
Fire Emblem: Warlord of Elibe (Oneshot)

Not so distant future game have evolved along with everything else. The main character had to give them up to his mental health. He started having dreams of a game that he played back on the Gameboy Advance. Fire Emblem. Countless visions of himself growing up as a nobleman. Getting mistreated and plotted against as a child he has had enough. He took the advice of his doctor. Doctor recommend he quit cold turkey anything fantasy based. She encouraged him to become active in sports again. With her help, he was able to relax once again. This all changed when a nightmare started to happen of a Dark voice calling in his dreams. "Brother I have found you. I will help you soon." What if it isn't a dream? What if he is being experimented on?

FrozenTide · Others
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Prologue: Log-in

Inside a Doctors Office.

"Doc I can't take this anymore! The dreams won't stop at all. I have been completely sober since I was young. No drugs ever, no narcotics. I am healthy as a horse. I stopped reading all fantasy books as you said. I do exercise now as a relaxer. I have followed the guidelines you have laid out. What the hell else is there?" The young man asked his doctor.

"You have become fit in the body and your mental scans show more brain activity. You are on your way to better things."

"Better things!" Mr.Gai paced and leaned against the wall. "I don't want better things, I want this to end."

"Mr.Gai it will take time. Please continue as you have been up till now." The doctor said slowly. Her voice was hypnotic causing Mr.Gai to become even more agitated.

A white membrane of energy circled around Mr.Gai. The doctor willed him back to the couch and had him place his hands on the desk. With a slight magical nudge, all of his frustration started coming to the surface.

'Let's see how strong you are at 10%' The doctor said to herself. With that she released her hold on him.

"I can't!" Mr.Gai yelled as he smashed his hands into the table destroying it. The glass instead of scattering turned it to dust pieces with a dark glow to it.

"The dreams have gotten worse! It is harder to control myself. The lines between my dreams and reality are too blurry when I wake up. I almost broke a guys nose when I saw him in my yard." Mr.Gai said voice strained with rage. He did not even notice what he had done.

The doctor looked intrigued at the damage. 'I was wrong to make him train like a Sword wielder. His Magical power is more of a potent asset.'

She no longer took notes in her chair and sat straight up.

"Mr.Gai. Tell me what happened exactly. Sharing it with me always makes it better does it not?" The doctor said as she leaned forward grabbing his hand to calm him down.

Clear energy passed from her hands down his wrist to his chest. This cause Mr.Gai to sit down and recite the events slowly and softly.

"I was traveling the campsite when bandits attacked this time. The illness started to act up again. Black liquid came out every time I coughed. The guards that were assigned to me left me there." Mr.Gai said dryly.

His doctor continued staring at him.

"One of the bandits swung his axe at me. It connected right in my chest. When I woke up I had this mark." Opening his shirt he revealed a cut along his torso.

Mr.Gai moved his hands as if he was trying to keep the wound from opening. All along on his body, other markings were visible. Some shallow some deep.

Animal cuts down to his midriff. A hoof mark on his shoulder. Along with his ribs, faded burn marks could be seen. Mr.Gai continued to speak telling his tale.

"Dong, dong." The old clock in the corner sounded off.

"Mr.Gai relax." The doctor said as she moved her hands slowly in front of his face. The white energy passed from her fingertips putting Mr.Gai to sleep. She then stood up and walked to her desk grabbing a phone from a lockbox.

"We have found a candidate for that 'place'. I have finished all testing that was possible and doubled my efforts. Any more of the drug and we risk brain damage."


"Yes. The pull effects are at the highest level. Most likely 97% synchro rate during transmigration. The only downside his soul is pulling to one location already. There are no others to go there that I have seen. Elibe has a small presence for us and is damn near useless for us."

"Yes, I understand. But.. no… I can see their concern. We will have to use what we have. I vote for his immersion. No since in letting his potential be squandered. If he has enough strength we can send him through a door later to another land.


