
Fire Within Me (Book 1)

Kelvin lives a boring life. An orphan child that grow up with his auntie, he longs for an exciting life. Until he enters a world were nightmares exist. Getting powers he didn’t know and he have and a prophesy to fulfill or he will die. Is he the one of the four that the Diwatas are waiting for? Or another fatal failure? This is a reboot of my earlier work, hope you like it

PaoNel0408 · LGBT+
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27 Chs

At Last

"Yes! I finally did it; I finally learn how to control my element!" I merrily dance like a loon, I didn't even care that Light is in here with me laughing. I just learn how to do it! Fudge yeah! Light said something insulting to me that my senses finally snap, it is like controlling fire is my second nature.

It took me two months to control my element. Two months of verbal torture by Light. If he is not immune to my fire, I will burn him. Light help me train using fire hose to distinguish the fire. The training ground is now a black toasted land.

The other guys are on "Their Secret Mission" and now I'm included, heck yeah! I've never seen them since they went on the mission, Light choose to be left behind so that he can guide me to my training, he will come with me when I learn how to control it. And now I can! Yes!

I manipulate my fire like they're dancing. And it never even burn the ground. Now I can choose if I want to burn something and someone or not. I know this is just the basic training, but this is awesome!

"Now, let's eat and rest for the evening, tomorrow I will brief you to our mission." Light said, tired as me.

"Yeah, yeah. What's for dinner, I'm starving." I said to Light yawning.

"Grilled Steak with mash potato." We go back into the house and ate in silence. Tired from training, I didn't even appreciate my food. I look to Light, why someone looks so harmless have so much power? Only Light can injures Shadow, but it taxed him. When they rescue me, Light have bruises in his arm and chest. And somewhere in history Light almost die. When he summons light, it never affects him, but when he uses it in battle, especially to Shadow, it injured him. Light can only hurt the fallen but not the good ones. But Shadow can hurt everybody.

"You wash the dishes; I'm going to sleep now. You know Kelvin, this is the first training that I handle with too much energy. You really are so slow in progress, making turtle to be shame." Light smirk to me and yawn, I throw a scoop of mashed potato to him. But he just deflects it with his mind.

"And you will clean that" He stood up and left me in the table. I started to clean.

"Mind reading, mind moving, good for nothing cheater". I muttered.

"I heard that!" He shouted. How? He has a super hearing now?

"No, I hear it in your mind, dumbass!" Light answered what I am thinking. Like what I said a cheater. I pity his future Iroga.

I'm in his office at 7 in the morning. I really am excited to hear the mission and be part of it. Light enters with files on his hands. He walks towards his desk and open his laptop. He gave me the files.

"This is the mission Kelvin. The file includes pictures, information and the Institution." I open the files to see an enormous blue building. It is a 6 story building surrounded by trees. It is in the middle of nowhere.

"The institution is for the kids with special protection and needs. Others are abused by their parents and guardians and others have a psychological problem that needs treatment." I looked into the picture of every kid in the institution. They are all look so young. The older ones are the same age as me at 19 years old. The youngest is 14 years old. It is a mix of girls and boys in the pictures.

"The Head Babaylan prophesize that one of these kids is possessed by Shadow. His plan is unknown, but we need to find the kid and kill him." It shocks me that he orders us to kill one human. I thought we have to protect them.

"Yes you are, we really are protecting this people. For the past 10 months, 6 guys were found dead. They said it is suicide, but we know better. We don't know yet why Shadow only kills guys. So we need to found out why for us to learn who the guy Shadow possessed is." Light looks saddened to the situation.

"How about the one who is being possess? We need to save him too, right?" I really pity the one who is being possessed. It is not right if someone is controlling your body and kills people.

"He willingly gave his body to Shadow. I don't know how someone gave up their life and body to someone so evil." He said with distress.

"How do you know that he is voluntarily given up his body to him?" This really confuses me, if you are possessed means that your body is overtaken forcefully.

"Shadows possession has a glitch. The one who possessed still have his mind, the only one that he possessed is the body. While his body moved without his control, he can talk and cry as his own will. So if the one who is being possessed right now doesn't want it, we will hear him talk and cry even if his body is killing someone. But because no one talks means that he is voluntarily give up his body." Light said to me.

"It is impossible! No one can give up their body willingly. I think the Babaylan is wrong. Or she is lying to us."

"The Head Babaylan talks to our deities and she doesn't lie"

"So why did she just gave us the name of the one being possessed so we know who to kill?" My hatred to Shadow starts resurface, making Light wince.

"She is forbidden to interfere with fate. She is only our guide to our true destiny." Light gave me another file with my name on it.

"Clearly by now, Shadow knows the guys are there. But we still need to disguise ourselves so the humans don't suspect a thing." He gave me an I.D. resume and other necessary information for my disguise.

This, my friend is the start my mission.