

I see Fiona pop up on my phone, debating whether or not to answer it. I take a deep breath in and answer it. "Hey". I say with a friendly smile. "Quit the act, Amber". She says back. "What do you mean"? I ask back. She sighs and says: " I know, what's been bothering you". Did she find out about her foster parents? Only one way to find out. "Oh really, if you what is bothering me, than tell me".I say. "I know that my foster parents, are your real parents, I know that they kicked you out when you were only 10". She says back. "How …..how did you find out"? I say back. "Do you remember that little girl who called the police"? She says back. "There were two girls, how does this answer my question"? I say back. "Phoenix was that little girl, she told me."She says back. She doesn't know that I don't know about her and phoenix, I need to play clueless "Wait, who is Phoenix"? I say back. "Do you remember that group of cheerleaders, who were bulling us"? She asked. "Yeah". I say back. "Remember how there was two girls who took our spot"?She asks. "Yeah".I say back. "Well the one with blond hair,Her name is Phoenix and-".she says. "Wait how did you two become friends"?I say cutting her off. "I was getting to that. Have you heard of the starlight tower"? She asks. "Yeah". I say back. "We met there, we started talking and-".she says. "Wait are you two a thing"? I ask. She nods and says: "Now that we got that covered, back to you parents. They've changed, trust me". "No they haven't, it's all an act. They only adopted you because it made them look good, trust me, it's all an act".I say. She shakes her head and says: "People change, they've changed. There gonna chaperone at the welcoming dance, you'll see, there different". "I… i have to go". I say. "Okay but are you coming to the dance"? She asks. "Maybe I don't know".I say as I end the call. I collapse onto my bed, screaming into my pillow. I don't know if I should go to the dance. Maybe they have really changed.