"Of, course. The only concern I have is his mark. It feels like Grima. Which makes no sense. Especially considering Grima never stepped there. I will restore all his memories as a gamer and reader. I will also return his likes and dislikes.


"Of course I will plant the plans as they are needed. Funding his gear and life will be easy once I rewrite his memories.

"I will begin at once." The doctor finished as she placed the phone back in the lock box. "Alright, Mr.Gai just enough time to restore you back to normal."

Two hours later.

"Sorry about falling asleep doc. What were you saying?" Mr.Gai asked.

"I was saying this new prescription will flush your system and fix you back to normal. No more aches or pains. And no more headaches." The doctor said as she handed him a slip.

"Thanks. Until next time." Mr.Gai said grabbing his coat.

"Remember to enjoy your vacation. You deserve it." The doctor said as she closed the door.

Inside the room, she closed the curtains and walked to her office bathroom. Stepping in front of the sink a magic circle appeared.

"Whoosh." In an instant, she was gone.

Back with Mr.Gai

Mr.Gai walked home in a daze. He went to the store picked up his prescription and walked home.

Half the trip he couldn't even remember how he arrived from point a to point b. As soon as he walked into his house before he could get settled in there was a knock on the door.

"Knock, knock." Mr.Gai opened the door and stared at the guy.

"Here you go, sir. Have a nice day." The Ups guy said. "Oh man glad to have you gaming again. Still, don't know how this was in my truck. But it had your name on it. Later Jules see you online." He said walking away.

Running through the house Jules runs into the kitchen to fix up a full health mix. If anyone was there to see, they would notice his eyes were glazed over. He was moving out of his own control. While he waited for the mix to blend he opened the box containing the new game he received.

"Fire Emblem: Warlord Nations" the cover had written. "Limited edition" at the bottom.

"Ugh," at that Jules threw up in the sink. "Kuff, kuff."

"What the hell are these meds doing to me? I understand it's supposed to clean my system but still… No matter guess I should finish up with a little cleanup." Jules said. Looking over he saw the game.

"What the hell is this?"

Grabbing his head he rubbed his temples. Opening the case he looked over the material while he cleaned up the kitchen.

"Ding" the shake was finished. Walking over he grabbed the pitcher and food packet.

Jules walked to his den and started to attach the pieces that came with the game to the chair console. A new eye simulate as well as wrist and ankle nerve receivers. Giving everything a diagnostic he placed the cartridge inside and sat in the chair.

"Recalibrating due to lack of use and body change. Will take ten minutes to adjust." The chair said from the headrest.

"Guess it has been awhile," Jules said. "Why did I stop playing games again? Tch guess I need to talk to the doctor about memory loss next visit.

Placing the new eye simulate over his own he relaxed in the hub center. Looking through his messages he went through the different messages and responded as he could. After finishing that he checked his net connection and subscription status.

"Huh, paid service for a year. Alright did not know any company who did that anymore." Looking over he clicked on the Limited edition bonus content.

(Comes with a special scenario as well as limited class. Free perks as you play. Only available in PVE Mode.)

"Glad I usually play PVE. The game should be done by now." Looking over Jules saw the game was ready to launch.

"Alright let's log in then." With that, he was transported from the lobby to the rules and the character creation screen.

Displayed before him was a list of rules and a description of the statistics.

Rule 1. Death is not permanent. Each death results in a loss of stat points as well as overall health. True death is achieved by execution.

Rule 2. There is a technology barrier. If the User attempts to skyrocket the technology level it will result in increase difficulty.

Rule 3. Obey the law or obtain enough strength to ignore it. Good luck Warlord.

Advice 1. The weapon triangle can be negated with raw skill.

Advice 2. Experience is the best thing around. Never miss out on training.

Advice 3. Be careful who you kill they may have family that wants you dead.

Advice 4. Be wary of Faction tensions.

Advice 5. Dead fighter cant spend attribute points no sense in hoarding them.

