worries go away"? I ask. "Omg your so random". She says back. We both laugh and she says: "I always come here whenever I'm sad and I tend to get lost in the stars". "Look two shooting stars, you see them right in the middle"? I ask. She nods as they cross making an x. We both close our eyes, to make a wish. I wish: everyday could be like this.We walk home together holding each others hand. We stop at my house and I say: "How are we going to show the world about us tomorrow, or are we keeping this a secret"? "We tell everyone very soon, but for now let's end on a nice note". She says as she kisses me and then says: "That's the nice note".