Str- Strength: Determines how much physical output comes from the body. Determines lift ability.

Mag- Magic: Determines how much magical output comes from the body. Determines the magical shock pool.

Skill- Fighting Skill: Determines a unit's skill with a weapon. Also determines how likely it is to land a blow. As well as the learning curve for abilities.

Spd- Speed: Affects the probability of evading or being evaded. Determines the rate of fire.

Lck- Luck: Affects finding items, springing traps, ability activating. Also helps to negate critical.

Def- Defense skill: Reduces damage from weapons.

Res- Resistance: magical resistance reduces the damage from magical attacks. Reduces the damage from magical area of effect.

Mve- Move: Movement Distance you can travel. Walk/Sprint/Run value.

Con- Constitution: Determines innate stature. Provides bonuses to health. For every 2 points plus 5 to health.

Aid- Aid: affects a unit's ability to assist a target if they are rescues by them.

Trv- Travel: Terrain bonus and minuses.

Affin- Elemental Affinity: Determines compatibility with others on the battlefield. Off the battlefield determines interactions and disposition.

Cond- condition: Displays current state.

Atk- Attack: Determines the amount of damage with current conditions.

Hit- Accuracy: Determines the chance to land an action based on current conditions.

Rng- Range: Weapon range of the current weapon.

Crit- Critical: Chance of critical with current conditions.

Avd- Avoid: Affects ability to dodge current attacks.

"That's a lot. A little different from the games of old. "Jules said reading the list again. Closing that out he looked towards the character creation.

The system chair had already scanned his body from his nerve distance as well as the chairs scanners. The neck supporter already pulled his body specs in. Medical file and Dental all green as well.

Advice 6. Users are allowed to change their body structure by up to 15%. Hair and eye color do not count. Game law 03.21 is still in effect.

Clicking on exact facial likeness Jules waited for the rest of the character options to appear. He was surprised about the next prompt.

(Character creation is done. Ready to transfer to the scenario?)

"What the?... I can't change anything. My face the same fine, but I can't do my hair. Ah, guess bald it is then."

Arriving Jules finds himself in a broken down castle. The walls, for the most part, are gone and spider webs are displayed all over. The worst part about it was the bandages around his chest. A pair of chains were around his feet. With a ball attached. A small fire was burning with a bandit guard standing watch. Sleeping watch anyway.

(Escape capture Quest 1.)

"Oh, what the frak is this!?" Jules questioned to himself completely dazed. "The rules said what again? … to access my inventory and whatnot I just think it."

'Alright inventory!' With that thought, Jules had the contents of his inventory visible in his mind's eye.

All the items had a lock on them. He was unable to draw anything out or view it. Thinking to himself he attempted to open a maintenance ticket.

(Unable to open during Tutorial mode.)

'Oh for Pete's sake!' Jules thought angrily. 'Should I just log out?'

A strange sensation passed through his head preventing him from doing that.

'No I will get out of here. Haven't gotten back into games just to quit after starting.' Jules thought before grabbing the ball and walking forward.

He noticed there was a bandit sleeping not too far from him. Walking forward he raised the ball and dropped it right on top of the man's head.

(Target dead)

(Instant Kill, double xp, stealth kill, Bonus xp for killing above your level.)


Black balls of light traveled towards Jules. The experience flowed into his subconsciousness and melded in. Reaching into the man's pocket he found the key to free himself. The rest of the items dropped into his inventory.

'Lets change the settings. Full exp visible only. I will only need the breakdown when checking the logs.' Jules changed the setting then moved to behind a wall with his chain ball. Climbing up the collapsed surface he reached the top of the collapsed area.

'What the hell is this plus one crap?' Jules kept mentally clicking it to no avail.

This gave him a vantage point to see who would come in as he rested trying to figure out what to do next.

"What the hell was that? You two check outside to make sure those guards aren't snooping around." A big burly bandit said. "You with me." He said pointing to another bandit.

"Boss, are you sure it's worth it. These Noble are treacherous. What's to stop them from killing us after?" A bandit questioned.

Stopping his boss turned to look at him.

"They can try, but from what I hear. They have been trying to kill him for a while. We are doing them a favor the way I see it." The boss said walking away.

'Damn body feels like crap. Chest hurts, and I have no items. What else can go wrong now?' Jules thought to himself.

At that, the bandit boss walked in with his subordinate.

'Well, shit! Time to improvise.' Jules thought.

Throwing the ball down at the smaller guy he jumped down with the chain in his hand.

"Splat," the iron ball made a sickening sound as it landed.

(Target defeated)

"By the guild! What the hell is happening?!" The bandit leader exclaimed as he looked up right and jumped in time to be caught around the throat.

Jules landed right after the boss jumped away from his subordinate. Wrapping the chain around the bosses neck, he pulled back with his knees in the mans back. With all his strength he pulled with his arms crossed around the man's neck.

"Erkkk, let me go whelpling!" The bandit leader said before he started to gasp for breath. Talking was not a smart move when you had a wrap around your neck.

"Shh, it'll be ok just lay down and die for me," Jules whispered in his ears. With that, he grabbed the mans neck and started to bite down while he regripped the chain shortening the slack. Biting harder as the man struggled to get free.

"Schlrp," the skin gave way and started to bleed out. Jules latched on again and ripped at the man's skin again.

The bandit leader rolled them over trying to get Jules off of him. Landing near the fire he tried to angle into the pit to no avail.

Both landed into the pit with Jules still on top.

"Pl..ea.. plea se spare me..." The bandit leader pleaded.

"Should not have kidnapped me. This is for the mark on my chest." Jules said as he pushed the bandit leader's head into the burning wood pieces.

Over and over again he kept bashing the man's head in. He was not gonna stop until the targeted defeated popped up.

(Target defeated)

(Level up!)

A big ball of dark balls poured into Jules. Some of his wounds healed and felt a little better. Stepping out of the pit Jules looked around. Seeing two more bandits he grabbed a burning branch from the pit and charged at the nearest bandit. He went straight towards the one with his mouth open and swung. The other bandit ran for his life.

"Damn you!" The bandit screamed as he reached for his knife. His other hand went up to guard against the burning branch.

Removing the knife the bandit thrust forward. Jules caught the man knife hand under his arm. Getting close he stabbed the remnants of the burning branch into the man's face.

The pieces went into the man's eyes burning them out or bashing them into the man's skull. Piercing his face with the branch the man let go and pushed Jules away.

"Argh!!" The bandit screamed. "I will kill you!" Swinging wildly the bandit started to slow down from the blood loss.

Jules circled around and pushed the man into the pit next to his dead boss. Walking over to the other bandit and picked up the iron ball. Walking back he dropped it on the man as he climbed out.

(Target defeated.)

(4/5 targets defeated. Escape capture Quest completed.)

(Level Up.)

(Restrictions 1 have been removed.)

'Ugh, this game is really hard. But fun. I feel so good here for some reason.' Jules thought to himself. 'Realism is way up there though. Did I turn on auto loot?'

Checking his inventory he noticed some more items in place. However, there was a cooldown on his other items.

'What the hell is it now? This game is seriously bugged. I am gonna log out for now.' Jules thought to himself as he activated the command phrase.

"Alright, let's log out then. I can check the character in the dashboard."

With that Jules was back at the dashboard.

"Let's see where I am. Class: Noble Sword Mage

Affiliation: High Noble of Bern ...

...Bern! Whats the year damn it!!"

Oh, what now?!"

He had a bunch of notifications going off.

Had an urge to write about the first Fire Emblem I played.

Next Chapter will be about the character piecing some things togethor.

If it wasn't caught in the beginning the character is under major hypnosis.

FrozenTidecreators' thoughts